HTMLRef Version 1.0 (February, 1995) A URL Reference Utility Satore Township P.O. Box 750836 Petaluma, CA 94975-0836 WWW to FTP to This program may be distributed freely as long as no modifications are made to it or this documentation. We ask that you register this program if you find it useful. The registration fee of $7.00 (U.S., by check) should be mailed to Satore Township at the address given above. If you register this program and provide us with your e-mail address, we will provide you with the command to eliminate the registration request screen which appears when the program is initiated. E-mail to for comments or suggestions. About the Program ----------------- HTMLRef runs under MSDOS or any environment capable of providing an MSDOS session. The program will scan one or more HTML/HTM files and intelligently select lines with a URL of the HTTP: or FTP: variety, sending them to a designated output file. It will additionally attempt to identify the URL in common language or, failing that, with the URL itself, and also send it to the output file. The date of the reference creation and the original HTML file name is also supplied in the HTMLRef output line. The output file is structured in such a way as to be viewed with a WWW browser. The result is a compendium of URL's with descriptions obtained from the input HTML file(s). The output file can be created as a new file or information can be appended by using the same output file name in different sessions. All input/output processing is handled automatically, without user intervention. Here are examples of lines from an HTMLRef-created reference file, with comments following:

HTMLRef URL Referencer

Comment: this header is created for any new HTMLRef output file.
[02/05/1995 - SUBMITUR.HTM] Washington Home Information Comment: example of an HTMLRef output line where a description was available from the input line.
[02/05/1995 - SATFTP.HTM] Comment: example of an HTMLRef output line where an adequate description was not available and the URL was used. Installation ------------ HTMLRef may be installed in any directory. Operation --------- HTMLRef can be invoked from the command line with arguments or without arguments. If used without arguments, HTMLRef will prompt for the necessary input and output filenames. Default filename extensions are ".HTM" if not specified by the user. Examples: 1. Use the default "HTMLREF.HTM" output reference file to process an HTML file named "HOMEPAGE.HTM": HTMLRef homepage 2. Use the default "HTMLREF.HTM" output reference file to process all HTML files beginning with "S": HTMLRef s* 3. Specify the name of an output reference file, using all HTM files in the directory: HMTLRef *.htm myfile.htm You may suppress certain output by using the following arguments on the command line. These arguments MUST be the last ones on the command line and MUST NOT include any spaces: -d Suppress the date information on output. -f Suppress the input file name information. -s Suppress the description information. These arguments work cumulatively, so that using "-d-f" will suppress BOTH the date and file name information. Using "-d-f-s" will suppress all information except the URL data (not useful for browsing!). Program Notes ------------- Note that the HTMLRef reference file can grow in size as you append new input file information. HTMLRef does not provide facilities for eliminating duplicate URL references. It is possible that certain URL references will not be processed by HTMLRef is they are poorly structured in the input HTML file. HTMLRef makes every attempt to extract the URL/description information if it is structured reasonably in the input file.