From!!!!!!gatech!swrinde!pipex!uunet!!!!nobody Tue Jan 17 22:07:59 1995 Path:!!!!!!gatech!swrinde!pipex!uunet!!!!nobody From: (yane) Newsgroups: soc.culture.yugoslavia Subject: MIC NEWS-16 January 1995 Date: 16 Jan 1995 11:04:09 -0500 Organization: Internex Online, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (416 363 3783) Lines: 131 Message-ID: <3fe5dp$> NNTP-Posting-Host: SKOPJE, 16 JANUARY, 1995 (MIC) JAMES BAKER: " TO SEND AN AMBASSADOR TO SKOPJE IMMEDIATELY!" Former Secretary of State James Baker, commenting, two days ago, certain aspects of the U.S. foreign policy at a hearing in the Congressional committee for international relations, said that the Clinton administration should immediately dispatch a fully accredited ambassador to Skopje. "I believe that Macedonia," Baker emphasized, "where we have more than 500 American observers in the field, is a particularly dangerous zone, and I feel that NATO should send a clear message, sustained with a convincing threat with force, that the Alliance will not allow Macedonia to become the focus of a broader Balkan conflict. According to my opinion, that should also encompass a clear signal to Greece that its NATO partners will not tolerate the unfounded and illegal embargo against Macedonia any longer, and that means that the administration should stop complying with the domestic political interests and immediately send a fully accredited ambassador to Skopje." Commenting the situation in the region, Baker expressed support of the efforts of the Contact-group for finding a diplomatic or political solution to the crisis and as well as the idea for the U.S. not to enter Bosnia neither with air, nor land forces. "But, if this war spills over, for example, into Macedonia - that's also why I mentioned it separately in my statement, and there is a true risk for that, then it will come to a broader Balkan war," Baker added. "And history has taught us that the U.S. can't stand an unstable Europe. So, in the end, if it comes to a broader European war, we would find ourselves over there, yet again. And if something happens in Macedonia, it will come to an involvement of an entire line of countries - Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece." "My opinion," Baker concludes, "is that only way to prevent that is by taking an approach such as we were not in a possibility of taking when Yugoslavia started falling apart, that is, for this to become a mission of the North Atlantic Alliance - to redefine the mission of the Alliance, for it to also encompass the maintenance of the peace and the stability of the European committee. And to tell those who are tempted by adventures in Macedonia, that, if they do that, they will face all the force and fierceness of the Alliance." AMERICAN INTEREST IN THE MACEDONIANS The U.S. Assistant Foreign Minister Nancy Ellie-Rafael, in charge of questions concerning human rights, who is staying in Greece for a couple of days, also met in Thessaloniki with representatives of the Macedonian national minority, whereby she was informed about the position of the Macedonians in Greece. The leader of the "Macedonian Movement for Balkan Prosperity" Pavlos Vaskopolous, who, together with Tashko Bulev, had a longer discussion with the U.S. high official and U.S. consul in Thessaloniki, said that they exchanged opinions as to the ways in which they could change the situation of full denial of the existence of a Macedonian minority in Greece. Previously, Rafael, together with the consul, had a meeting with the mayor Konstantinos Kosmopoulos, as well as the Minister for Macedonia and Trakia, Kostas Trijaridis. In the Greek media, Rafael's entire stay in Greece was literally unnoticed, while some newspapers said that it had come to a meeting with representatives of the self-proclaimed "Macedonian movement for Balkan prosperity," which, as it was stressed, gathered "a group of people who promote pro-Skopje stances." PAPANDREOU TURNED CLINTON DOWN Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou rejected the proposal made by the President of the U.S. Bill Clinton, for dialogue without prerequisites, with, as he said, "Albania, Skopje and Turkey." In yesterday's interview for the newspaper "Katimerini," he emphasized that a dialogue at a high political level would be futile and would create greater tension, if the framework of the dialogue is not previously determined, and if some questions that apply to the human rights are not previously settled. In the same interview, Prime Minister Papandreou underlines that "as long as Gligorov shows no signs of an intention to yield, there can be no direct dialogue." He blames Turkey for the creation of "lasting tension in the Aegean," and in relation to Albania, notes that a "partial step on the Albanian side" has been made. As regards the Greek embargo against the Republic of Macedonia, Papandreou said that "it will remain in effect regardless of the decisions of the European Court." As it is known, the legality of the Greek blockade against its Balkan neighbor will be reviewed by the European Court of Justice on February 1, at the request of the European Commission. Yesterday, Papandreou warned the Macedonian leaders not to put all their hopes into "a criticism of the European Court of Greece." Greece will keep the "stable diplomatic front" against Macedonia, regardless of the Court, stated Papandreou. ELECTIONS IN MACEDONIA - FAIR AND FREE The results of the OSCE Summit held in Budapest around a month ago, were summed up in the meeting of the Standing committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for European Security and Cooperation, which was held in Vienna these last two days. In addition, a number of decisions were made, which apply to the future activities of this Council, during 1995. A discussion was also opened in regards to the report of the delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on the results of the elections in Macedonia, which were graded as fair, free and democratic. The Standing committee adopted a resolution on the situation in Chechenia, whereby it appealed for an end to the violence and the implementation of the principles and standards of the OSCE. "On behalf of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, I suggested that this forum make a recommendation urging for an urgent implementation of the resolution of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, adopted in July, last year, which requests that the Republic of Macedonia be admitted to this organization as soon as possible, that the Greek embargo be lifted, and that our country be compensated for the embargoes from north and south," stated the head of the Macedonian delegation, the member of the Macedonian Parliament Panche Nasev. IMPERATIVE FOR STABILITY The Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Tansu Chiler, in the interview for the newspaper in Turkish language "Birlik," assessed the political and economic stability of Macedonia as a factor of great significance for the stability of the whole region. "Macedonia is located in the heart of the Balkans and its political and economic stability are of great importance for the stability of the region, therefore we are following the democratic processes in Macedonia with great interest..." "Turkey is also giving great importance to the recognition of Macedonia under its constitutional name and the integration of Macedonia into the regional and international institutions," says, among the rest, the Turkish Prime Minister Chiler, stressing, in the interview, that "the Republic of Turkey will continue giving support to Macedonia in every aspect." ================================================= M I L S N E W S Skopje, 6 February, 1995 CRVENKOVSKI SEEKS ADDITIONAL U.S. AID On his Washington visit, Macedonian Foreign Minister Stevo Crvenkovski met U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher to discuss economic issues, particularly the possibility of U.S. aid to help Macedonia settle its debt toward the Paris Club. The Americans said several plans for economic support are now being prepared. Macedonian Television says some U.S. calculations show Macedonia is a country presently receiving the highest American economic aid per capita. They also talked about extending the agreement with UN peacekeeping troops in Macedonia and the U.S. participation in the mission. Crvenkovski stressed Macedonia's interest in further development of bilateral relations with the U.S. Crvenkovski later met with Lynn Davis, U.S. Under Secretary for International Security and Arms Control, congressman Benjamin Gielman, president of the U.S. Congress Committee for International Relations, and ex-Secretary of State James Baker. According to Macedonian Television, the Greek embargo on Macedonia was not a topic in any of the discussions. Washington has already explicitly stated it considers the Greek embargo an obstacle for Greek-Macedonian negotiations. According to Macedonian Television, the establishment of full diplomatic ties between Macedonia and the U.S. no longer depends on the outcome of Greek-Macedonian negotiations. Well-informed sources say closer diplomatic relations now depend more on dealing with internal problems in Macedonia, such as improving the democratic process and providing conditions for the Pedagogical Academy to start courses in the Albanian language. Meanwhile, A1 Television says Macedonia and the U.S. are to establish diplomatic ties in September, elevating the U.S. Liaison Office in Skopje to a consulate. UNPROFOR COMMAND TO BE TRANSFERRED TO SKOPJE The monthly Skopje-based Macedonian Times magazine writes that the UNPROFOR Command is shortly to be transferred from Zagreb to Skopje. This UN decision is supported by NATO and is brought about after Croatian President Franjo Tudjman decided not to extend the agreement to have UN peacekeeping forces on Croatian territory. ============================================ M I L S N E W S Skopje, 14 February, 1995 BORDER SITUATION CONTINUES STABLE Macedonian Defense Minister Blagoj Handzhiski yesterday received General Mati Kopra, Chief-of-staff of the Finnish Army, in the presence of Dragoljub Bocinov, Macedonian Chief-of-staff. Handzhiski reported the security situation at borders as stable, adding the UN peacekeeping mission has considerably contributed to the present relaxed situation. General Kopra expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between Macedonian authorities and UNPROFOR troops. UNPROFOR COMMAND HAND-OVER CEREMONY The commanding officer of UNPROFOR Command for Macedonia, Brigadier-General Tryggve Tellefsen, will tomorrow hand over command to Brigadier-General Juha Engstrom. The ceremony will be conducted at Camp Able Sentry, close to Petrovec airport, at 2 p.m. The program includes a review of the troops and an honor ceremony to the commanders. MACEDONIAN BUSINESSMEN TO GO TO SERBIA Government spokesman Gjuner Ismail said a group of 15 influential Macedonian businessmen will go to Belgrade this week. The group will be led by Dushan Petrevski, president of the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce. The goal of the visit is to find ways to overcome problems in the greatly reduced bilateral cooperation, especially in the fields of agriculture and production of tobacco and food, due to international sanctions on Yugoslavia. Ismail denied reports that Macedonian Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski will meet with his Serbian counterpart Mirko Marjanovic in Belgrade. ===================================== M I L S N E W S S P E C I A L E D I T I O N Skopje, 18 February, 1995 ONE DEAD AS POLICE AND CROWDS CLASH IN TETOVO In Mala Rechica, near Tetovo, at about 2.30 p.m. yesterday, police clashed with a crowd of people, gathered in front of the building used as the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences of the Albanian-language university in Tetovo, killing one and injuring about 20. Abdi Seljam Ajmini of the village of Lisec was wounded, and the injured included a reporter of the Skopje paper Vecher. The incident began when police tried to enter the building while lectures were in progress. A1 television reports 30 police officers and about 100 villagers were already at the spot by 2 p.m. Two buses soon arrived carrying police reinforcements , accompanied by OSCE and UNPROFOR representatives. The OSCE official made efforts to mediate between the two sides, but to no avail. Several inhabitants of Mala Rechica tried to do the same, but failed as well. The police then began pushing the crowd away from the building, and the villagers started throwing stones at them. The police tried using nightsticks, tear gas, and warning shots in the air to move the crowd. The Tetovo police headquarters claims it was the crowd which started shooting automatic weapons. The crowd was soon dispersed, but not before damaging the two police buses and a vehicle belonging to Macedonia Television. At about 4 p.m., a PDP delegation, led by leader Abdurahman Haliti, arrived at the scene. NDP parliament deputy Bekhir Kadriu persuaded the crowds to go to their homes. The situation clamed down during the evening hours. Armed police troops are deployed along roads going into Tetovo and into Mala Rechica. A meeting took place behind closed doors at the NDP head offices in Tetovo. Unofficial sources say the university's rector, Fadil Suleimani, along with representatives of NDP and the Thaci-led PDP faction, also attended the meeting. A1 Television says people tried to organize a protest by the Macedonian citizens of Tetovo and there is a possibility of a demonstration in front of the parliament building in Skopje. POLICE ARREST UNIVERSITY RECTOR SULEIMANI Professor Dr. Fadil Suleimani, rector of the university in Tetovo, was taken into custody late last night, Macedonian Television reports. REACTIONS TO THE INCIDENT -- PDP president Abdurahman Haliti, appearing in an Albanianlanguage program on Macedonian Television, appealed to all ethnic Albanians in Macedonia, and especially to those living in Tetovo and its surroundings, to stay calm and use common sense at this moment as well as in the days to come. Haliti openly blamed the highest political institutions in the country, including president Gligorov and the government, for the latest events in western Macedonia. This situation, he said, resulted from demands concerning education by ethnic Albanians being unjustifiably delayed. Those authorized to deal with the problem have been avoiding it, creating a situation easily used by everyone, even provocateurs. According to Haliti, what happened in Mala Rechica yesterday was the worst possible scenario, leading to no solution. As for calls by Fadil Suleimani to defend the university, Haliti said no such calls are needed and pointed out those who have been chosen and given authority to resolve the problem should finally do so. Haliti disassociated himself from statements given by Suleimani and Joseph DioGuardi, the ex U.S. Congressman who spoke to the crowd attending the opening of the university on Thursday. Asked to predict future events in the Tetovo area, Haliti said it would be unhelpful to predict anything, adding the current situation is very bad and the police presence only increases the tension.- Ambassador Tore Bogh, Head of the OSCE Mission in Skopje, said, "It is with deep regret that I have received the news that there have been violent incidents in the Tetovo area, and according to some reports even with the loss of life. We in the OSCE Mission hoped that both the organizing committee of the university and the authorities would show maximum restraint in order that the situation should not get out of hand, especially in view of the high level of tension which prevailed. Such restraint was, indeed, shown by all sides on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. I still do not have sufficient information in order to give an assessment of what happened. It is not my job to allocate blame. I can only say that I am deeply disturbed by what I have heard. I sincerely hope that the events today will not bring further unrest. Because that is something that neither this country nor the Balkan region needs."- Hugo Anson, representative of the UN special envoy, Yasushi Akashi, this morning issued a statement to the Press: "We are continuing to monitor developments throughout Macedonia closely, including Tetovo. We deeply regret that there has been some violence and we urge all parties to continue on the path of dialogue, goodwill, compromise and restraint. The United Nations urges all parties to act strictly within the Macedonian Constitution and laws of the republic. The UN Security Council has committed itself to ensuring respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We urge all citizens of this republic to think of themselves first and foremost as citizens, and only afterwards as members of various ethnic groups, and to continue extending the hand of friendship and understanding to each other within the law. There is so much to be lost by confrontation and so much to be won through continued co-operation." - Dime Gjurev, undersecretary in the Macedonian Ministry of Interior, told reporters in Tetovo yesterday that the police, although prepared for incidents, had not expected such violent behavior by the crowd. The police will continue to take steps to prevent such behavior in future and will bring criminal charges against the ten arrested leaders. Gjurev said the police fired warning shots in the air. It is yet to be determined from what direction the fatal bullet was fired. He said the university rector will also be held responsible, while the ex-congressman DioGuardi had already left the country.- The leadership and executive committee of the Tetovo municipality issued a public statement appealing to all citizens of Tetovo to restrain from violence and avoid quarrels and provocation of any kind, in order to preserve peaceful coexistence in the area. The statement was signed by Shakir Aliti, Tetovo township coexistence in the region. The statement was signed by Shakir Aliti, Tetovo township committee president.- Macedonian government spokesman, Gjuner Ismail regretted to have to say that the incident only confirmed the government's repeated statements that no problem is solvable through actions beyond the state institutions. The government hopes that the latest incident will be lesson enough for all who seek solutions outside the legal framework. The government remains ready for dialogue and it will consider as legitimate those representatives of the people who will contribute to resolving problems through negotiations.- Radio Tirana and the Albanian Television describe the situation in and around Tetovo as highly tense after the incidents. Radio Tirana reports one killed and nine injured, as well as police and army road blocks going into Mala Rechica . The radio also announced a possibility of organized gatherings of Macedonians in Tetovo. The television broadcast a comment titled "Macedonian Chauvinists Armed Against Education", describing the incident as a brutal and criminal act by the police and a flagrant violation of human rights.- The PDP leadership most bitterly condemned the police interference and intervention against inhabitants of Mala Rechica. The party says this is a direct attack on the ethnic relations in the country, leading to a general destabilization of the situation. The act, PDP says, is a shameful and cruel attack on the right of a people to education in its native language. According to PDP, highest political institutions in Macedonia, including the government and president Gligorov, are to be blamed for not having found an appropriate solution for educational problems of ethnic Albanians for such a long time. Bearing in mind the newly developed situation in ethnic relations after the brutal police intervention, the PDP leadership appeals to citizens to remain calm and avoid all actions which could lead to further escalation of tension in the Tetovo region and in the entire country. The PDP will continue to make all efforts possible to help resolve misunderstandings and problems in all spheres of life through mutual tolerance and dialogue. The party requests immediate withdrawal of police and troops in order to prevent further incidents and so enable citizens to carry out their normal daily obligations.- "Mr. Frchkovski's and Mr. Gligorov's threats to make use of all means available to prevent the work of the university in Tetovo became reality today," vice-president of the PDP faction Menduh Thaci said. He pointed to the minister of interior and president of the country as the two individuals to bear the biggest responsibility for the incidents. To his knowledge, the police fired indiscriminately at the crowds.- The Association of Students at the University "Cyrill and Methodius" in Skopje remains firm in its stand that all education in the country must be part of an integrated higher-education system, and therefore finds justification for all legal measures and instruments undertaken to protect the constitutional order and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia. ========================================== M I L S N E W S Skopje, 20 February, 1995 SITUATION IN TETOVO STILL TENSE The situation in Tetovo, after the incident last Friday killing one and injuring 20, remains tense. More than 10,000 citizens from Tetovo and the surrounding villages, along with party leaders and representatives of the municipalities of Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar and Struga, went to the funeral of Abduselam Emini, killed during the incident. The funeral was also attended by a large number of Macedonian and foreign reporters, and representatives of the OSCE and UNPROFOR. After the funeral, a part of the crowd headed toward the Tetovo police station, to demand the release of Fadil Suleimani, rector of the university in Tetovo. Besides Suleimani, the police arrested four others: Milaim Feizi, president of the Human Rights Forum of Gostivar and member of the university council; Arben Rusi, member of the Thaciled faction's leadership and president of the humanitarian organization "El Hilal"; and Shaban Kemal and Arben Murtezani, participants in the demonstration. The crowd dispersed after an hour when parliament deputy Sali Ramadani appealed to them to do so, promising "he will personally gather 10,000 people and come back if the prisoners are not released." The Macedonian government has reportedly agreed to withdraw police troops guarding the university sites, after a promise made by the political parties of Albanians that no lectures will be given for the time being. Yet villagers of Poroy put up barricades, organized guards around the village and the local mosque where the university is to hold lectures for its economic and law departments. The president of the village's local self-government said these acts were "the will of the people, who are ready to defend the university with their lives." Also, Serbian symbols have been written on the walls of the university buildings in Mala Rechica. The local villagers say these symbols were written by the police, but the Ministry of Interior denied this. The leaderships of the PDP, NDP, ADP-LS and PDP-National Unity (now led by former PDP leader Nevzat Halili), along with representatives of the townships of Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar and Struga , and Albanian ministers and parliament members, started a continuous meeting to discuss the latest events. Despite the fact the meeting is closed for the public, information leaked that a dispute arose between the PDP leadership and the Thacists who insisted that ethnic Albanians quit the Macedonian state institutions. Sources say the PDP leaders also met with top government officials. POLICE WITHDRAWS FROM TETOVO AREA Macedonian Television says the Ministry of Interior, after talks with PDP leaders, decided to start withdrawing police forces from the Tetovo surroundings, and to continue withdrawing from the town of Tetovo (according to the newspaper Vecher their number in Tetovo will be reduced to the normal level). MINISTRY OF INTERIOR HOLDS PRESS-CONFERENCE At last Saturday's press-conference, Dime Gjurev, undersecretary in the Ministry of Interior, denied reports that the victim Abdiselam Emini had been shot by a machinegun burst. He presented results of the court medical officials which proved Emini had been killed by a M-57 (TT) 7.62-caliber revolver fired from a distance of 60 cm. He said Macedonian police possess a small number of such pistols which are also easily bought on the black market. Gjurev stressed only few policemen were carrying such weapons during the incident, which does not exclude the possibility that some of them used them. He told reporters criminal charges have been brought against five people, and another 10 have been charged lesser violations. On the grounds of Articles 205, 206, and 218 of the Macedonian Criminal Code, they are charged with inciting people to resist the police, belonging to a crowd which was preventing police officers from exercising their duties, and the illegal possession of weapons. Macedonian Television reports nine people have been sentenced, with sentences to be determined today. GLIGOROV SENDS TELEGRAM OF CONDOLENCES Expressing condolences to the family of the tragically killed Emini, President Gligorov said in a telegram: "Such unnecessary deaths once again warn that, in these times of wars, conflicts and hatred, it is essential for the peace and security of all our citizens and the future of the country, to have all sides ready to resolve even most complicated problems through dialogue and within the system and its institutions. This is the only way to promise a better common future." BRITAIN SUPPORTS MACEDONIA'S INTEGRITY The British Foreign Office issued a public statement on the latest incident in Mala Rechica, saying: "Great Britain supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and stability of FYROM; it is of vital interest that the neighboring countries also respect these principles and closely cooperate with the Macedonian authorities. The British government is deeply concerned with the increased tension between the Macedonian and Albanian community. The Albanian community ought to respect the Macedonian constitution and law, and the Macedonian government ought to fulfill its promises and meet the demands made by the Albanian community. Great Britain appeals to both sides to help alleviate the tension created by the incident. The event has underlined the need to create adequate conditions for education of the Albanian community." =============================================== SKOPJE, 21 FEBRUARY, 1995 (MIC) PROTEST IN FRONT OF MACEDONIAN EMBASSY A student protest meeting was held yesterday afternoon in front of the Macedonian embassy in Tirana, as a sign of support for the so-called "Albanian University" in Tetovo. The protest meeting started at the University in Tirana. Afterwards, the students, who were carrying banners and shouting out paroles, headed toward the city center. They held a meeting in front of the building of the Macedonian embassy in Tirana, in which numerous speakers expressed support for the Tetovo University. At the end, the students left a letter of protest in front of the building of the Macedonian embassy. Radio Tirana, which broadcast the news about the protest in the afternoon, did not specify the number of students that took part. IN TETOVO - PEACEFUL "CLASSES POSTPONED" - NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUING Yesterday, it was peaceful in Tetovo. The police left the town, while no classes were held in any of the objects of the so-called Tetovo university. However, in the afternoon hours, some twenty villagers from the surrounding villages surrounded the objects, acting as security. In Mala Rechica, the villagers cleaned and re-painted the house in which the mathematics faculty is located. The facade did not have the provocative Serb symbols any longer, written by unknown "authors" who appeared on Saturday morning, before the funeral of the deceased Emini, "Vecer" reports. The field on which the clashes between the police and the demonstrators took place was cleared from the stones that were thrown at the police. MEETING OF MACEDONIAN PARTIES IN TETOVO The managing organs of the Macedonian political parties from Tetovo held a working meeting late last night, at the end of which they issued an announcement made up of ten items. The announcement appeals to all citizens from the municipality, regardless of national or religious affiliation, to make all efforts to keep the peace and stability, in order to overcoming the deteriorated inter-ethnic relations. It was asked to establish direct contact and dialogue with the leaders of the political parties of the Albanians in Macedonia. They expressed support for the measures of the Macedonian Government and the Interior Ministry for protection of the Constitution and laws, and demanded a ban and sanctioning of all activities connected with the initiative for opening the so-called "Albanian university in Tetovo." Due to a number of incidents, confusion and provocations directed against certain citizens, and particularly participants, the Tetovo police station is urged to provide greater control and protection for all, and particularly these citizens. The announcement stresses that every "gettoization" of the citizens in this municipality, in particular the political subjects means further polarization and danger of more serious conflicts with possible tragic consequences. The Macedonian political parties from Tetovo also want a ban on any misuse of the local Assembly and the units of the local self-government with the favoring and exposition of any nationality, including the material and other means which they posses. FIRST COURT SANCTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS IN CLASHES SEVEN PEOPLE CHARGED The Tetovo District court for minor violations has sentenced seven participants in the clashes in front of the object of the so-called "Albanian university" in Mala Rechica to 30 days in prison. The seven people charged are Sulejman Resiti, Vehab Bajrami, Ruzdi Asani, Naser Durmisi, Fadilja Bekiri, Besim Sabani and Emin Emini. The court determined that during the massive gathering in front of the object in Mala Rechica, these seven did not pull back when the police officers told them to disburse, thereby committing a violation according to article 14 of the Law of torts. The court decision comes into effect immediately. INVESTIGATION AND TEMPORARY ARREST FOR SULEJMANI The Tetovo district public prosecutor Boris Milosavlevski stated for the media that the Interior Ministry brought criminal charges against Fadil Sulejmani, Miljaim Fejzi, Kemal Sabani, Arben Rusi and Arben Murtezani. The Interior Ministry requested that investigations be opened for all five, and that they be held in custody for a period of eight days. Fadil Sulejmani and Miljaim Fejzi were charged under the suspicion of committing the criminal act "participation in a crowd that obstructs an official from carrying out his duties." Kemal Sabani was also charged for "illegal possession of firearms and explosive materials." One automatic rifle, two belts with 60 bullets and one gun were found in his house. MUSLIM GRAVES IN KUMANOVO DESECRATED Yesterday, the Kumanovo police station received reports for the desecration of 35 Muslim graves in the town cemetery. The culprits are still not known, while the police is working intensively on finding out the people who committed this vandal act. The Islamic religious community announced yesterday that "this vandal and uncivilized act deeply offends and revolts the citizens of the Albanian nationality in Kumanovo and broader." The Community expects the offenders to be discovered and properly punished. ============================================== M I L S N E W S Skopje, 23 February 1995 CRVENKOVSKI CRITICIZES ALBANIAN STATEMENTS Macedonian Foreign Minister Stevo Crvenkovski yesterday summoned Shaban Murati, the Albanian ambassador to Macedonia, to register complaints about some of the official statements from Tirana regarding the university in Tetovo. The Foreign Ministry says Crvenkovski expressed serious concern with the anti-Macedonian demonstrations held in Tirana on February 20, which included highly offensive slogans about Macedonia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, its institutions and authorities. This, Crvenkovski warned, damages the already positive development of bilateral relations and cooperation between Macedonia and Albania. TETOVO TOWNSHIP HOLDS SPECIAL SESSION The Tetovo township assembly yesterday held an urgent session with the events in Mala Rechica as the only point on the agenda. The session was requested by PDP and NDP representatives. The assembly president Shakir Aliti blamed the government for the direct clash between police and citizens, saying the government should bear the responsibility, as no laws regulating higher education have been passed yet. Prime Minister Crvenkovski and Minister of Interior Frchkovski were bitterly criticized. "Mr. Frchkovski's police are pro-Serbian Chetnicks, with or without his being aware of it," said Muzafer Kamberi, committee member and president of the municipality of Mala Rechica. Other ethnic Albanian members spoke in a similar way. Following the open and direct support of the illegal university in Tetovo by all ethnic Albanian members, the Macedonian committee members walked out of the city hall. On behalf of all of the Macedonians, member Zoran Stojanovski said, "The Macedonian committee members are of a common view that the disturbed political and safety situation in Tetovo results from the illegal activities of the so-called rector's office of the university in Tetovo and its wide support by all parties of Albanians in Macedonia. Statements about the Macedonian police by ethnic Albanians in this committee are tendentious and lead to the further destabilization of ethnic relations." The session, continuing without Macedonian representatives, passed resolutions to suggest that PDP withdraw its ministers from the government, to call the government to responsibility and to demand that Frchkovski be dismissed from his position. The assembly will continue to support the work of the university, demanding that Fadil Suleimani and all suspects be released. SKOPJE STUDENTS TO PROTEST AGAINST TETOVO UNIVERSITY The Students' Council at the university "St. Cyrill and Methodius" in Skopje, has organized a peaceful student protest for today in front of Parliament. Yesterday's session of the Council went in a different direction than the one announced by the Council president Toni Mirchevski. Mirchevski asked that all university deans give students a free day, calling professors to join the protest. Some of the deans supported the students, while some said the protest comes too late. Students said the university had left it all in the hands of government, failing to carry out its duties in such situations. Therefore, they said, the university must be more energetic in future. Some students, however, said the protest would be counterproductive, as the state intends to integrate ethnic Albanians into the higher education system. Mirchevski turned down the suggestion to hold the protest on the university premises instead of in front of parliament. He announced a declaration will be read at the demonstration, to say students insist on a unique and integral educational system in the official Macedonian language, respect for the principle of equality instead of national keys when students enroll, and a demand that the executive power protects the constitutional order and territorial integrity of Macedonia without any retreats at all. The Liberal Union of Youth opposes the demonstration and has appealed to all students at the universities in Skopje and Bitola to ignore initiatives for public demonstrations against the university in Tetovo. The Union says this is the only way for students to remain dignified and to not get involved in street democracy. The Union called all young ethnic Albanians to draw the right conclusion from the incident in Mala Rechica and respect law and order as the only way for coexistence. The Union's statement ends with a condemnation of the desecration of Moslem graves in Kumanovo. DZHAFERI CALLS ALBANIANS OUT FOR PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS Unlike PDP leader Abdurahman Haliti, who insists on dialogue and talks, Arben Dzhaferi, leader of the informal political group (Thacists), states that there have been requests from the branches for organizing public demonstrations in Tetovo, as well as in all the other cities in Macedonia. In its statement yesterday, the NDP says the Macedonian government abused the readiness for dialogue shown by the Albanian political groups. The authorities continue with arrests, and latest government view, presented by Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski, is for further repression, arrests and political trials against ethnic Albanians. The NDP will use all available democratic methods to express the collective dissatisfaction felt by Albanians in Macedonia. ALBANIA TO RECONSIDER ITS MACEDONIAN POLICY Albanian authorities will no doubt re-examine its policy toward Macedonia, because the Macedonian government shows no intention of fulfilling promises concerning the rights of the Albanian minority. This was stated by the Albanian Deputy Foreign Minister, Arian Starova in his interview with Radio Tirana. Macedonian Radio yesterday said the comment by Albanian Radio reveals the truth of Albania's interest in the rights of Albanians in Macedonia and its real intentions in building friendly relations with Macedonia. This means Macedonian-Albanian relations will be good only if in interest of Albania and to the extent where Macedonia is ready to make concessions to ethnic Albanians in Macedonia. Tirana, in fact, wants a status of constitutive people for Albanians in Macedonia, to be followed by autonomy and new borders within Macedonia, all to make true the dream for a Greater Albania in the 21st century Europe. Tirana urges a belief in such dreams, playing the card of homogenization of all ethnic Albanians in the Balkan region. Whenever it fails to reach this goal, Tirana introduces a radicalization of relations with Macedonia, regardless of any tragic consequences, as already seen. No arguments can justify their open support for extreme action by the initiators of the university in Tetovo, and urging them to disrespect the laws of Macedonia. Closely resembling the old communist ways, the Albanian President Berisha's "democratic" administration manipulates the Albanian public and mobilizes students at the university in Tirana to organize demonstrations with slogans like "Tirana-Prishtina-Tetovo". The same was only recently stated by Albanian Prime Minister Mexi, who said all Albanians living in Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Greece should gather together under one roof, in on Albanian state. What does Berisha really mean when he says the peaceful coexistence of Albanians and Macedonians in Macedonia is a pre-condition for stability and prosperity of Macedonia? Was it aimed to gain applause from the international public, as dictated by Albanian patrons in western Europe and America, or was it really intended to assure Macedonia of Albania's good and friendly intentions? Mr. Starova also said his country has continually been helping Macedonia to endure under the Greek embargo, and has gained nothing in return. What is the price Macedonia has to pay to Albania?, asks Macedonian Radio yesterday. MILS SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: PRIVATIZATION FOLLOW UP The privatization process speeded up in the second half of 1994. According to figures from the Privatization Agency, nearly one-fifth of the enterprises in transformation decided to become privatized within the deadlines set by the Privatization Law. The law gave a two-year opportunity for large firms and an 18-month opportunity for medium and small companies to decide on their own whether they will enter the privatization process. The deadline for small and medium firms expired in December 1994, and large companies must decide by this June. Enterprises in which the previous privatization has to be examined are granted a somewhat longer deadline, but the privatization process in Macedonia must begin in June 1995. The planned dynamics for 1994 was completely finished. The Agency submitted its opinion on 100 cases to the Government Privatization Committee. Having received approval, the Agency began to organize the sale of companies. Last January 16 the Agency announced a public sale of the largest tobacco companies, such as Makedonija Tabak of Skopje, and the three tobacco-manufacturing firms in Prilep, Skopje, and Kumanovo. The companies are offered to international bidders, with the obligation to purchase at least 51 per cent of the shares. The deadline for submitting offers by interested buyers is 15 March. All potential buyers are advised to contact the Agency's consultants (Barents Group LLC, KPMG Peat Marwick, Washington, D.C.) for detailed information. On 15 February the Agency announced another public sale, offering ten other large companies. Six of them (Teteks of Tetovo, Skopski Lozar of Skopje, Zhito Makedonija of Skopje, Sharpromet of Tetovo, Bilkapromet of Skopje, and Inteks of Skopje) are offering their indivisible part . The remaining four companies - Fershped of Skopje, Pivara of Skopje, Angroteks of Shtip (in fact, a medium-sized company) and Makedonija Turist of Skopje - will be management buyouts. Potential buyers of companies selling their indivisible part are to submit the following: a) information on the portion of the indivisible part intended to be purchased; and b) information on the amount offered. Offers on purchasing companies according to the managerial model should include a program with the following elements: a) introduction of the bidder; b) development strategy with a projection on balance for the next five years; c) planned investment; d) planned reconstruction; and e) planned employment. Offers on companies selling their indivisible part are to be submitted to the Agency within 15 days, and offers on purchasing firms according to the managerial model must submitted within 30 days from the announcement. Results will be published 15 days following the deadlines. The Agency offers packages of information on companies for sale. The next announcement of public sale of new enterprises is expected at the beginning of March. Meanwhile, the Agency is planning the transformation of small and medium companies which have missed the deadline for self-privatization. In compliance with the Privatization Law, the Agency now has the legal authority for conducting the transformation of those firms. The Agency will suggest the following models: - small companies will be advised to sell their indivisible part, while - medium companies will have an alternative of either using the managerial model or issuing shares for an additional accumulation of capital. Employees in these firms will also be offered shares amounting to 30 per cent of the companies' value, at lower prices (in accordance with privileges set by the law). ================================================ SKOPJE, 24 FEBRUARY, 1995 (MIC) ALBANIAN PARTIES' JOINT STANCE: "MANIFESTATIONS OF DISCONTENT" At the joint press conference of all ethnic Albanian political parties, held in Tetovo yesterday, it was announced that today's day has been proclaimed a day of mourning, on the occasion of the death of Abduselam Emini. Honors will be held in Mala Rechica tomorrow, a petition of dissatisfaction will be sent on Monday, while the following day (Tuesday), demonstrations will be organized in front of the UN building in Geneva. It was jointly concluded in the conference that "the police intervention, the interruption of the educational process on the Tetovo university, the killing of Abduselam Emini, the injuring of a number of passersby, the arresting of Fadil Sulejmani, Arben Rusi, Milaim Fejziu, Nevzat Halili, Musli Halimi and others, are uncontrolled actions that increase the political tension with a tendency for further deterioration." "Instead of institutional dialogue with the legitimate representatives of the Tetovo university and the other subjects, in relation to the modalities for integration of the educational system in RM, the Macedonian authorities chose the most wrong alternative that instigates the conflicts - repression," was assessed at the press conference. The representatives of the Albanian political parties are assessing that the concern and dissatisfaction of the people is growing. Therefore, they informed that the manifestations of discontent will continue until the people arrested are not released and until conditions for unhindered holding of the classes at the "Tetovo university" are not created. STUDENT PROTEST IN FRONT OF PARLIAMENT: "STOP TO ANTICONSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITIES" The students of the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, held a peace protest in front of the building of the Macedonian Parliament yesterday, against the opening of the so-called University in Tetovo. In the presence of some two thousand students, a declaration of the Student Association was announced, the organizer of this protest, as well as support from the students of the University in Bitola "Clement of Ohrid." In his address to the colleagues, Mirchevski said that the protest was organized so as to show the unity and strength of the student movement, to say stop to the Albanian political factors in their anti-constitutional acts; to tell the Government to energetically oppose such activities, and the legislative power - the political parties, to strictly uphold the minority rights, according to the international conventions. These, together with the requests for an only high educational system in Macedonian language and for abolition of the national keys in the enrollment policy, are the main requests contained in the Declaration, based on the UN Convention against discrimination in the eduction, as well as the Macedonian Constitution. In the end, Mirchevski said that "we will not allow the education to be used by any national minority, in this case, the Albanian, as an instrument for realizing some foreign strategies, that lead to the disintegration of RM." The student protest yesterday passed peacefully, without the presence of the professors, who gave their initial support to this act in the meeting of the University Council, on Wednesday. GOVERNMENT CONDEMNS STUDENT PROTEST ISMAIL: "TO EXTREMISM WITH EXTREMISM" In relation to yesterday's protest of the students from the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius," the government spokesman Gjuner Ismail gave the following statement: "These days, the Macedonian public was a witness to the tragic incidents over the so-called university in Mala Rechica. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia, in regard to its stances, as well as the overall activities, received full support from that public and the relevant political subjects in RM, and abroad. That was also a confirmation of our public stances on this question. However, sadly, we must conclude that one of our stances, that one extremism will produce and feed another extremism was confirmed in an utterly disagreeable way, with the so-called peaceful protest of the self-proclaimed Macedonian student movement. Yesterday, in front of the Macedonian Parliament, we had a classical response to extremism with extremism. This selfproclaimed Macedonian student movement is entirely on the line of what the Albanian extremists wanted. I must warn that the mutual sustaining of nationalism is actually falling into the deep well of nationalistic hysteria, the deepening of divisions and placing those divisions on a pedestal of the most important and only question that can protect our small country. The Macedonian Government has to express regret for the paroles and songs in which one entire nationality is insulted, because they are insulting for the Macedonian people." =========================================== M I L S N E W S Skopje, 27 February, 1995 POLICE DISALLOW LECTURES IN PRIVATE HOUSES In a public statement made two days ago, the Macedonian Interior Ministry denied it had promised not to order police intervention if lectures for the university in Tetovo take place in private houses. The statement underlines that the ministry cannot make such promises to either Gert Arens or anyone else, as it is its duty to prevent any violation of the law. COMMEMORATION IN MALA RECHICA Last Saturday, ethnic Albanians gathered in Mala Rechica in a commemoration for the victim of February 17 when clashes between police and the crowd left one dead and a dozen injured. Leaders of all political parties of Albanians attended the commemoration. Meanwhile, the Tetovo District Attorney brought new charges, this time against Arben Rusi, president of the "El Hilal" humanitarian organization and Musli Halimi. The indictment accuses them of participation in a crowd preventing police officers from exercising their duty. The District Attorney. requested that they be held in custody during the investigation. MACEDONIAN POLITICIANS IN TETOVO ANGRY AT COMMEMORATION "We bitterly protest the recent gathering of ethnic Albanians from Tetovo and other places in the courtyard of the so-university in Mala Rechica," the Macedonian political block in Tetovo said in a public statement. "This is just another illegal and anti-constitutional activity, openly violating the constitution and law. We demand that the Macedonian public be completely informed of the event and who those are that are organizing such gatherings, which include hoisting up Albanian flags and promoting some educational heroes." UNIVERSITY IN TETOVO WILL STABILIZE MACEDONIA, RUGOVA SAYS "The university in Tetovo will not destabilize Macedonia; on the contrary, it will contribute to a stronger stability in the country," said Ibrahim Rugova, leader of the Kosovo Albanians, speaking at a press-conference in Prishtina. The university is in the interest not only of Macedonia, but of all nations in the region, he said. MILETIC REFUTES SERBIAN INVOLVEMENT IN TETOVO EVENTS The Democratic Party of Serbs reacted bitterly to the news of the alleged involvement of Serbs in events in and around Tetovo, as well as rumors that Fadil Suleimani is an alleged KOS agent. According to the party leader, Dragisha Miletic, the media in Macedonia is full of lies and fabrications and they must stop blaming Serbs for every unrest in the country. Miletic also denied news of Serbian police involvement in Mala Rechica, saying the Serbian signs on the walls could not have been written by Serbs, as the entire place was under the control of the Macedonian police. Miletic said Serbs in Macedonia are not demanding a university in their native language as they already have a university in Belgrade. He added Serbs in Macedonia stand for coexistence, while the university in Tetovo is only a facade to cover for what is already happening in Kosovo: autonomy to be followed by secession. He promised protection to all Serbs in Macedonia should the conflict spread. ================================================= M I L S N E W S Skopje, 28 February, 1995 MACEDONIA CAN AVOID CIVIL WAR, BERISHA SAYS In an interview with a Berlin newspaper, Albanian President Sali Berisha said the Macedonian authorities had used unjustified police force to close down the university in Tetovo. The Albanian government, he said, "will have to continue following the situation in Macedonia", despite strong opposition to it by Greece and Serbia. The Albanian president said that although civil war threatens in Macedonia, it can be avoided, adding that Macedonia's stability is of key importance for the entire region. There are realistic chances of improving relations between Albania and Macedonia, and "the Albanian nationality has all the rights to establish its own university and get more actively engaged in the country's political life." ETHNIC ALBANIANS SUBMIT PETITION The "Petition for Equality - Against Violence", signed by Albanian intellectuals in Macedonia, says education is essential for Albanians and the university is not a political goal, but a pure educational goal of the Albanians and all other citizens in Macedonia. The text warns that democratic processes in Macedonia and reforms in all segments of life, especially basic rights, have been dangerously limited. Albanian intellectuals say there is a tendency to build a one-nation unitary state despite the multi-national reality, increasing ethnic and political tensions and endangering peace and stability in Macedonia and the region. Stating examples of arrested and murdered Albanians, as well as of confiscated and demolished properties, the petition points out that the only government institution functioning in Macedonia is the executive legislature, serving the needs of one nation at the cost of another. The legal system in the country is degenerating and turning into a police system, the petition says. It asks all citizens to stand up to these negative processes. Finally, the petition appeals to international organizations - the UN, Council of Europe, the Peace Conference for Former Yugoslavia and UNESCO - to help overcome internal tension through establishing institutional equality in Macedonia as a precondition for stability and peace. UNIVERSITY IN TETOVO CONTINUES WITH LECTURES The senate of the university in Tetovo has told the Albanian-language media that a way has been found to continue the work of the university and to inform enrolled students. The senate appealed to citizens not to gather in front of buildings in which the lectures are taking place. Nova Makedonija writes that lectures were held yesterday, probably within the mosque in the village of Poroy. GOSTIVAR TOWNSHIP ASSEMBLY HOLDS URGENT SESSION Without the participation of Macedonian members, the Gostivar township hall held an urgent session yesterday to discuss the events in Mala Rechica and the opening of the university in Tetovo. Members paid respects to Emini, the victim of the incident, concluded the events surrounding the university had been a barbarous act directed by the government, and they bitterly criticized the police. They stressed the Macedonian government is not ready for dialogue with the Albanians in Macedonia, seeing happiness for the Macedonian nation only in unhappiness for ethnic Albanians. The township committee demanded that the university be allowed to work, that all imprisoned Albanians be released and charges against them be withdrawn. AUTHOR OF GRAFFITI IN MALA RECHICA DISCOVERED The Macedonian Ministry of the Interior action has discovered who wrote offensive graffiti on the walls of houses in the village of Mala Rechica. It is police officer Goran Stanojkovich, who has now been fired and will be the subject of a disciplinary proceedings. FOUNDATIONS LAID FOR ISLAMIC THEOLOGY FACULTY The foundation stones of a Islamic Theology Faculty were laid in the village of Kondovo, near Skopje, yesterday. The ceremony was attended by the leaders of the Islamic Religious Community in Macedonia, led by president Hadzi Suleiman Redzepi, along with Minister of Culture Eshtref Aliu and representatives of the NDP, PDP, Democratic Party of Turks and several ethnic Albanian parliamentarians. The faculty is to spread on 6,000 square metres to cost over 2 million German Marks, and to be finished within 11 months. ISLAM IN MACEDONIA IS POLITICALLY RADICALIZED The presidency of the Macedonian Association of Cultural and Scientific Manifestations of Macedonian Muslims most bitterly condemned the latest political radicalization of the Islamic religion in Macedonia. The Association says mosques throughout the country raise funds for Muslim political causes, calling for Islamic solidarity and unity of all believers in the resistance against the Macedonian state. SERBS IN MACEDONIA TO FORM PARALLEL GOVERNMENT Yesterday, the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia held a press-conference to say the university in Tetovo is a Macedonian-Albanian conflict in which the government has attempted to involve the Serbs in Macedonia. This is aimed at covering the current social tensions and robbing state capital, the party said. Party officials reported a group of ethnic Serbs had been harassed by Macedonian customs officers on February 18. The press-conference was held on the day marking the 18-month deadline of the Serbs' demand to be included in the Macedonian Constitution. This was part of an agreement with the Macedonian government, but as the government never fulfilled its part of the agreement, it is no longer valid, said party president Boro Ristic. "It is obvious the Macedonian side has forgotten all about the problems of Serbs in this country. We have been fulfilling all our obligations as written down in the agreement which was signed by Interior Minister Ljubomir Frchkovski, but the government has failed to do so. Therefore, it has lost its credibility among Serbs in Macedonia who no longer consider it legitimate and legal. All international institutions have been informed of this. As from today, Serbs in Macedonia will not accept to be referred to as a national minority, but as a nation." Boro Ristic announced his resignation on moral grounds and a homogenization of all Serbs in Macedonia through constituting their own parliament and executive institutions. "One thing is sure - political guerrilla actions to defend democracy, freedom and national rights, will from now on be more and more present," Ristic said. According to him, the Macedonians will never again have a better Serb to negotiate with, but the Macedonian government has gambled away its chance to be recognized at least by ethnic Serbs in the country, if not by other Serbian states.