PARADOX FOR WINDOWS PROGRAMMING UTILITIES ***************************************** ***************** (c)1993 A.J. REES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ***************** Legal: The enclosed utilities (enumsrc.fdl, strctool.fdl & timer.fdl) are the intellectual property of: Andrew J. REES 12 Donald Street ST MARYS 5042 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Compuserve 100237,202 They are distributed as shareware, and the usual guidelines apply. That is to say, you can use them for 30 days, free of charge. If you find them useful and want to keep on using them, you have to pay a registration fee of $15. You have to accept ALL responsibility for using these utilities. In particular, be warned that the database structure tool strctool.fdl, creates some .db files which UNCONDITIONALLY overwrite any files of the same name, and enumsrc.fdl UNCONDIIONALLY overwrites any file called objsource.txt in your :PRIV: directory. It is therefore your responsibility to make back up copies of information on your system to prevent loss or damage (of any kind whatsoever) The writer of the software will not be liable for any damage of any kind, however caused, whether by the use or misuse of the software or by any other cause. USER GUIDE: I think that the utilities are pretty self explanatory. In each case, they need to be loaded into the directory where you keep the files you want to test/examine. ENUMSRC.FDL =========== Enumsrc.fdl lets you use a pop-up-menu to find fsl's and then enumerates the source code to a .txt file. The utility also lets you view the file. As is usually the case, you need to have a directory with an alias :PRIV: The utility creates a file called objsource.txt. Be warned! If you already have a file by this name, it will be unconditionally be over- written. STRCTOOL.FDL ============ Strctool.fdl creates a .db which shows you either the full or a shortened description of the structure of any other .db file. TIMER.FDL ========= Timer.fdl times either the single loading of a Pdowin form (.fsl or .fdl) or provides an average of 10 loadings of the same form REGISTRATION ============ As previously stated, these utilities are not free. The $15 registration fee is in Australian Dollars and should be sent to Andrew J. REES 12 Donald Street ST MARYS 5042 SOUTH AUSTRALIA CORRESPONDENCE ============== If you want to discuss any aspect of these utilities, feel free to correspond, either on COMPUSERVE or by E-Mail (As "Andy REES" - ADAM BBS is my local, and very good it is too!) Alternately, you can write to the above street address.