DOCUMENT:Q100209 23-AUG-1993 [W_NT] TITLE :INF: Windows NT Driver Library PRODUCT :Windows NT PROD/VER:3.10 OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT operating system, version 3.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= Microsoft provides the files in the Microsoft Windows NT Driver Library (WNTDL). Files in the WNTDL support many printers, displays, sound cards, and network card adapters that the Windows NT 3.1 release does not support directly. If you have a modem, the drivers are available at no charge on CompuServe, GEnie, Microsoft OnLine, and the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL). However, note that standard connect-time fees and long-distance telephone charges, if any, apply when you download files. When you connect to any of these services, please read the WNTDL.TXT file for downloading instructions and a complete list of the devices that the WNTDL supports. The phone number for the MSDL is (206) 936-MSDL (6735). There is no connect-time charge to use the MSDL. On CompuServe, the WNTDL is in the Microsoft Software Library, which you can access by typing "go msl" (without quotation marks) at any CompuServe system prompt. On the GEnie and Microsoft OnLine systems, the WNTDL is in the Microsoft Software Library. If you do not have access to a modem, you can obtain an individual driver from the WDL on a disk by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098. The text below presents the complete text of the WNTDL.TXT file distributed with WNTDL. MORE INFORMATION ================ The Microsoft Windows NT Driver Library (WNTDL) contains device drivers for printers, displays, audio devices, storage devices, and network card adapters. These drivers enable these devices to run with the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. As new and updated drivers become available, they will be added to the WNTDL. This WNTDL.TXT file includes a list of all the devices supported by the drivers in the WNTDL and instructions for downloading the drivers. This file is updated on a regular basis. Note: All the drivers included in this library are intended for use with Windows NT. Instructions for Downloading ---------------------------- 1. Locate your device in the listing included at the end of this WNTDL.TXT file. Note the name of the file listed next to the device. You need to download this file from your download service. 2. If you are downloading to a floppy disk, you need to have a formatted, blank disk. If you are downloading to your hard disk, create a new subdirectory in which you will place the files. CAUTION: Do not download files directly into your main Windows NT directory. Doing so could overwrite files essential to the proper operation of your system. 3. Follow the downloading procedure used by your downloading service. The file you download is the executable or program (.EXE) file that you identified in step 1. This file contains all the files you need to support your device. Download the .EXE file to your floppy disk or to the new subdirectory you created on your hard disk. 4. Change to the floppy disk drive (or the subdirectory on your hard disk) that contains the .EXE file. At the MS-DOS prompt, type the filename, and then press ENTER. When the .EXE file finishes running, all the files you need to support your device, such as a .DRV file and an OEMSETUP.INF file, are set up. You are also provided with a .TXT file that contains instructions for installing the device drivers (or other software) and a licensing agreement. If you have problems extracting files, try downloading the files again. Obtaining Drivers on Disk ------------------------- If you do not have a modem, you can obtain individual Windows drivers on disk by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098. WINDOWS NT DRIVER LIBRARY CONTENTS ================================== Most Current Audio File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current CD-ROM File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Creative Labs Sound Blaster CD-ROM MKECR.EXE 8/20/93 Panasonic CR52x CD-ROM MKECR.EXE 8/20/93 Panasonic CR56x CD-ROM MKECR.EXE 8/20/93 Most Current CPU File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Display File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compaq AVGA 640x480 16 Colors CPAVGA.EXE 8/20/93 Compaq AVGA 640x480 256 Colors CPAVGA.EXE 8/20/93 Compaq AVGA 800x600 256 Colors CPAVGA.EXE 8/20/93 Most Current Miscellaneous File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Network Card Adapters File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Printers A-G File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Printers H-O File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Printers P-Z File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Current Storage File to Download .EXE File Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM 2-GB 4mm Tape Drive IBM4MM.EXE 8/20/93 Sony 31A MIPS S31AM.EXE 8/20/93 Sony 31A X86 S31X86.EXE 8/20/93 Trantor T348 Mini SCSI Plus T348.EXE 8/20/93 Additional reference words: 3.10 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1993.