Runes and Runemals by Oyar THE RUNES To a far off day, on a far off night, in a far off time, in Viking land, as the scribe writes of the origin of the Runes. The origin of the Runes is of Odin, the principal Norse god, giving the Runes to mankind after he went through a spiritual initiation to obtain them. Odin was hanging from the ash world tree, Yggdrasill, with his spear piercing his side. He hung there nine days and nights when he saw the Runes in Niflheim (the underworld). He reached down to take the Runes and then their knowledge gave him power over all things. Runes are glyphs (figures, letters) that are carved into a material. While some writing was done with them, they were mostly carved for mystical purposes. Runes traveled to many lands and underwent many transformations to accommodate the local language as a writing tool. The glyphs known as the Elder Futhark (F U Th A R K are the first six letters) are presented here as being one of the oldest, most mystic, and most commonly used in divination. The Germanic names of these Viking Runes are given as well as their common literal translation(s) and the equivalent modern letter. The important meaning for divination is the symbolic one and it is this esoteric meaning under the headings of Fundamental, Objective, and Subjective that is worked with. GLOSSARY OF TERMS RUNE 1) a letter in the old Norse alphabet: 2) same as Runestone 3) something written or inscribed with such characters to record a message or spell; 4) a mystical poem RUNESTONE 1) a small object inscribed with a single runestave to be used in divination 2) something that has Runes inscribed on it RUNES 1) referring to Runestones as used in divination RUNESTAVE 1) the actual letter outline or glyph that is a Rune RUNEMEISTER 1) one who is adept at using Runes. The word is the same as Runemaster and has its origins in the Old Norse word "rynstr" of the same meaning. RUNECRAFT 1) the use of Runes in sympathetic magic to cause effects on the physical plane RUNECAST 1) the drawing and laying out of Runes for the purposes of divination RUNEMAL 1) the tableau or layout of a Runecast 2) the actual Runecast, as in to cast a Runemal RUNIC 1) of or pertaining to Runes 2) Rune like decorative effect on materials 3) magical, mystical, arcane, or obscure AETTIR 1) division of eight 2) the three major divisions of the Runes AETT 1) singular of aettir INVOKING THE POWER Tradition is important, important enough that Jung even named a variation of it "the collective unconscious." The oldest recorded use (and hence known tradition) of Runes in divination has a head-man carving the Runes into chips cut from branches. In front of the tribe the head man then drew three of the chips and interpreted them. There was no mystic ritual, no sacred incantations, and no magic or blessed tool used to carve the Runes. That is the approach followed here, the power is in the Runes, not associated paraphernalia. I feel psychic powers come from within, or more exactly that a person channels them; acting like a transistor where a small amount of power controls a much larger amount. A such trappings (e.g. paraphernalia, ceremonies, ambiance, etc.) are only aids (extra transistor backup, you don't normally hear of the paraphernalia taking independent action on their own) and not the end in itself. This is why so many different systems work, many things can be conditioned or attuned to being aids. Trappings are very useful aids as most humans do not have enough psychic strength on an ongoing basis to be able to depend on their mental powers alone. The earliest known aids to Runestone divination were almost nonexistent, everything else you might come across as tradition in association with the Runes is of more recent origin. Some people will feel they know a lot more about controlling and using psychic forces than I give here. Everything needed is given here, but if you feel something else is important, then it is for you, and you should follow through on it; otherwise you will be working with conflicting vibes within yourself when congruency is of the utmost importance. Call the extras you add as fine tuning the Runes to your standard, it's what you believe and are comfortable with that matters. Runestones work! They cannot be proved scientifically at the moment because not enough is known about psychic forces to do the replicable type of experiment currently required as scientific proof. This doesn't mean that Runes don't work, just that their power cannot be proved by the current standards and abilities of scientific evidence. It is also true that the power of the Runes cannot be disproved; lack of proper scientific proof does not mean something does not exist, (nor do failed scientific experiments,) no matter how much "scientific" types rant and wail to the contrary. Anecdotal evidence is voluminous and the fact that this type of evidence is not considered scientifically acceptable does not prove that psychic forces do not exist. There is no direct scientific proof that psychic forces don't exist but there are scientific experiments that cannot be explained "scientifically" other than through the workings of an unknown factor (such as the psychic)! The proof of the Power of Runestones comes to those who use them. It is seen through the feel and revelation of their power. Once you know the power of the force, then you need fear no man's scorn! No one can be more knowledgeable than you about something that is unprovable. May the Force be with you! THE RUNESTONES ASCII text presents some problems in recording a picture so Runes will be represented throughout by their phonetic values as shown just below here in their aettir. (So the Rune Fehu is written here as F.) A picture of each Rune will be rendered later when the meanings of the Runes are discussed individually. Runes are very easy to draw as they are all formed by straight lines that were meant to be carved into materials such as wood, stone, or metal. If you feel more comfortable with a picture why not skip ahead and draw out all the Runes on a piece of paper along with it's corresponding letter next to it. Freyja's Eight F U Th A R K G W Hagal's Eight H N I J Y P Z S Tyr's Eight T B E M L Ng D O AETTIR The Runes are divided into three aettir (groupings) of eight Runes each plus the Rune Wyrd, the Rune of Fate. The first aett deals with creative growth and is femininely named after the goddess of fertility and creativity, Freyja. The third aett deals with worldly concerns and is masculinely named after the god of justice and war, Tyr. The glyphs of the second aett all represent forces of nature, forces that even the gods are subject to, and is simply named after the first glyph, Hagal. Each aett is divided in half. The left half deals with the material plane and the right half with the spiritual plane. There is a progression of the theme from the centre outwards each time. The left half of Freyja's Eight (material plane creative growth) deals with the development of a project. F (Fehu) U (Uruz) Th (Thurisaz) A (Ansuz) Reading outward from A to Th to U to F we start with A (Ansuz) which represents ideas just forming. The next step is Th (Thurisaz) which is making decisions on the information that we have. Then comes U (Uruz) which is now putting these decisions into effect. The final Rune is F (Fehu) and is the reaping the rewards of the project. The right half of Freyja's Eight ( spiritual plane creative growth) deals with the progress of a warrior's successful journey to Valhalla. R (Raido) K (Kano) G (Gebo) W (Wunjo) Reading outward from R to K to G to W we start with R (Raido), a long journey on horseback; which already has the traditional meaning of a warrior's journey to Valhalla. Here at the beginning of the journey, it also stands for a brave death on the battlefield, the beginning of the soul journey. Having been picked up and transported by the Valkyrie is the next step K (Kano), arriving, being one of the special ones that made it. (Souls of common people that didn't bravely die on the battlefield are relegated to the underworld.) Once in Valhalla the brave warrior is given his just reward by the gods: non-stop feasting and fighting. This is exactly the meaning of the next Rune; G (Gebo) which meant gifts from the gods or leaders to loyal followers. The final step is Ragnarok, the mother of all battles at the end of the earth as we know it that will bring about ultimate bliss, W (Wunjo.) The left half of Hagal's Eight deals with disruptive natural forces, from the least to the most destructive. H (Hagalaz) N (Nauthiz) I (Isa) J(Jera) Reading outward from J to I to N to H we find the mildest disruptive force in J (Jera) which just warns to be a little patient, all will turn out well in a little time. Then I (Isa) says forget about time, you have a problem to deal with. Next N (Nauthiz) warns that that this is a very serious problem where you won't come out unscathed, but you can still come out on top. H (Hagalaz) says serious changes are happening. The redeeming factor is that while serious changes (of lifestyle, etc.) are contemplated they need not be unhappy ones. Marriage or a new child signals serious changes that are happy but highly disruptive to a previous lifestyle. The right half of Hagal's Eight deals with spiritual saving forces right from the simplest of hard work to the ultimate Life Force. Y (Eiwaz) P (Perth) Z (Algiz) S (Sowelo) Reading outward from Y to P to Z to S the simplest spiritualist force of inner strength through right action is found in Y (Eiwaz). Then we come to being down right lucky in P (Perth). This luck seems to be attracted to people who work hard and know breaks will come along; meaning higher forces are at work. Then comes Z (Algiz) which are saving / healing forces that are assisted by the gods and as such are very powerful. Finally of course is S (Sowelo), the driving life force, the ultimate of all forces. The left half of Tyr's Eight (material plane worldly concerns) deals with things important to you. It progresses from dealings with the people least important, those of the general community, to the person of utmost importance, yourself. T (Tiewaz) B (Berkana) E (Ehwaz) M (Mannaz) Reading outward from M to E to B to T we first deal with M (Mannaz) who are strangers and the world at large. Then comes E (Ehwaz), people of our tribal bonding, the people that we know and recognize as our own on an extended basis. B (Berkana) gets close to home as these are our significant others that we feel special about. Terminating in T (Tiewaz), the person we feel most special about, ourselves. The right half of Tyr's Eight (spiritual plane worldly concerns) traces the meaning of life. L (Laguz) Ng (Inguz) D (Dagaz) O (Othila) Reading outward from L to Ng to D to O we start with L (Laguz) as in the first step in procreation. We then have conception with Ng (Inguz). This leads to birth D (Dagaz) and our most important legacy O (Othila). THE RUNE WYRD The Rune Wyrd has a special place in Runemals. This Runestone is actually a blank piece but it is often more practical to depict it as a rectangular frame surrounding a blank field. It is outside the three aettir just as fate is outside the realm of man and the forces of nature. The Rune signifies that things are going according to the prevailing forces. Do not underestimate the value of this Rune! It brings the same clarifying dynamics to Runemals as the addition of the number "0" (or even the representation of fractions as decimals ) did to numbering systems. Learn to respect it and recognize its message that strong forces are at work. The classic Buddhist formula is "this existing, that arises." The Huna also understood this and always said of their divination that what they saw was the outcome only if no one did anything to change it. This is the same with Runemals. Once you know the current prognosis you can do things to change events. How easy is it to change things? On a personal level it is the easiest; after that the more people involved the harder it is. The Zen koan: "if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, was there a sound?" questions one extreme; does it even exist if no one was involved. Another extreme such as one person wishing very hard to be the king of England is ostensibly doomed to failure. It is the psychic wish of one going against the psychic contentment (albeit most often subconscious) of millions about the "rightness" of the status quo. Similarly with wishing to win a lottery. How can your voice be heard above the clutter of voices all asking the same thing, but pulling in different directions as to who the winner should be? Whether you can change the ordained fate depends on how much physical and psychic energy you can mount against the prevailing forces. The Rune Wyrd is a good indicator that strong forces are at work and the ordained outcome assured. RUNESTONE SETS The Rune Stones can be of any material and glyphs can be inscribed in any manner. Care must be taken that individual pieces cannot be distinguished by touch. The Rune Stones must also "feel right" to the Runemeister so that they are not approached during a Runemal with a negative attitude. An often easy way to achieve good feelings is for the Runemeister to make his own set of Runestones (the quality of construction of the individual stones is irrelevant to their effectiveness unless the Runemeister perceives it differently.) A very traditional set is made of wood with the Runes first being carved into the wood and then applying paint inside the carved area to make it stand out. For non-handy city dwellers small seasoned hardwood boards can be purchased at lumber yards and home repair centers. These stores will often also cut up boards to your specifications, charging on a per cut or some other basis. This is a great easy way to get nice uniform pieces as long as you don't mind having to explain to the store clerk why you want to destroy a beautiful piece of wood by turning it into little chips. Saying you want to repair a marquetry floor might be such a good excuse, but I haven't tried it. The chips can be any size keeping in mind ease of handling of individual pieces as well as carrying around a whole twenty five piece set of them. They should also be longer on the side so that you don't pick them up sideways. My set is 7/8" across the bottom base, 1 1/2" high, and 1/4" thick (cut up from a hardwood board). Think about the sizes that domino makers have come up with as they face the same size problems. The next step, carving the Runes into the wood, is optional as to do it safely and well you really should be skilled with tools. Exacto hobby carving tools are an inexpensive way to carve and should give superior results to a knife (but either of these methods is not recommended if you are inexperienced as serious accidents can easily happen). Dremel hand held power tools with a rotary bit make carving easier if you have a steady hand to make a straight line. These tools can be purchased at hobby stores. A flex shaft attachment for power drill might be a bit harder to control but who says the lines have to be perfect, the original Rune carvers sure didn't worry about making perfect shaped glyphs. Again, if you are not familiar with using tools, forget about the carving for safety sake and just paint the Runes on. The traditional paint color is red, probably both for mystical reasons and because a permanent red was the easiest color for the ancients to manufacture. Any color you feel comfortable with will do. My set sports black paint because I made my Runes years ago, long before I came across that red was the traditional color. A rough and ready quick set of Runestones can be made by marking up ordinary playing cards. A marker like Banford's Sharpie sold in stationary and other stores to mark difficult surfaces such as metal is ideal. It looks like a felt tip pen, applies easily like a felt tip pen, makes a heavy black line that stands out, and adheres to the slick surface. (The Sharpie will also work on hardwood and can be used instead of paint.) The serious drawback to cards is that care must be taken when scuffling the deck to keep reversing parts of it so that the Runestaves are given the opportunity to come either side up. RUNECAST INSTRUCTIONS The Runestones are put in a container (a cloth bag is great) and drawn out according to the desired Runemal. A Runemal is a tableau or layout that is followed for the divination. Just before and during the drawing the Runemeister should quiet his mind and think only on the question asked. An easy way to quiet oneself is to gently take a deep breath and let it out slowly. The individual stones can be drawn in one of two manners according to the preference of the Runemeister. The first method is to keep drawing stones until the Runemal is complete. The second method is draw a stone, note it, and return it to the container. This way the same stone can be redrawn to appear multiple times in a Runemal. The advantage of the second method is that it is easier to get a clearer message; which must be weighted against the disadvantage of having to keep track of the stones drawn as opposed to being able to see them all spread out. Divination reverses the normal rule of success being 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration to a rule of 10% perspiration and 90% inspired (revealed) intuition. INTERPRETATION OF INDIVIDUAL RUNES Each Rune has a basic theme that is listed as its Fundamental Meaning. To make interpretation easier this theme is then broken down into an Objective Interpretation and a Subjective Interpretation as secondary meanings. The secondary themes add scope, breath and show range of meaning. The (primary) FUNDAMENTAL MEANING is always read in conjunction with the secondary interpretations to get the full rounded meaning. The (secondary) OBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION is outer directed. The (secondary) SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION is inner directed. A Runestone can be drawn with the glyph either upright or upside down. The meanings change according to which end is up. The upright and reversed secondary interpretations can be looked at as poles of a continuum and are given here. The reverse of Fundamental meanings is not listed but means there will be problems with the theme, or going through problems in connection with the theme. In general a reversed Rune is fundamentally an indication of strong change of direction and since it is human nature to find change upsetting the connotation of a reversed Rune is most often negative, but it need not be. Whether a Rune has a positive or negative connotation and where it might be along a continuum is mediated as being part of a total Runemal. RUNEMAL FORMS Runemal Forms are an excellent way of preserving a Runemal and are especially efficient if each drawn stone is returned to the container before the next draw. A Runemal Form is nothing more than a piece of paper with boxes printed on it in the shape of the tableau you are Runecasting. If the Runestones are all being drawn out (without returning any to the container) it is better to do this at once with the Runemal Form at the side. Then as you give the interpretation write in the Rune you are working with. This is a nice touch as it helps keep the inquirer involved and following what you are doing. A more dramatic (but more skill needed) variation would be to give your interpretation as you draw the Runestones from their container and then give a review of what you have said as you write the Runes on the Runemal Form. Runemal Forms keep things neat and tidy. You can have spaces to write in the inquirer's name, reason for the Runemal, date, your interpretation, and whatever else you think important. One of the most important things are your name and phone number so that you can be contacted again. Forms are much better than a business card. Business cards routinely get thrown away but something that contains a personal reading will be kept for a long time. Writing a Runemal on the back of a business card will do in a pinch but it lacks the drama and impact of a nicely printed Runemal Form as well as looking a little small, cramped, and ineffectual. If you are not in the full time divination business a nice practice to revive is the having of social calling cards with your name and address on them. Then if you are caught in a situation without any forms, you can always write the Runemal on the back of your calling card (some of which you should always have with you.) A Runemal Form filling an standard 8 1/2 X 11 letter size sheet is a nice touch. It is plenty big to put everything on the front. If you make it fancy enough it will look nice framed and be a treasured memento of a wedding, birth, opening or other special event where you Runecast the future of that event. My favorite format is a 3X5 card. I buy standard completely blank 3X5 index cards at a stationary store and then use a photocopier to print my Runemal Form on one side. The form consists of the name of the Runemal at the top of one of the 3" sides. Below that is a line on which to write the inquirer's name and below that another line on which to record the Runecasting date.. The blocked out Runemal is below and at the bottom a line on which to sign as the Runemeister. Just below the signature line is my name and phone number. For a divination I will start by writing out at 3" top of the reverse side the inquirer's first name in Runes. Any specific question asked or special circumstance can be noted here at the top of the reverse side of the card. A long horizontal line is then drawn under this. Then the card is turned over and the inquirer's name and the day's date are entered on their appropriate lines. It's useful to have the inquirer's name in sight because if you are doing a number of strange people at once it helps keep straight who is in front of you at the moment. After doing the Runemal I fill in the blocks, flip over the card and write a summarization or any cogent comments that I would like to make about the Runemal under the drawn line, flip the card back to front, sign it, and hand the card to the inquirer to actively signify the end of the divination. A format such as a 3X5 inch card is a good memento to be taken away by the person for whom the Runecast was done. The 3X5 card format is also a good one to improvise on if no printed forms are available as packages of these can be purchased everywhere. Usually it's cards that are printed with lines on one side but that's all right. On the printed side you can put the inquirer's name in large Runes above the red line and write in the reason for the divination in the normally spaced lines below. On the blank side you can freehand write in the Runemal and other information that you might want. Not as pretty as a printed form but very readily available. The most ubiquitous form is the one for Tyr's Sword. Smaller Runemals can be judiciously recorded within it and Runestaves can readily be added freehand to record a Runic Circle. THE RUNIC ALPHABET The ancient Runic glyph users were not enthusiastic writers but that shouldn't deter us. The phonetic values of the Runes are not used in divination as are the Runes esoteric meanings and as such the alphabet is of value here in providing a warm human touch. People seem to love to see their names written in another language or alphabet. When doing a Runecast for someone it is a nice touch to not only give them a written copy of the Runemal but to also further personalize it by writing out their name in Runestaves. If using the 3X5 Runemal Forms suggested here then the person's name can be written in large Runestaves at the top of the reverse side, just before writing out the person's question or general interpretation if no question was asked. The effect of all of this should be a reinforcement that this Runemal is special, unique, and individual for them The problem is that we are facing two languages here, an ancient Germanic tongue and modern English, each with it's own vocabulary of sounds and inflections of those sounds. Not that much is directly known about the pronunciation of ancient languages but English sure presents a problem in it's irregularity. The example I keep coming across is that a word pronounced as "fish" can be written as "ghoti". This is if you use the gh from enough, the o from women, and the ti from nation. Actually since both languages evolved from the same Germanic branch of the base Indo-European root language it is possisble to get a nice correspondence between most letters and Runestaves. What I will discuss next is a reasonable adaptation of problem areas. The first problem is that the Runes have two glyphs for variations on the letter E sound while we only have the one. Ehwaz with it's short E sound is commonly used for the letter E so that will be used here. We then have Eiwaz with it's sound somewhere between E and I. While Y as a consonant has it's own unique sound, as a vowel it fits in quite well. My dictionary writes out "leisurely" phonetically as "le-shur-le" with the long E sound making the first and last syllables as identical sounds. Eiwaz as the letter Y is a good solution that is used here. Next we have some Runic glyphs whose sound in English is written by letter combinations. This is not really a problem as you can substitute the appropriate Runestave for the letter combination rather than doggedly making one to one substitutions. The Runic glyph Inguz has the English "Ng" sound and is a direct substitute for "ing", as found so often at the end of words. Inguz is shown as ng because sometimes it is found as "eng" at the beginning of words such english and England. The other Runic glyph involved here is Thurisaz and is a substitute for "th". With a little care these substitutions should present no difficulties. Finally comes the problem of English having more letters; such as that no equivalent exist for a letter such as C. The solution is to substitute a Runestave with a close equivalent sound. The Roman letter C by tradition is often considered the forerunner of the Runestave Kano because of it's shape and similarity of sound; good enough reasons to use Kano for C. The letter Q can also be represented by Kano and the letter V has a similar sound in Fehu. The letter X does not have a close sound but most words in English starting with X are pronounced as Z; and in a least one of the latter expanded Runic alphabets the Elder Futhark glyph for X is considered to be Z, so that Z appears to be a good substitute. Symbolism rather than scientific accuracy is of importance here so a simplistic practical solution is best. A Ansuz B Berkana C Kano D Dagaz E Ehwaz F Fehu G Gebo H Hagalaz I Isa J Jera K Kano L Laguz M Mannaz N Nauthiz Ng Inguz O Othila P Perth Q Kano R Raido S Sowelo T Tiewaz Th Thurisaz U Uruz V Fehu W Wunjo X Algiz Y Eiwaz Z Algiz Optional: Ck Kano (hard C, as above) Cz Algiz (soft C) It can be seen here that some Runestaves, especially Kano, are a bit overworked as they are being asked to represent a number of English letters. This is of no consequence as we are not contemplating any mystical exercise here, only one in friendly human relations. That being said, using an existing letter to do double duty and also represent a popular English letter like C can pose some problems in reading what has been written. For example the words "lace" and "lake" would be both written using the identical same Runestaves. If you would like more precise phonetic renderings then soft C as in "race" can be written as Algiz to make reading back easier. It is easier to get back to the original word by analyzing the context if the original word is similar sounding. If you are using two Runestaves to represent the letter C then it is also useful to have some easy way in English to distinguish which phonetic C you are using. Hard C (as in cat) can be written as Ck when talking about it to both show that it is represented by the Runestave Kano and as a mnemonic that it's sound is like the ck in quick. Soft C (as in race) is then Cz to show that it is represented by the Runestave Algiz and mnemonically that it is as in the word Czar, part of the English "s, z, soft c" grouping of similar sounding letters or as in "zoft" C. It might be a temptation to take this phonetic rationalization process further such as possibly using Isa for the consonant Y and Jera for soft G as in "gentle". Each of these letters is represented by a single Runestave and so shouldn't be any more confusing than the English. Similarly sounds in English that are represented by letter combinations such as the DG sound as in "judge", soft CH as in "chose", and SH as in "lash" which can be written as Jera and the hard CH as in "ache" which once again gets Kano cannot really justify substitution even if it might simplify writing for you. If you do all this for the consonants you really get into the completely impossible situation of trying to also find ways to represent all the various vowel sounds. Employing extra substitutions is really only justified if doing so turns you on on a personal basis or if you are doing extensive writing and being more phonetic makes it easier for you to recognize the English word. For most people this extra substitution just shouldn't be done. TALISMANS & AMULETS If you are already writing a person's name in Runestaves then why not perform some Runic magic and add some good luck or avertive Runes. Make the person feel good by telling and explaining what you are doing. After all one of the early important functions of Runes was to carve or draw them on various objects to bring good fortune, so why not continue the tradition. Combining glyphs into one compound figure makes for a delightful talisman, especially if the chosen Runes are appropriate to the situation. By using Runes in talismans you are employing sympathetic magic, much as in using the Runes in divination. Sympathetic magic is the practical physical plane application of the basic Cosmic Law of Attraction of Alikes. In English we have two common terms for a good luck charm and it does not seem elegant to confusedly use both of them when talking from one perspective. A talisman is something that has magic powers of protection because of the object itself or more often for what is written on it. An amulet is something worn on the body as protection such as a charm or inscription in a locket, etc. The first word is of Germanic origins while the second is of French origins. Their meanings aren't really that different so my preference is to use talisman in keeping with the Germanic origins of the Runes. Also talisman does not have the restrictive connotations of being worn on the person so that this also makes it a better term to use. Below is a listing of the Runes and meanings that can be used for sympathetic magic as in talismans and good luck messages. F Success in studies or to obtain wisdom U To clear obstacles and create opportunities Th To come to the right decision A "May the Force be with You" To send good and helpful vibes R For safety while traveling K To generate strength, self-confidence, and a positive attitude G To attract or maintain romantic interests W Happiness through harmony and contentment H To effect major changes N Success with long term goals I To calm emotions or situations that are getting out of hand J Success in a new project Y Success in resolving problems P To find lost things and make financial gain Z For protection and security S For health, peace of mind, and sexual prowess T To succeed over adversity B Positive changes related to family or continued contentment therewith E Strength to do the right thing M To obtain positive reinforcement from others L Obtain inner guidance or to increase psychic strength Ng To culminate a cycle of events or a project D For fortunate new beginnings O To achieve personal glory or for the team ************************************************************ Section 2 The Runemals ************************************************************ Runemals are tableaus or layouts of Runestones used in divination. They are presented here in ascending order of the simplest Runemal of only one Runestone to one that involves all twenty five Runestones. Numbers used (with an # in front) indicate the order in which Runes are drawn and then show how they are placed. How specific an answer you get from a Runemal depends on how attuned you are to the Runestones. The more attuned you are the more specific an answer you will see in them and the better a feel you will have for what they are saying: or if you wish to look at it this way, "the more the Runestones will speak to you." Attunement is often a factor of how long and often you have been divining. It can be a good exercise to Runecast for yourself daily; bi-weekly (once for the work week and then again for the week-end); or weekly with the Candle or the Ravens. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: the CANDLE Odin is the primary god of the Vikings and is traditionally represented carrying a magical spear and having only one eye. This Runemal of a single Rune can be looked at as Odin's Rune, as he looks out to see with his one eye. The Runemal is named the CANDLE as it is also the RUNE OF RESOLUTION and takes it's creed from the biblical proverb: it is better to light one little candle than to curse the darkness. INDICATIONS for use of the Candle: Rune of Resolution: Used with a more complex Runemal to clarify or give crux or gist of situation (draw after replacing all Runes). If your efforts ever produce a Runemal that you cannot easily read, or find confusing, then this is the time to draw the Rune of Resolution and get a consolidating overview. Good as an overview of a situation when just drawn by itself. Good in a pressure situation where no time for anything more complicated. Do try to find a quiet place to let your mind calm. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, count down from nine while concentrating on the numbers, and then draw the Rune. RUNEMAL for the Candle: ### #1# ### INTERPRETATION for the Candle: According to overall theme * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: the RAVENS Two ravens sit on Odin's shoulder's, Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory). Each morning Odin lets them fly across the world so that in the evening they can come back and whisper in his ear what they have observed. Here you see through both of them to get a complete picture. INDICATIONS for use of the Ravens: As a cast for day's events For most significant happening for up to one week As a guide to what's happening. E.g.: inquirer is worried about someone far away As a basic interpretive unit in a larger Runemal RUNEMAL for the Ravens: ### ### #2# #1# ### ### Place #1 first Then place #2 to left of #1 Runes normally read right to left INTERPRETATION for the Ravens The story that is told by the two Runes in unison If nothing comes then use either or both of: a/ give the #1 the Objective interpretation and the #2 the Subjective interpretation b/ give the #1 a dominant meaning or main theme and the #2 a modifying one * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: THOR's TRINITY The trinity is prominent in many belief systems and so must be identified as Thor's Trinity here to distinguish it. Thor is one of the three major deities of the Viking's along with Odin and Tyr, all of whom are honored by having days of the week named after them (Thursday, Wednesday, and Tuesday respectively.) INDICATIONS for use of Thor's Trinity: As an analysis of current state of affairs RUNEMAL of Thor's Trinity: ### ### ### #2# #1# #3# ### ### ### INTERPRETATION of Thor's Trinity And this too shall pass! #1 The situation as it actually is #2 Factors working for inquirer #3 Factors working against inquirer N.B.: The #1 stone in Thor's Trinity is the Candle (Odin's Rune) and gives a general overall opinion as well NOTE:. Runestone are represented here as 3X3 boxes of #'s with the number inside indicating the order in which they were taken from their container. They are then referred to by having "#" in front of the appropriately numbered stone as done in the above interpretation. the VALA ORACLE An interesting implementation of Thor's Trinity is found in the Vala Oracle. The Vala (Vella, Volva) was a wise woman (female shaman, seeress, prophetess) of the mother north country who was consulted when important decisions had to be made. First the number of choices is reduced to either two or three. Then a separate Runecast of Thor's Trinity is made for each choice. It then a matter of evaluating each Runemal against the others and picking the choice that has the most propitious Runecast. It can be helpful to call the third choice "something else" or "other" so as to the Runes a chance to tell you that the best choice is something other than what you have presented. It is not normally wise to consult the Runes more than once a day about any problem but it is all right to do a second Runecast with a different Runemal to help clarify a choice that has been made. WARNING: the Vala Oracle is an advanced technique as it is far too easy to read the meanings you want into the Runemals rather than reading what the Runes reveal. Beginners should avoid the Vala Oracle so as not to give false readings! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: The THREE NORNS The three sisters of fate named Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld in the Norse tradition are famous in many variations in as many belief systems. INDICATIONS for use of the Three Norns: Inquirer wants course of action rather than analysis RUNEMAL for The Three Norns: ### ### ### ### ### ### #6# #5# #4# #3# #2# #1# ### ### ### ### ### ### Note that here are three units of the Raven and are referred to as unit #2/1, unit #4/3, and unit #6/5 for interpretation purposes. This nomenclature will be adhered to throughout. INTERPRETATION of The Three Norns As it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be, world without end. #2/1 URD (was) STONES: how inquirer sees the situation and/or where he is coming from #4/3 VERDANDI (is now) STONES: suggests course of action to follow or what action will take place #6/5 SKULD (shall be) STONES: indicates new situation that is currently evolving or best possible outcome * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: The SWORD TYR's SWORD is the union of THOR's TRINITY and The THREE NORNS. Tyr, the son of Odin, is the god of war and the patron god of the sword. INDICATIONS for the use of The Sword: When no question asked As a detailed answer to a question As a general cast of most significant events for the coming fortnight to three full moons past RUNEMAL for the Sword ### ### #9# #8# ### ### ### ### #7# #6# ### ### ### ### ### #4# #1# #5# ### ### ### ### ### #3# #2# ### ### INTERPRETATION of The Sword #1 The situation as it actually is #3/2 How inquirer sees situation or where coming from #4 Forces for #5 Forces against #7/6 Course of action or what action will take place #9/8 New situation or best outcome possible N. B. #4 #1 #5 Thor's Trinity #9/8 #7/6 #3/2 The Three Norns #1 #3/2 Should be read together to get the situation and the inquirer's state of mind * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNEMAL: The RUNIC CIRCLE This is Orlog's Runemal of the Sword and the Moat. Orlog is a deity of an older dynasty of gods whose name came to mean fate or destiny and as such it is appropriate that he should rule over the most comprehensive of the Runemals: Orlog's Runic Circle. INDICATIONS for the use of the Runic Circle: For the balance of the current cycle, which, time and again, rises like the phoenix from the ashes of the last cycle N.B.: most often for next three months to year but can be up to three years At the commencement of something to show prognosis of its life cycle RUNEMAL for the Runic Circle ### ### #9# #8# ### ### ### ### ### ### #P# #O# #B# #A# ### ### ### ### ### ### #7# #6# ### ### ### ### ### ### #N# #M# #D# #C# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #4# #1# #5# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #L# #K# #F# #E# ### ### ### ### ### ### #3# #2# ### ### ### ### ### ### #J# #I# #H# #G# ### ### ### ### Note that we run out of single digit numbers in this Runemal so that the Runes in the Moat are identified by letters of the alphabet. INTERPRETATION of the Runic Circle: Read Thor's Sword to get main gist #B/A to #P/O read as a story going around. Finish with #9/8 as already interpreted Specific questions can later be answered by looking for appropriate Runes and seeing how they relate to other adjacent Runes, by using the House references, or even by casting other Runemals N.B.: Great at New Year, birthdays, and new starts of something * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUNIC HOUSES Now that all the possible positions are shown in the Runic Circle their positions can be named. The positions are known as Houses and each House represents its own meaning. When this meaning is used to provide background to the Runestone(s) cast on it a more rounded interpretation can be given. While Houses are useful, they are also optional to any Runecast. Below are listed the position, the name of the House that that represents, and the meaning of the House. THE SWORD #1 Midgard -the self #3/2 Urd -the past #4 Asgard -the good #5 Hell -the bad #7/6 Verdandi -the flow #9/8 Skuld -the reward THE MOAT #B/A Maiden -home and family #D/C King -life's burden's and gains #F/E Tiller -work and career #H/G Castle -strife and conquest #J/I Dragon -social life and fame #L/K Knight -personal development and skills #N/M Runemeister -justice and duty #P/O Bard -love and spiritual concerns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TAROT CROSS-REFERENCE The ancient divination of the Tarot can be used as an aid to clarification of the Runic Houses. While details of the meanings of each Runic House could be gone into here; this will be passed on as Houses are an optional aid. These Houses relate to the twenty two cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot so people wanting to do further study can consult any of the numerous good books on the Tarot for further edification Given below are each Runic House and right below each line listing the House is the corresponding Tarot card. The line for the Tarot card lists it's number first in brackets, the name of the card, and then a very brief summation of it's traditional meaning. Please note that each House in the Sword has only one Tarot card associated with it. The Houses in the Moat however have two very similar meaning Tarot cards associated with them. The meaning of each Moat House is the composite of the two Tarot cards. THE SWORD #1 Midgard -the self ( 0) Fool, Godhead: that around which all else revolves #3/2 Urd -the past (13) Death, Leaving of old for new beginnings #4 Asgard -the good ( 9) Hermit, Higher guidance, meditation #5 Hell -the bad (15) Devil, Temptations #7/6 Verdandi -the flow (10) Wheel of Fortune, Change - the vagaries of life #9/8 Skuld -the reward (21) World, Reward - the Great Work attained THE MOAT #B/A Maiden -home and family ( 3) Empress, The Earth Mother (17) Star, Health, hope, inspiration #D/C King -life's burden's and gains ( 4) Emperor, Power, authority ( 1) Magician, Control, willpower #F/E Tiller -work and career ( 7) Chariot, Triumph over problems (19) Sun, Success through labours #H/G Castle -strife and conquest (16) Tower, Upsetting forces (18) Moon, Unforeseen danger, deception #J/I Dragon -social life and fame (14) Temperance, Harmony, adaptation (11) Strength Courage, spiritual power #L/K Knight -personal development and skills (12) Hanged Man, A time of reflection, advancement (20) Judgment, New awareness, spiritual union #N/M Runemeister -justice and duty ( 5) High Priest, Ritual law, formality ( 8) Justice, Legality, accountability #P/O Bard -love and spiritual concerns ( 2) Priestess, Unseen influences, intuition ( 6) Lovers, Love, harmony, balance ************************************************************ Section 3 The Runes ************************************************************ The Runes are here examined individually for their use in Runemals. First the old Germanic name of the Rune is given in capital letters. The next line gives the translation of its name along with further clarifications of its meaning to make it clear to a modern reader. This is necessary as connotations change over time along with culture. We then have two statistical pieces of information, the English equivalent letter of the Rune and its formal position in the aettir. For more information on using Runes to write English words please see the first Section under "The Runic Alphabet." Explanations of the importance and meaning of the aettir is also given in the first Section. Each Runestave is then rendered in ASCII using #'s as building blocks. Runes were all carved or drawn as combinations of straight lines so a passable job is accomplished here. Please pay no attention to the respective sizes of the different Runes as rendered here as it has no significance, other than what was easy to do in ASCII. The original Runes did not follow a formal code of exact size or proportion. When you are writing them do try to keep the Runes roughly the same height as this is traditional with how they were written. The final section after each Runestave deals with the Rune's esoteric meaning as used in divination. Each Rune has a basic theme that is listed as its Fundamental Meaning. This Fundamental meaning comes from it's Esoteric meaning which is ameliorated by it's position in the aett. To make interpretation easier this theme is then broken down into an Objective Interpretation and a Subjective Interpretation as secondary meanings. The secondary themes add scope, breath and show range of meaning. The (primary) FUNDAMENTAL MEANING is always read in conjunction with the secondary interpretations to get the full rounded meaning. The (secondary) OBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION is outer directed. The (secondary) SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION is inner directed A Runestone can be drawn from it's container with the Runestave either upright or upside down. The meanings change according to which end is up. The upright and reversed secondary interpretations can be looked at as poles of a continuum and are given here. The reverse of Fundamental meanings is not listed but means there will be problems with the theme, or going through problems in connection with the theme. In general a reversed Rune is fundamentally an indication of strong change of direction and since it is human nature to find change upsetting the connotation of a reversed Rune is most often negative, but it need not be. Whether a Rune has a positive or negative connotation and where it's meaning might be along a continuum is mediated as being part of a total Runemal. Please refer back to the previous section and the Runemal called The Ravens to see the practical application of the two secondary meanings. The Ravens is an important basic building block of all following Runemals and so the two secondary meanings are of great importance. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FEHU Cattle; currency, common wealth Letter: F Freyja's Eight 1 of 8 # # # # # # # ## # # # # # ## # # # SUCCESS (Fehu, Fundamental) Ultimate achievement on the worldly plane. PROSPERITY (Fehu, Upright Objective) Material wealth as strived for. Gain or conquest if the course already embarked on is adhered to. GEMUTLICHKEIT (Fehu, Upright Subjective) Since "wealth" is relative, emotionally: the good life, contentment, fulfillment. CALAMITY (Fehu, Reversed Objective) Loss or failure if the course already embarked upon is adhered to. ENTROPY (Fehu, Reversed Subjective) You watch helplessly as things dwindle away around you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * URUZ Wild ox, auroch, Rune of Passage Letter: U Freyja's Eight 2 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # PASSAGES (Uruz, Fundamental) Turning point, almost at ultimate success but still some work to do. OPPORTUNITY (Uruz, Upright Objective) Some sacrifice may be necessary but go boldly, your soul and the universe support the change. PASSAGE (Uruz, Upright Subjective) You are at the climax of some experience and ready to break through. REPRESSION (Uruz, Reversed Objective) An opportunity missed or one that should be passed up. BLOCKAGE (Uruz, Reversed Subjective) Movement that appears blocked. Opportunity is at hand and should not be ignored. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THURISAZ Thorn Letter: Th Freyja's Eight 3 of 8 # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # DECISION (Thurisaz, Fundamental) Still some planning to do before you can go into action. JUDGMENT (Thurisaz, Upright Objective) You are missing something so take stock of your situation and consolidate your position before attempting any further progress. INTROSPECTION (Thurisaz, Upright Subjective) Time for contemplation and rethinking your attitudes. REPERCUSSION (Thurisaz, Reversed Objective) There is not much helping it. A hasty or bad decision which will cause regret. PERVERSENESS (Thurisaz, Reversed Subjective) A bad attitude which causes problems * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANSUZ Mouth, the spoken word, message from the gods Letter: A Freyja's Eight 4of 8 ## # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # LUCUBRATION (Ansuz, Fundamental) Ideas and thoughts but not yet any direction. ENLIGHTENMENT (Ansuz, Upright Objective) Education and or knowledge imparted to inquirer by older person or one more knowledgeable in the ways of the world or spirit. INSIGHT (Ansuz, Upright Subjective) You see someone or something in a new light. MISGUIDANCE (Ansuz, Reversed Objective) Biased advise and misinformation. MALENTENDU (Ansuz, Reversed Subjective) Misunderstanding * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RAIDO A long journey on horseback Letter: R Freyja's Eight 5 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # JOURNEY (Raido, Fundamental) Physical, mental and emotional movement. TRAVEL (Raido, Upright Objective) A journey with positive connotations. E.g.: a trip for pleasure or one which will bring happiness. QUEST (Raido, Upright Subjective) A quest to change. E.g.: greater self-realization, emotional health. PORTAGE (Raido, Reversed Objective) A journey with negative connotations. E.g.: difficulties on a journey, one that interferes with plans, an unpleasant journey or one for an unpleasant reason. OBSESSION (Raido, Reversed Subjective) A misguided quest or one for evil intent. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KANO Torch, fire Letter: K Freyja's Eight 6 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # ARRIVALS (Kano, Fundamental) Coming to where you should be. OPENING (Kano, Upright Objective) Opening up of a situation or relationship. AWAKENINGS (Kano, Upright Subjective) You will see new possibilities. CONSTRICTION (Kano, Reversed Objective) A closing down, limiting, a parting (friend or lover), a worsening (situation). LIMITATIONS (Kano, Reversed Subjective) Recognize that all opportunities are not for us, not open to us. (Not lost opportunities, just all not possible.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GEBO A gift, offerings from gods or chiefs to loyal followers Letter: G Freyja's Eight 7 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SETTLEMENTS (Gebo, Fundamental) Entrenching into a new something UNIONS (Gebo, Objective) A union, uniting, engagement, wedding, or partnership of some form. ATTUNEMENT (Gebo, Subjective) Coming together with your levels. E.g.: finding out something about yourself. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WUNJO Bliss, absence of suffering and sorrow Letter: W Freyja's Eight 8 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # BLISS (Wunjo, Fundamental) Enjoyment of that which is. GLORY (Wunjo, Upright Objective) Things around you are going well and bring happiness. HAPPINESS (Wunjo, Upright Subjective) Satisfaction with self. A term of travail is ended and you have "come to yourself" in some regard. VICISSITUDE (Wunjo, Reversed Objective) A crises or difficult passage, even if brief, is at hand. FRUSTRATION (Wunjo, Reversed Subjective) Your best efforts produce slow progress but no resolution. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HAGALAZ Hail, natural forces Letter: H Hagal's Eight 1 of 8 # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # DISRUPTIVE forces (Hagalaz, Fundamental) Serious changes in things around you. UPSETS (Hagalaz, Objective) Natural forces outside control and self. CAUTION (Hagalaz, Subjective) Delay plans as time is not right for their execution. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NAUTHIZ Need Letter: N Hagal's Eight 2 of 8 # # # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # TRYING forces (Nauthiz, Fundamental) Things can be changed but only with great difficulty. RESTRAINT (Nauthiz, Upright Objective) A warning for restraint. Keep within your abilities, financial and otherwise. There will be hold-ups, reasons to reconsider your plans carefully. PERSEVERANCE (Nauthiz, Upright Subjective) The building of character. The need or necessity which drives people to accomplish impossible deeds. HARDSHIPS (Nauthiz, Reversed Objective) You must undergo the dark side of your passage. There are troubles on the path of life from which to learn. There is no lightening the load. DISTRESS (Nauthiz, Reversed, Subjective) Failure because of your personal weakness. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ISA Ice, that which cools or impedes Letter: I Hagal's Eight 3 of 8 # # # # # # # RETARDING forces (Isa, Fundamental) Problems that will upset the way things are going. IMPEDIMENTS (Isa, Objective) A cooling off or impediment of some sort. Positive accomplishment is unlikely now. Can also signify the ending of something. COOLING (Isa, Subjective) A waning of enthusiasm in emotional or career matters. Emotion pain. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JERA One year, harvest Letter: J Hagal's Eight 4 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # DELAYING forces (Jera, Fundamental) Positive results, but not yet. Time must run it's course. POSTPONEMENTS (Jera, Objective) Encourages you to keep your spirits up, however no quick results are to be expected. Beneficial outcomes, but always a span of time. CULTIVATE (Jera, Subjective) Plant / cultivate and success will follow. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EIWAZ Yew tree, bow made from, so defense against danger Letter: Y Hagal's Eight 5 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## AVERTIVE forces (Eiwaz, Fundamental) Problems that are being overcome by hard work. RESOLUTION (Eiwaz, Objective) An inconvenience that will work out for the better. Solving a problem where action has been dormant for some time. FORTITUDE (Eiwaz, Subjective) Don't pull away from problems, flow with them. It is important not to collapse into your emotions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERTH Shaker, a cup for divination as in casting lots Letter: P Hagal's Eight 6 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # FORTUITOUS forces (Perth, Fundamental) Things that happen unexpectedly from forces beyond you. SERENDIPITY (Perth, Upright Objective) Unearned gain and pleasant surprises. Finding lost articles; a second chance at relationships, careers, opportunities. EXPECTATIONS (Perth, Upright, Subjective) You will receive more than you expected. APPREHENSION (Perth, Reversed Objective) Unpleasant surprises and darker deeds perpetrated against you. REMORSE (Perth, Reversed Subjective) You expected too much and will be disappointed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALGIZ Amber, heal pebble Letter: Z Hagal's Eight 7 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # TRIUMPHAL forces (Algiz, Fundamental) You will succeed because of both hard work and luck. ATTAINMENT (Algiz, Upright Objective) Fortunate new influences. Feel secure about new opportunities and challenges. E.g.: about career, but expect to use your mind and have to study. PERSISTENCE (Algiz, Upright Subjective) Patience, resoluteness and foresight are called for here. You'll get the breaks, just keep at it. VULNERABILITY (Algiz, Reversed Objective) An offer or person to be refused or avoided so look carefully at all associations you form at this time. WEAKNESS (Algiz, Reversed Subjective) You will want to take the path that appears easier rather than stick it out with the correct one. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SOWELO Sun Letter: S Hagal's Eight 8 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # LIFE FORCE (Sowelo, Fundamental) All is secure and stable. PROTECTION (Sowelo, Objective) Curing of troubles. Don't worry, be happy! Often related to health, tension, worry. A time for recharging. You need a rest. ENTHUSIASM (Sowelo, Subjective) The fierce drive from within. E.g.: the path you must follow, not from ulterior motives but from the essence if your individuality. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TIEWAZ Tyr, god of war Letter: T Tyr's Eight 1 of 8 # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # MANHOOD (Tyr, Fundamental) Dealing with the vagaries of life, as in a warrior fighting the battle of life. Also can mean you, yourself. MAN (Tyr, Upright Objective) Physical stamina and moral strength. E.g.: a major happening for the inquirer; could even be a serious romance. A significant male. DETERMINATION (Tyr, Upright Subjective) High energy. E.g.: strength of will and competitive spirit to a cause, project, or path of conduct. MISCREANCY (Tyr, Reversed Objective) Falling into misguided ways. MALAISE (Tyr, Reversed Subjective) An impeded flow of energy. E.g.: doldrums, inactivity, a bareness of ideas, impotence, infertility, sterility. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BERKANA Birch tree Letter: B Tyr's Eight 2 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## RELATIONS (Berkana, Fundamental) Dealing with your significant others, the people close to you. FAMILY (Berkana, Upright Objective) Close family, relatives, significant others. Family gatherings and events (birth, marriages, etc.) NURTURING (Berkana, Upright Objective) Bring along the growth of an idea or undertaking, especially at its early stages. ANXIETY (Berkana, Reversed Objective) A worry about potential miscarriages, abortions, divorce; worrying news about family. REGRESSION (Berkana, Reversed Subjective) Whatever you try just seems to aggravate people and make the situation worse. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EHWAZ A horse (ownership a sign of status; e.g. how your peers see you) Letter: E Tyr's Eight 3 of 8 ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # STATUS (Ehwaz, Fundamental) Things that matter to you. POSSESSIONS (Ehwaz, Upright Objective) Changes in things (as opposed to people) important to you. Can be intangible, as a change in domicile. COMMITMENTS (Ehwaz, Upright Subjective) Be attentive to your responsibilities, do not digress and success will follow. Worry about doing rather than outcome. PRIVATION (Ehwaz, Reversed Objective) Loss of things or inability to obtain them. DIGRESSION (Ehwaz, Reversed Subjective) You are lax or derelict in your duties and will have to suffer the consequences. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MANNAZ Mankind, the community Letter: M Tyr's Eight 4 of 8 ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # OTHERS (Mannaz, Fundamental) Dealings with people other than those close to you. Community at large. COMMUNITY (Mannaz, Upright Objective) Expect to receive assistance and co-operation from those around you. It is objective, honest, reliable and may even be altruistic. MATURITY (Mannaz, Upright Subjective) Contacts with the outside world which will enhance the inquirer's perspective. ISOLATION (Mannaz, Reversed Objective) Do not hope to rely on help or friendly support as loss or breach of trust or loyalty is implied. MEDITATION (Mannaz, Reversed Subjective) A period of self-isolation and detachment from life so that ideas can be nurtured because no outside help can be expected. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LAGUZ Water, fluidity, conduction, intuition Letter: L Tyr's Eight 5 of 8 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # BEGINNINGS (Laguz, Fundamental) The igniting force that brings life to new projects. WOMAN (Laguz, Upright Objective) A guiding and protective influence. A significant female. INTUITION (Laguz, Upright Subjective) Look to intuition for the answer. E.g.: a revelation received through intuition, sudden inspiration, or a dream. TEMPTATION (Laguz, Reversed Objective) Elements that arouse desire. E.g.: a temptress who will disrupt the inquirer's life and bring many complications. MISTAKES (Laguz, Reversed Subjective) A failure to draw on wisdom of instinct or a situation where "feelings" drew inquirer into wrong situation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INGUZ God Ing Letter: Ng Tyr's Eight 6 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # REALIZATIONS (Ng, Fundamental) Constructive forces, especially from within, to do things. FERTILITY (Ng, Objective) Children, fertility, birth, a new... PROACTIVITY (Ng, Subjective) The force is available to achieve completion, resolution, of a project or state of mind. It is timely and important to do it now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DAGAZ Day, summer solstice Letter: D Tyr's Eight 7 of 8 ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## DAWNING (Dagaz, Fundamental) Unveilings and growth. The coming out of self or the resolution of projects. GROWTH (Dagaz, Objective) Major period of, or breakthrough, growth; especially in achievement, prosperity and success. Darkness is behind you, daylight has come. TRANSITION (Dagaz, Subjective) A complete insight, transition or change of mind which is strong enough to result in a change of actions or lifestyle. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OTHILA Legacy Letter: O Tyr's Eight 8 of 8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # LEGACY (Othila, Fundamental) How other regard you; the final ramifications of your actions. RECOGNITION (Othila, Upright Objective) Personal recognition. E.g.: graduations, diplomas, awards, promotions, etc. Often equates to major material possessions. E.g.: real estate, great wealth. PERSONA (Othila, Upright Subjective) Positive reinforcement of worth. REASSESSMENTS (Othila, Reversed Objective) Don't be bound by old traditions or conditioning. NOTORIETY (Othila, Reversed Subjective) Negative reinforcement of worth. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WYRD Fate, the Three Norns Letter: None Is outside the three aettir ####### # # # # # # # # # # ####### FATE (Wyrd, Fundamental) Imminent contact with your true destiny, which, time and again rises like the phoenix from the ashes of what we call fate. DESTINY (Wyrd, Objective) Indicates events which are predestined or inevitable and cannot be changed. UNDISCLOSED (Wyrd, Subjective) Things or events not to be disclosed for inquirer's own good. ************************************************************ Mission Statement ************************************************************ MISSION STATEMENT Don't know why I am the chosen one but I have been given insight into the inner workings of the Runes. To share this insight this text is presented as freeware. Isn't it nice to see that word, freeware, a rarity these days. This is a complete work on divination in a northern European tradition, nothing else is needed. What is here written was done while keeping the limitations of ASCII in mind; so while it is not necessarily a pretty presentation of a visual art, it does convey all that is needed. Tried hard to make everything clear but people are very different, so I'm also providing a support service for those who are interested. This would help those who want to take Runes seriously and get deeper into them because while complete, the text here only covers the basics and doesn't do much to work though sample examples. Some time in the future I may be able to answer all questions gratis but for now I will weed out the serious from bored gawkers by asking subscriptions for nine months of support and consultation at a modest and fair $ 47.00 US. N.B.: this is not, repeat not, for my Interpretation or Runecasting services, only an educational support service on how to Runecast by the methods described here. For subscribing, to show my appreciation of your interest, I will send you absolutely free the following welcoming package: Letter of Welcome A hard copy version of this text Photocopy ready copies of forms suggested A 3 1/2 high density disc containing: A MS Word (V 6.0) for Windows version A WordPerfect for DOS version A WordStar (V5.0) for DOS version The ASCII text version (for other word processors) TrueType Rune fonts (Shareware, not mine) These are all things that should make life easier, especially the forms as it can be time consuming and frustrating making your own. The address is: Oyar Mickevics 406-2070 Camilla Road Mississauga, Ontario CANADA L5A 2J7 A special offer to people who subscribe to the support service for helping in passing this information on. Details of how to get a free Runecast and Interpretation from me (worth much more than the cost of support subscription) will be sent with the above welcoming package. To everyone else: if you got this file from a BBS (or otherwise) please feel free to pass copies on and post it on other boards. March 1995 (C) ************************************************************ May the Force be with You! ************************************************************ ************************************************************