Soultions Software Trash.txt for Trash.exe 1.00.07 4/16/93 Upgraded for the March beta Runs on Win32s Should run on Final Read this file from Winner. Remarks 1. This program owes much to various Microsoft sample programs from the SDK, C\C++ 7.0, NT, etc. 2. This is a trash can. Pretty simple. I plan to add sounds and animation. I had it in the 3.1 version. 3. Use the help file for how to use Trash. Instructions The program currently expects the help file to be in your path. We have it in C:\Winnt. NOTE: There is a editable ini file for this program. It holds configuration data for multiple users and multiple programs. It therefore must be named different from normal ini files and is in called SOLUTION.INI. It is in WINNT. It will show up the first time time you do a SAVE SETTINGS from WINNER, or run and then close TRASH or WINDESK. Philosophy/design/zen/etc. This program is an example of drag and drop, file handling functions, and look at QueryEndSession. Soapbox: I feel that since Microsoft gave these programming tools away for free, we should return the favor. As a result these programs are freeware, and we include the source code to encourage others to do the same. If everybody throws up one program, even a small utility, and includes the source, we will build up quite a library. In the same vein I think Microsoft should put this version of the SDK in the public domain, and make their money from fancy things like Application Studio and Visual Basic, and encourage public domain software. This would do it. Off Soapbox. If you have suggestions, bug reports, or wish to philosophize, I am 70621,1521 at Compuserve and schrockk at Delphi.