=================================== *** DATABASE OF HANDMADE CIGARS *** =================================== Enclosed are two files with identical content, but in two different formats. They contain data about most brands of handmade cigars. The files are... CIGARS.XLS database in Excel 4.0 format CIGARS.DOC database in Word for Windows 6.0 format (table) Explanations to the data can be found at the bottom of the table. The database is put in the public domain, there is not copyright. The author would be very much interested in improvments to the database. Please send corrections, amplifications and comments to: Peter Gugerell Schiffamtsgasse 4/1/3 A-1020 Vienna, AUSTRIA Phone & Fax: (+43 1) 214 59 25 e-mail: gugerell@inmedias.ping.at (Communication vie e-mail or fax preferred) Have a nice day: Peter