FTaskman 1.15 - Taskmanager-Replacement for Windows 3.1 (c) 1993 bei Andreas Furrer ======================================================= This is version 1.15 of FTaskman. FTaskman is a replacement for the taskmanager of Windows 3.1 FTaskman has the following additional functions to the normal taskmanager - display the icons of all tasks (switchable) - multiselection -> e.g. end several tasks - show also invisible tasks (switchable) - minimize other tasks when 'Switch to' - new commands: + minimize selected tasks + minimize all tasks with the exception of the selected + minimize all tasks + start applications + terminate tasks abruptly + set tasks invisible or visible + set tasks stay on top or delete stay on top + tile windows horizontally or vertically + arrange only selected windows There is an english and a german version of FTaskman. For the german version please read FTASKMAN.TXG. Installation of FTaskman: ========================= - To use the german version of FTaskman you have to rename FTASKMAN.EXG in FTASKMAN.EXE. - Copy FTASKMAN.EXE in your windows directory (or any directory you want) - Add the following line to the section [Boot] of the file SYSTEM.INI: TASKMAN.EXE=C:\WINDOWS\FTASKMAN.EXE (If you don't have copied FTASKMAN.EXE in the directory C:\WINDOWS change this path to the name of the directory in which you have copied FTASKMAN.EXE!) - If you want to use the library CTL3D.DLL (see below), you have to copy the file CTL3D.DLL into the directory Windows\System. But don't override a newer version of CTL3D.DLL. Commands of FTaskman ==================== - Switch to: show selected tasks and activate the first of the seleted - End Task(s) end selected tasks - Cancel close taskman without doing anything - Minimize task(s) minimize selected tasks - Minimize others minimize all tasks with the exception of the selected - Minimize all minimize all tasks - Cascade cascade all mainwindows - Tile vertical tile mainwindows vertical - Tile horizontal tile mainwindows horizontal - Show invisible show invisible tasks - Arrange only selected tasks if you select one of the three arrange functions 'Cascade', 'Tile vertical' or 'Tile horizontal' only the selected tasks will be arranged. This option has no meaning to the function 'Arrange icons'. - v show extented dialog - Arrange icons arrange desktop icons - Task(s) invisible set selected tasks invisible - Task(s) visible set selected tasks visible - Task(s) on Top set selected tasks stay on top - Task(s) not on Top clear stay on top of selected tasks - Kill Task(s) terminate the selected task(s) abruptly ATTENTION: Use this command only if you can't close the task(s) with the 'End task' command! - Run show a dialog from where an application could be started. You can't specify parameters for the application! - Options show options dialog - About show version number and copyright information Options dialog: - Show icons in tasklist - Default: show invisible - Default: show full dialog - Default: Arrange only selected tasks - Minimize other tasks when 'Switch to' If you switch to one or more tasks with 'Switch to', all other tasks will be minimized - Close only after 'Switch to' and 'End Task' FTaskman will only close if you select 'Switch to', 'End Task' or 'Cancel'. With this option you can do some functions of FTaskman without starting FTaskman again after each operation. - Save position on exit The position of FTaskman will be saved so the next time FTaskman will start at the same position - Sort tasks Lets you choose if the tasklist will not be sorted, sorted alphabetically or will be sorted reverse alphabetically. - Place invisible tasks You can place invisible tasks at the top or at the bottom of the tasklist You can also access each command with a popup menu, if you press the right mouse button in the task listbox. Invisible tasks will be marked with a '¤'. The tasklist will not show tasks which have no title, because the standard taskmanager also don't show them and there are a lot of untiteled windows which your system uses for internal things. FTaskman will use the CTL3D library from Microsoft to let the dialog controls look 3 dimensional. If you don't like this look add UseCtl3d=0 to the section [FTaskMan] in WIN.INI. Freeware-Note ============= You can use and distribute FTaskman free, as long as the following files are not changed and you distribute all files together - ftaskman.exe - ftaskman.exg - ftaskman.txt - ftaskman.txg I am programming FTaskman because I have fun and not to make any profit. That's why FTaskman is free and you don't have to pay more or less high registration charges. I think it is a bad habit, that more and more program authors want to have money even for the smallest programs. Long live the Freeware! If you have problems, comments, suggestions or you detect one error, please E-Mail to s_furrer@ira.uka.de (c) 1993 by Andreas Furrer Version history ================= 1.15: - Fixed a bug with the icon of applications which has a dialog as main window (e.g. SETUP.EXE) - Fixed a bug in the dialog 'Run' if you have entered e.g. *.HLP. - Changes in the 'Kill Task' function to make it smaller. - Fixed a documentation bug with the UseCtl3D=0 option. 1.14: - Now the 'Run' command will execute a program if you only enter the name of the program without the extension and also it will now execute programs that aren't in the current path but in the search path. - Fixed a bug with the menu command 'Arrange only selected' 1.13: - Fixed a bug with the command Run if the tasklist was empty 1.12: - New command: Run 1.11: - Fixed a bug with the focus of the listbox (the focus rectangle was not drawn correctly) - Fixed a bug with TABing through the controls of the NOT extended dialog 1.10: - Fixed a bug if all tasks were hidden and you started FTaskman again - Fixed a bug with task switching to an application with an open dialog - Added keyboard support in task listbox: pressing a key will cycle through the applications with a title beginning with the pressed char - Added option to arrange only selected tasks - Added option to place hidden windows at the beginning or at the end of the task list - Added option to close FTaskman only after 'Switch to', 'End Task' or 'Cancel' 1.07: - Added option to sort tasks alphabetically or reverse alphabetically - Added option to save the position of FTaskman - Fixed a bug in the english documentation - Fixed a bug in the dialog procedures 1.06: - New command: Kill Task(s) - Fixed a bug with dialog titles and UseCtl3d=0 1.05: - Now FTaskman supports the new three dimensional titels of dialogs with the new version of CTL3D.DLL. You have to use the Library CTL3D.DLL that comes with this version of FTaskman or a newer one! 1.04: - Fixed a bug with the task listbox - Fixed a bug with UseCtl3d=0 - Now CTL3D.DLL is shipped with FTaskman 1.03: - FTaskman will now be the topmost window - Fixed a bug with command 'Task(s) not on Top' 1.02: - Now FTaskman will use the CTRL3D library from Microsoft to let the dialog controls look 3 dimensional - Error fixed in the english version: exchanged Cascade and Tile 1.01: - If an applicatíon has no icon, FTaskman will display Windows default icon - Error fixed: With a resolution of 640x480 you have not seen the whole extented dialog sometimes 1.00: First version of FTaskman.