RE v2.0 (c) Christophe Mes 1993 ************************************************************************ TO ENABLE THE ICON-BUTTON INSTEAD OF THE FIRST-LETTER START RE WITH: ..\re.exe ICON ************************************************************************ !!!! If you already have an re.ini (from version 1, DELETE it to avoid some problems!!!! RESETUP: Enter the name of the directory where RE has to reside. The directory where the .vbx are copied should not be changed (but you can if you wan't to). Enter your name, it will be burned in RE.exe. Files will be copied and when a file exists RESETUP will tell you. It will NOT be copied unless it is: re.exe or re.hlp. You should ensure that the threed.vbx you have (if it already exists) is of a newer date than the one supplied. If not expand thread.vb_ manually. The other program should not have any problems with that since vbx's are downward compatible. Then RESETUP lets you add RE to your startupgroup. If you do RE will start every time you enter Windows. At the end you can restart windows or just exit RESETUP. The first time you should read the helpfile. (YOU CAN ALWAYS ACCESS THE HELP FILE BY PRESSING F1 WHEN RE HAS FOCUS) Other versions: RE v1.0 was only released in Belgium. No significant bugs found. New: * Improved Quickmouse; now scrolls much much much nicer! * Overall improved speed * bug in help file * small logic error in the config * improved looks * added layout feature * smaller easier buttons * better caption with menu and minimize button * possible use of icons instead of first letters (not really recommended when you have a nive bmp as background) * possibility to zap from Virtual Screen with minimized icon of RE * menus * always on top or not * Virtual Screen management * nice visualisation of resources RE 2.0 has been tested on: DX 486-33 - DX 386-33, 20MB ram, 200MB WD Caviar, ATI Graphics Ultra at following resolutions: 640*460,800*600 and 1024*768. WfWGroups network. DX2 486-66 16MB ram, 200MB WD Caviar, Paradise Acc. Card with Windows 3.1 DX 486-50 200 MB WD Caviar, Paradise Acc. Card with Win 3.1/Novell 3.11 Contents zip file (zipped with PKZIP 2.04g): resetup.exe the setup program read_me.txt this re.ex_ the exe file, what else... re.hl_ the help file (place this in your windows directory) threed.vb_ vbx for the 3D effects subez.vb_ subclassing vbx the *.xx_ files are compressed using compress.exe from Microsoft and can be decompressed using expand, resetup.exe does this automatically. Warranty can be found in the helpfile. BTW RE v2.0 CAN ONLY BE RUN ON A WINDOWS VERSION > 3.1. IT WILL **NOT** RUN ON A SYSTEM WITH WIN 3.0. That's all. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last minute changes that are NOT in the help file !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Added feature "Autoload layout". You can now choose a layout in the config that will be automatically loaded when you start RE. The pulldownlist in the config will show you the possible layouts. * Added browse button with the (Config) Workingdirectory-Textbox. If you select a *file* with the browse option in the config, the directory where the file resides becomes the workingdirectory. * Removed feature: Tasklist would normally unload when you click outside the tasklist window (just like MicroSofts Tasklist). Due to some problems I removed this feature. The TaskList will always remain on top but will not automatically disappear. Therefore you might need to close and reopen the TaskList in certain conditions to get a refresh of the list. * Tried to make it as foolproof as possible. * when you stop using Re all the programs in the VS will be moved to the 'normal' desktop window. * There's a problem when you Use the Open item from the menu of Write for ex. and then move write with the TaskList. The Open-window (which is NOT from Write but is a window from commdlg.dll) will rermain where it is. Because this window is Modal (you cannot go to write unless the window is closed) you should not move a program when there is a dialogwindow open. Close it first and then move the application. * With the resourceform you can choose small. A visual representation of the resources is shown. Press Big to enlarge or choose the minbutton to minimize. A - is shown when the resources have gone down (less free) or a + the other way. Every 6 sec the largest available mem is show on the Big-Button. When you choose the small version of resources, the form is ALWAYS on top. The large version is a normal window. * Found the way to speed up the Quickmouse * RE saves it's position on exit and restores that when you restart it. * some minor buggies * Maybe something else I forgot......................... O, if you have an ini from the previous version you should delete it before you start Re2.0. If you keep it there should be no problem but just to be shure.... RE v2.0b * fixed bug in listbox that loads the run... items.