THE MUTUAL FUND TRACKER, VERSION 3.6d DISK VENDOR AND SYSOP INFORMATION Category: Financial, Business, Stock Market, Mutual Funds One-line Description: The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d. Technical Analysis for Mutual Funds. Short-Description: Please read the FILE_ID.DIZ file for a short description. Archive Name to be Used in a BBS Listing: MFTRA36D.??? Requirements: IBM or Compatible Computer, DOS 3.0 or Higher, 640k of RAM Options: Dot-Matrix or LaserJet Printer, Hard Disk, Color Monitor Registration: $30.00 There are also data subscriptions and automatic update options available at additional cost. Thank you for reviewing The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d, for distribution. We feel that those who receive it from you will find it a very powerful and useful program. The Mutual Fund Tracker is a very popular program and we provide tech support on a number of on-line services such as Prodigy, CompuServe, America Online, and on the InterNet at address: Since we spend so much time supporting our software, we keep our sights on the latest version. We have also found that those who receive The Mutual Fund Tracker are happier, and more impressed with the software, when they too get the latest release. We invite you to get the latest release, now available, by sending us a request for it. We will also put you on our mailing list for future releases. If you have a catalog, please send us a copy. Our mailing address is: The Mutual Fund Tracker Vendor Distribution P.O. Box 33280, Suite 195 Austin, Texas 78764-0280 Thank you again for your time and interest in The Mutual Fund Tracker. VENDOR LICENSING AGREEMENT SHAREWARE VENDORS: Watkins Enterprises, as the exclusive copyright holder for this software, grants to Vendors, Distributors, Computer Clubs, User's Groups and anyone who wants to sell our program for profit, a limited distribution license only in accordance with the following restrictions: * Any modification, deletion, or renaming of any file is prohibited. * Please make clear to your customers that shareware is not free software. It should be stated that a registration fee with the author is required, if the program is to be used on a regular basis. * The name "The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d" must be used in any catalog description or packaging associated with our shareware. BBS SYSOP LICENSE AGREEMENT This program may be freely distributed electronically, over any Information Service or BBS, subject to the following restrictions: * You do not modify, delete, add, or rename any files in the original program archive. * The name "The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d" must be mentioned in the program description. * The program archive must be named: MFTRA36D.??? * Please use the included FILE_ID.DIZ for a short on-line description. You may always call and download the latest version of our programs from our support BBS. (512) 858-7564 [ZyXEL 16.8 / V.32bis] or (512) 894-0383 [HST 16.8 / V.32bis] If you have access to FidoNet, you may file request the latest version of our programs. Use the magic name, TRACKER, to receive The Wall Street Tracker, The Mutual Fund Tracker, and The Tracker Utilities. Make your file request to FidoNet address: 1:382/401 Thank you for making our programs available to your users.