--------------------------------------------- tm C Y B E R C U L T U R E M A G A Z I N E --------------------------------------------- CYBER CULTURE is a fully-graphical hypertext magazine for Windows. We don't want to tell you everything here, but we will tell you how to get it running on your system. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== You will need any computer that runs Windows 3.1 in VGA or any higher video mode. If you haven't deleted any Windows system files or removed the standard TrueType fonts, you are set! If you want sound bytes and you downloaded CC, make sure you have a "CS####.ZIP" along with the "CC####.ZIP" file. If you received a diskette, don't worry -- you've got the sounds! NOTE: you cannot run the "go" executable from a DOS screen or window -- you must use a Windows program to launch it (see below). TO RUN FROM A DOWNLOAD ====================== 1. Open "Program Manager" or "File Manager" 2. Select the "Run" option from the "File" menu 3. Type the path where you extracted the files to followed by "go" like this: c:\dir\GO and click OK. TO RUN FROM A DISKETTE ====================== If we sent it, read the label. Otherwise: 1. Open "Program Manager" or "File Manager" 2. Select the "Run" option from the "File" menu 3. Type A:GO (substitute B: if necessary) and click OK. ADD AN ICON TO YOUR PROGRAM MANAGER =================================== It's pretty easy -- just press F1 inside your Program Manager. Search through the help file for "Adding an Icon ..." and follow the instructions. If you are using another shell, consult it's manual or help file. LEGAL NOTICE / LIMITED LICENSE ============================== Contents are Copyright (C) 1993 CreatiVision Publishing Corp. All rights are reserved. You may distribute this issue freely so long as you do not charge for it (except for online service charges). If you intend to charge customer for it (or distributing it), you will need to get our permission first by calling (US) 817/633-7240. CYBER CULTURE is TM CreatiVision Publishing Corp. All other trademarks are owned by their respective trademark holders.