On-Top Calculator Release Notes: -------------------------------- This is a very short doc, since On-Top Calculator's use is obvious! I designed On-Top Calculator to look like a *real* hand-held calculator (like the ones they're always giving away with magazine subscriptions, etc.) instead of like a Windows program. Thus, no min/max buttons, system icon, etc. If you need to get it out of the way temporarily, just drag it down off the screen until just the title bar is showing. It'll still stay "on top" and you can still switch to it with the ALT-TAB or CTRL-ESC keys. Also, just like a *real* calculator, hit "OFF" to put it away instead of File-Exit or some other malarkey. The only known bug (so far) is that there is some rounding error in calculations with long decimal runouts. This is due to the internal data type that is used for the numbers, and if enough people complain I'll fix it, though it means rewriting a lot of the program. To see this bug, enter 8 divided by 9 then multiply the result back by 9 again. Instead of 8, you get 8.0000000001. (Actually, this "bug" makes the calculator a lot like the "el cheapo" giveaway calculators I'm trying to simulate! Four out of five that I tested did the same thing, so maybe I'll leave it in anyway, as a "feature" ). Comments, suggestions, complaints and (of course) $9.95 registrations are appreciated! Remember to see the "About" box for more info, too. -John Colletti c/o QualiType 29209 Northwestern Hwy #611 Southfield, MI 48034 CompuServe 70672,2335 ----------------------------------------------------------------------