********** Important ******************** Important ****************** For Users of Earlier versions of Dr TimeClock: Dr TimeClock version 3.0 has now changed its DATA FILE format from earlier versions. For this reason you can NOT use old data files with Version 3.0 and MUST delete Dr TimeClock versions 1.X from your system COMPLETELY or install the new version into a different directory than version 1.X Do not install version 3.0 ONTOP of Version 1.X Failure to do this will result in the Program CRASHING. Since you will not have future access to the old times of your employees it is reccomended that you print out all time sheets until you are current and then do the new installation. Of course you may back up the directory of the old version of Dr Timeclock just in case you need to refer back. To delete the old program completely do the following: 1) Go to the File Manager in MS Windows. 2) Select the directory that contains the earlier version of Dr TimeClock 3) From the File menu select Select Files. Use the default mask (*.*) and click on Select then Close. All of the files in the directory should be highlighted. 4) Click on delete. 5) Proceed with the Installation of Dr TimeClock. Dr TimeClock version 3.0 does not use your Win.ini file. Therefore you should delete previous entries in Win.ini as follows (you should make a backup copy of your Win.ini file before you edit it just in case ...) 1) Start the NotePad accessory. 2) In your Windows directory (usually c:\windows) find the WIN.INI file and open it. 3) Search for the [DrTime] section 4) Delete all of the [DrTime] section and save your Win.ini file (the [DrTime] section extends from the [DrTime] title to the next title enclosed in brackets.) For example: [drawdib] display.drv=MMTLLO.DRV 640x480x8 Result8=15 Result16=0 Result24=1 this is what you ------------>[DrTime] remove ------------->punch=c:\drtime\ [colors] Background=0 128 128 AppWorkspace=0 128 64 Window=255 255 255 WindowText=0 0 0 Note that if you were to not remove the Win.ini reference nothing will happen. Dr TimeClock 3.0 just doesn't use it. Windows loads your Win.ini file at startup and the bigger it is the longer it takes to start Windows. Try to keep it as small as possible to keep things efficient !