Quarterdeck Mosaic PreRelease - READ.ME File This file include tips on installing Quarterdeck Mosaic, last minute additions to the documentation and a list of known problems and bugs in this pre-release. We are anxious to receive problem reports and suggestions. Refer to Section 5 for details on submitting reports to Quarterdeck. Contents -------- Section 1 - Requirements for using Quarterdeck Mosaic Section 2 - Installing Quarterdeck Mosaic Section 3 - Known problems with this pre-release Section 4 - Features missing from this pre-release Section 5 - How To Report Bugs to Quarterdeck Section 1 - Requirements for using Quarterdeck Mosaic 1. A working Windows WINSOCK.DLL. 2. A TCP/IP connection or SLIP/PPP configured for your PC. 3. An Internet service provider. 4. 2 Megabytes of available disk space. Section 2 - Installing Quarterdeck Mosaic 1. Be sure that you've downloaded the QMZIP2.EXE file, a self-extracting zip file, into a temporary directory (i.e., C:\TEMP) 2. Execute QMZIP1.EXE in order to extract the installation files. 3. Once the installation files have been extracted, Run INSTALL.EXE using the Windows Program Manager or File Manager. 4. You will be presented with an welcome screen that describes system requirements. Click on Continue to proceed. 5. You will then be presented with the Quarterdeck Mosaic End User License Agreement. Read this agreement carefully and click on the Accept button to continue the installation procedure. 6. The next screen is used to personalize your copy of Quarterdeck Mosaic. Your Beta tester default ID, and the product serial number have been provided. Click Continue to proceed. 7. Quarterdeck Mosaic asks to confirm path and directory, which looks something like: C:\QMOSAIC 8. Click Continue to approve (or type a new path and click Continue). When the installation is complete, a program manager group named Quarterdeck Mosaic and a Quarterdeck Mosaic program icon will be created. Section 3 - Known problems with this pre-release General ======= 1. Low memory conditions can cause truncated document displays and other strange things. File / Properties ================= 1. If you change the title of a document using File / Properties, the Window title does not change. 2. When you change the icon using File / Properties, the change takes effect immediately, rather than after selecting OK. There is no way to Cancel the change. 3. There is no way to select the default document icon when choosing an icon. Saving documents ================ 1. The File / Save As... dialog lists the MIME-types to save as. This is confusing, since no real conversion takes place. The selection of MIME-type is purely to choose the extension of the saved file. 2. If a file is not saved successfully, no error message is displayed. 3. File / Save As... might save incorrect information if used on a document that changes every time it is retrieved or on the response to a form that was POSTed. Printing problems ================= 1. Printing does not break pages at reasonable places. It will sometimes break even in the middle of a line. 2. While the Printing status box is displayed, the document beneath will not redraw parts of itself. 3. Printing displays "Printing page 1 of 1" even if there are more pages to print. 4. The Esc key does not cancel Print Preview. 5. If the browser window is maximized when beginning Print Preview, the Restore button will be gone when finished. 6. If the toolbar is disabled when beginning Print Preview, the status bar will be gone when finished. 7. Print Preview changes the title of Quarterdeck Mosaic to a page count. Toolbar ======= 1. When you click on the toolbar, it gets keyboard focus. This can cause various unexpected symptoms. These symptoms include File / Properties not being available when it should be and keyboard input to forms not working. Clicking in the browser window will correct this temporary condition. 2. If you click on a toolbar button and then move the mouse away before releasing the button, the button action is still taken. 3. Toolbar buttons that are unavailable are not grayed out. 4. More items can be placed in the tray than can be displayed, but there is no scrolling or other means to display them all. Folders ======= 1. In an Icon List or Tree view, you cannot drag a folder above the top folder. 2. Dragging a folder into one of its children generates a GPF. 3. Plus and minus signs do not get drawn in tree view if they are only partially exposed. 4. The View As options on the View menu are not available unless an item is selected in a folder. History Pane ============ 1. When you click on a history tab, it gets keyboard focus. This can cause various unexpected symptoms. These symptoms include File / Properties not being available when it should be and keyboard input to forms not working. Clicking in the browser window will correct this temporary condition. 3. Only one of the histories can be dragged out of the history pane at a time. The other must stay in the history pane. Drag and Drop ============= 1. Dragging a document onto itself does a Go To itself. 2. Sometimes parts of icons that are being dragged are left displayed on browser or folder backgrounds. Parts of the system menu button may also be left behind after a window closes. HTML Viewer =========== 1. There is not enough vertical whitespace after a Header. 2. Certain HTML constructs, such as definitions, , and block quotes, should be displayed in a more interesting way. 3. Tabs are not expanded in plain text or preformatted text. 4. Tabbing to text that is on the same line as a bottom-aligned image draws a box in the wrong place. 5. HTML documents with inline graphics do not manage the palette as well as they should. 6. Specifying bold or italics for a font does not work. 7. Certain HTML constructs such as should be treated as modifiers of the current style. FTP === 1. Navigating through an FTP tree is too slow. 2. If there is no file extension, the default Mime type should be text/plain. Data Access =========== 1. Reloading a document that was the result of POSTing a form does not work properly. 2. Network activity stops when a menu or dialog is displayed. This can sometimes cause the remote server to drop the connection if the menu or dialog is up for too long. This can generate truncated documents or other undesirable conditions. 3. If a document does get unexpectedly truncated, the truncated version stays in the cache. The only way to try to get the full document again is to temporarily set the cache size to 0 and get the document again, which will flush the cache. 4. The status bar does not state when the full document is done. 5. If a file name is specified as a URL, it must have a fully qualified path, or it will not work. Section 4 - Features missing from this pre-release Unimplemented Features: Found in other Web browsers =================================================== 1. There is no XBM or JPEG viewer. When an XBM is encountered as an inline image, an icon saying "XBM" is displayed. When a JPEG is encountered as an inline image, an icon saying "JPG" is displayed. 2. URL access schemes mailto:, news:, nntp:, and telnet: are not implemented. 3. URL access scheme file: does not support directory display. 4. Named labels (URLs containing "#text") are not supported outside the current document. Within the current document, they function but are not registered in the Forward/Back history. 5. Edit / Find... and Find Next are not implemented. 6. View / Document Source is not implemented. 7. The configuration option to change the toolbar size is not implemented. 8. HTML configuration options "Display Inline Images", "Wait for Images", "Paragraph" spacing, and "Hypertext Link Style" are not implemented. 9. Hypertext links that have already been visited are not marked in any special way. 10. HTTP Authentication is not implemented. 11. Image form fields are not implemented. Unimplemented Features: Quarterdeck Mosaic specific =================================================== 1. There will be another tab in the history pane displaying a tree of hypertext links from the current document. 2. Marking text and copying into the clipboard will be supported in all the viewers. 3. Some amount of data conversion will be available from File / Save As. 4. The menus that pop up on a right button click will offer many more options. 5. A specification for outside vendors to write add- on document viewers will be published. Forthcoming Major User Interface Changes ======================================== 1. Quarterdeck Mosaic suffers from "window-itis". There are too many ways to create a new browser window and too few ways to navigate in the current one. This part of the user interface will change so that more actions will affect the current browser and fewer actions will create a new window. 2. Quarterdeck Mosaic performs unlimited simultaneous network requests. All too often, this causes a temporary shortage of network resources, making requests that could otherwise succeed fail. This will change to allow a limit on simultaneous requests and more effort will be taken to recover from a temporary lack of resources. Section 5 - How To Report Bugs to Quarterdeck Here are the various methods of communicating with Quarterdeck during the beta test period. We prefer that you submit bug reports via the bug report form on our Web Site (http://www.qdeck.com/) or by sending us bug reports via Internet mail (qmosaic@qdeck.com). If either of these pose a problem for you, please feel free to use one of the alternative methods of communication listed below. Before submitting problem reports to Quarterdeck, please verify that the problem is not documented in Sections 3 and 4 above or on the list maintained on the Beta Information section of the Quarterdeck Web Site (http://www.qdeck.com/). When reporting bugs to Quarterdeck, please try to provide sufficient information for someone else to be able reproduce the problem. If you're having problems with a specific hypertext link, please include the URL address in your report. In addition to receiving your bug reports, we are also interested in hearing any enhancement suggestions you may have. Due to the magnitude of this beta project, we will be unable to respond to each individual report that is submitted. However, we assure you that each report we receive will be read and processed. PREFERED METHODS OF COMMUNICATION --------------------------------- Quarterdeck Web Site: Go the the Quarterdeck Home Page (http://www.qdeck.com/) and select the link to Beta information. If you prefer you may go directly to http://www.qdeck.com/beta/tester.html and click on the Submit Problem Report link. Internet Mail: You can send electronic mail to qmosaic@qdeck.com. ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF COMMUNICATION ------------------------------------ CompuServe: Quarterdeck maintains a forum on CompuServe. To access it, type GO QUARTERDECK at any ! prompt. Beta Testers with CompuServe accounts can leave messages pertaining to the beta test in Library 17. You should be able to access this section at any time after sending us your CompuServe ID. You can also send private CompuServe messages directly to 76711,1423. Quarterdeck BBS: The Quarterdeck BBS can be reached at (310) 314-3227. A special message area, called Conference 7 - Beta Testers, should be used for reporting problems with our beta software. If you have never called the QOS BBS before, or if you do not have access to this beta test conference, log onto the BBS and leave a message to the sysop asking for access. Once you have access to the conference, you may leave messages regarding the beta program there. FAX: Quarterdeck maintains a 24-hour line for incoming faxes at (310) 314-3217. US Mail: You may mail your beta test reports or any other correspondence directly to us at the following address: Beta Test Manager Quarterdeck Office Systems 150 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405