Realms of Arkania -- Star Trail A Fantasy Role-Playing Simulation Storyline In a world of irresistible temptations, your opportunities seem endless... the legendary and incredibly powerful Star Trail, a blade which even surpasses the famed Grimring, the Blade of Destiny.. the mystical and highly magical Salamander Gem, reputed to have the power to affect alliances between the most hardened of enemies or the closest of friends. Both are immensely valuable, both are coveted. Each may mean wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams or a slow painful death worse than any you could imagine. Overshadowing your exploration of Arkania lie a bevy of dangers merely waiting for a band of foolhardy adventurers. An ancient feud fueled by a millennia of hatred makes the Dwarves and the Elves easy prey. The bloodthirsty Orcs and the threat of war are an ever-present danger. And even more frightening is the sinister evil which seems to hang ominously over the entire land. Featuring smooth-scrolling 3-D, state-of-the-art graphics engine, Star Trail advances the internationally award- winning Realms of Arkania series to the next level. Spectacular graphics will guarantee that everything in Arkania is just a little too real and too close for comfort. Throughout development, designers have paid heed to the words of thousands of players world-wide who wanted more from the strange land they loved - a new automated combat system, a better dialogue system, a revamped and graphically detailed automap, a print option for character and diary information, and more. Not forgotten are those features that made Realms of Arkania a game like no other - fully animated, isometric 3D combat, beautifully animated monsters, 2 difficulty levels now accessible at any time, incredibly distinct characters with positive and negative character attributes, hundreds of new weapons, magical items and armor. On top of it all, Star Trail's gripping musical score, digitized speech and intense storyline will leave you trembling in your dungeon. And of course, that's only the beginning. Available Fall of 1994 CD-ROM MS-DOS 3.5" Speech Pack Hint Book