IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! ESSENTIAL!! READ THIS!! DO NOT SKIP!! TO INSTALL: 1) If you have just downloaded the shareware version of EPIPHANIES OF THE GODDESS, unzip the archive to a directory of choice. Then start Windows, if you have not done so already, and open File Manager. Choose Run ... and type in the correct path statement for install.exe. Click on OK and the short installation process will begin. You may also open the directory and file display for the directory of choice and double click on install.exe to start the installation. 2) If you have the registered version on 3 1/2" floppies, put disk 1 into the small floppy drive which is either drive A or B depending upon your configuration. Open File Manager and select Run. Type A:\install or B:\install and click OK. The installation dialogs are self explanatory and involve only a few very simple decisions. You may also open the directory and file display for your floppy drive and double click upon install.exe to begin the installation procedure. 3) THIS SCREEN SAVER INSTALLS ITSELF INTO THE DESKTOP ITEM OF THE WINDOWS CONTROL PANEL. It does not make a program group upon installation. MAKE CERTAIN YOUR MONITOR IS SET TO 256 COLOR PALETTE! Open the Control Panel and double click upon Desktop. Activate the screen saver and set its timing through the Screen Saver dialog within the Desktop item. You may preview it with Test and set an optional password protection with Setup. 3) YOU MUST READ README.TXT which is displayed within the Windows Notepad upon the completion of a successful installation. DO NOT SKIP! READ THIS TEXT FILE!! And print it out for further reference: it contains a wealth of information. Readme.txt contains essential information about configuring the screen saver through Desktop in the Windows Control Panel; registration form; license agreement; and a file list with historical information about the symbolism of the Goddess. All of this information also exists as separate text files on disk 3 but these files do not install onto your hard drive. IMPORTANT!! IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED USER, READ THIS!! 4) If you edit the default destination during the installation of EPIPHANIES OF THE GODDESS, DO NOT INSTALL A REGISTERED VERSION INTO THE SAME DIRECTORY AS YOUR SHAREWARE VERSION. If you accidentally did so you have found out that the slide show is immobilized and you do not have a functioning screen saver. Follow this procedure to re-install EPIPHANIES OF THE GODDESS. a) Delete all files and the EPIPH directory. b) Delete the INI AND SCRIPT FILES IN YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY. There will be two such files: epiph####.scr and epiph####.ini. This operation will also delete EPIPH from the list of screen savers in the Desktop Item of the Windows Control Panel. c) Restart Windows. d) Reinstall EPIPHANIES OF THE GODDESS.