This is an updated version of CTL3DPAS. It now supports all features of version 2.04 of CTL3D.DLL and the new CTL3DV2.DLL which are included. The use of CTL3DS.LIB and CTL3DD.OBJ is not supported by PASCAL. The files of CTL3DPAS show the use of CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL with Borland Pascal or Turbo Pascal for Windows. CTL3D.PAS and CTL3DV2.PAS are units that lets you use the libraries CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL from Microsoft with PASCAL. SAMPLE3D.PAS is the Pascal version of SAMPLE3D.C from Microsoft. It shows the use of the unit CTL3D.PAS.