Pipe-It for Windows Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1993, Mark A. Hallerman All rights reserved. ****************** README.TXT ****************** This file contains important information you will need to know upon installing and using Pipe-It for Windows. This self-extracting EXE file conatins the following files: PIPEIT.EXE - Pipe-It for Windows executable. PIPEUTIL.DLL - Pipe-It for Windows dynamic link library. CMDIALOG.VBX - Pipe-It for Windows accessory file. MSCOMM.VBX - Pipe-It for Windows accessory file. MSMASKED.VBX - Pipe-It for Windows accessory file. THREED.VBX - Pipe-It for Windows accessory file. MSAFINX.DLL - Pipe-It for Windows accessory file. README.TXT - This text file. In additon, you will need the VBRUN300.DLL file located in the MS BASIC forum on CompuServe in Library 5. The file name is VBRUN3.ZIP Place the self-extracting .exe file in a new subdirectory and run to extract the files. Make an program icon for Pipe-It for Windows in a Program Manager group. Make the subdirectory the icon's "Working Directory". Run the PIW.EXE file ============================================================= REGISTRATION INFORMATION Pipe-It for Windows is ShareWare. TO REGISTER: Send a check or money order for $19 (US) payable to Mark A. Hallerman, to: Mark A. Hallerman 200 East 71st Street Apt. 9B New York, NY 10021 You will then receive a copy of Pipe-It for Windows electronically over CompuServe with no 20 day trial restriction. Also, you will recieve application updates and enhancements as they are released. I can be reached via Compuserve: Compuserve ID: 72154,201 ========================================================================== Pipe-It for Windows License Agreement ========================================================================== Your use of Pipe-It for Windows indicates your acceptance of the following terms and conditions: Pipe-It for Windows ("the Software") is licensed by Mark A. Hallerman. Shareware license. You may not distribute Pipe-It for Windows in any way. For a period of no more than 20 days, you may use and test the enclosed version of the Software. Thereafter if you wish to continue using the Software you must register the Software with Mark A. Hallerman, or else you must cease all use of the Software. Registered User License. If you pay the registration fee for the Software , Mark A. Hallerman will grant a license for one natural person to use one copy of the software regardless if the owner of the license is a person or a business ("the Licensee"). Disclaimer of Warranties. Mark A. Hallerman makes no claims as to the suitability of the software for any specific purpose. Mark A. Hallerman DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Mark A. Hallerman be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the Software, including without limitation any direct, indirect or consequential damages or any damages for business interruption, loss of profits, loss of information, or any pecuniary loss even if Mark A. Hallerman has been notified of the possibility of such damages. The limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages may not be allowed in some states, and in these states those particular prohibited limitations do not apply. Copyright Information The Software is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, and by the copyright laws of many other countries pursuant to international treaties. No portion of the Software may be copied, stored, or transmitted. Other services, brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.