I apology because i forgot to include the Dot-file This Zip-file contains a dll and some WinWord 2.0 macros which allow to paste anything which is copied to the clipboard directly to your winword text and to directly access the Clipboard. You are free to use and copy this software under the following condition: 1.) no military institution or research group or any imployee from such institution or group may use this software. This software must also not been used in institutions which collaborate which military institution. 2.) The copyright remark in the macros must not be changed or removed 3.) If any modifications are made this must be notified in an remark line inside the macros and also below this text. 4.) This file should be copied with any copy of the software 5.) the Author makes no warranties in any way about this software 6.) You do not blame me because of my English Enjoy it any comments are welcome further development will only be published if i get any comments. The source code of the DLL is available upon request. Alberto Gobbi gobbi@sg1501.chemie.uni-marburg.de BantzerStr. 9 D-35039 Marburg Installation: Copy albdll.dll to your windows\system directory Copy Clipbrd.dot to your winword\ directory You will need bwcc.dll in your Windows\system directory First try: open a new document with clipbrd.dot as definition file you will notice two new icons in the icon bar: Calculator Question mark the question Mark Icon will first open a dialog window and ask for starting information (in the before/after editBox a ^t may be used for a tab). Then it will open a little window and wait until you copy something to the Clipboard from any other application. if this is done it will paste it automatically to the cursorpositon in the text and wait for the next Text copied to the Clipboard. HOW TO EXIT THE HIDE MODE: SWITCH TO WINWORD BY ALT-TAB; ALT-ESC; OR CTRL-ESC THEN SELECT HIDE FROM THE SYSTEM MENU the Calculator icon will build the sum off any numbers which are in the clipboard (separated bye " ", "+" or newlines, or in tablecells) and any numbers in the text you actually highlighted. The Result will be in the Clipboard and on the Status Bar If this works try copying the macros to your Normal.dot file Details: Winword macros: WaitClipboard is the macro which is called by the question Mark icon ClipPlusHighClip is the macro which is called by the calculator-icon CliboardLib is a winbasic library with the function: ClipboardLib.Clipboard$ which returns the actual contend of the Clipboard ClipboardLib.Setclipboard(s$) puts the unformated text s$ to the Clipboard ArithLib is a winbasic library with the function: SumString$(s$) which will convert numbers in the string s$ separated by " ","+" or newlines into numbers separated by "+" MakrosLibis a winbasic library with the function: Ersetze$(q$,e$,d$) which will replace any occurence of e$ in q$ by d$ DLL-Functions WaitClip Lib "albdll.dll" (hwWW As Integer, Precision As Integer, Hide As Integer, SDFocus as Integer) As Integer will open the little window then wait until there is something in the Clipboard round it if you choose so and return to WinWord. Any sequential call to that function in one Macro will retain its position and its roundingprecission and the hidden status. Parameter: hwWW the Handle of the WinwordWindow (look at macros) Precision the ComboboxItem (0=Pause) only for the first Call in one macro, give negative values to force also at any further call. Hide 1=Hide 0=Do not hide, only for the first call in one Macro SDFocus in winword 0 if the focus is not set back to the foreign application after you copied something to the clipboard try using 1 Return values: -257 error in OpenClipboard() -1 - -12 User Selected Cancel/close and -1-ret = ComboboxItem 0-11 Normal exit (after Clipboard was filled) ret= ComboBoxItem HOW TO EXIT THE HIDE MODE: SWITCH TO WINWORD BY ALT-TAB; ALT-ESC; OR CTRL-ESC THEN SELECT HIDE FROM THE SYSTEM MENU PutClipboard Lib "albdll.dll"(Str As String) As Integer Will put the text in str into the Clipboard and return != 0 if OK. RoundString Lib "albdll.dll"(Str As String, Prec As Integer) As String Will round the string str to give a number with prec digits after the "." and give the rounded string back. the string must have at least the number of characters which the result will have. Any nonNumerical character will be erased. Look at the macros for examples on ho3 to use the functions