Programmer's File Editor Known Problems in the Current Release ------------------------------------- This file details any known major problems that could not be addressed in time for publication of the 0.06.001 release. You should also consult the Frequently Asked Questions file faq.txt Items are flagged thus: [PFE32] : item is specific to the 32-bit edition on all platforms [WIN95] : item is specific to the 32-bit edition under Windows 95 [NT] : item is specific to the 32-bit edition under Windows NT [PFE16] : item is specific to the 16-bit edition -- If you have disk file checking active (the default) and activate PFE by clicking the left mouse button in the title bar area of an edit window, you may not be able to use the mouse to click the buttons in any dialog that appears alerting you to a change of the corresponding disk file. You can operate the dialog using the keyboard; use the Tab key to select the button you want to click, and press Return to click it --