========================= 27. JANUARY 1995. YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY YUGOSLAV PRESIDENT SAYS THERE WAS NO AGGRESSION ON BOSNIA K r a k o w, Jan. 26 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Zoran Lilic said at a peace-honouring gathering in Krakow on Thursday that his country had not launched an aggression on Bosnia-Herzegovina. Addressing a number of Nobel peace prize winners and heads of foreign delegations attending the commemoration ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, Lilic said Bosnia was being torn apart by a civil war. The civil war broke out as a result of the international community's unequal treatment of the warring sides, he said. The gathering, chaired by Polish President Lech Walensa, was aimed at formulating a joint appeal for peace and tolerance in the world. Lilic's statement was a response to that made by a delegation of the Sarajevo Muslim Government which used this gathering, conceived as a symbol of understanding and tolerance, to reiterate its claims about alleged aggression on Bosnia-Herzegovina. Taking part in the discussion, Lilic said the Serb people had also had their 'Auschwitz', the Jasenovac death camp, in which Serbs, as well as Jews, Gypsies and other peoples, had been exterminated. YUGOSLAV, SLOVAK PRESIDENTS SAY SANCTIONS SHOULD BE LIFTED SOON K r a k o w, Jan. 26 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Zoran Lilic and his Slovak counterpart Michal Kovac said Thursday that sanctions against Yugoslavia should be lifted as soon as possible. Lilic is in Poland at the invitation of President Lech Walensa and will attend the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the world war II nazi death camp at Auschwitz. Lilic said that yugoslavia justly expected from its friends in the world to raise their voice against the sanctions, because it was in their interest too. Lilic said that the partial suspension of the sanctions was a confirmation of Yugoslavia's positive policy and that there was no reason for keeping the U.N. Security Council sanctions in place. The Slovak President said that preparations, especially in the field of economy, should already be made for the time when the sanctions were lifted. Kovac said he was deeply confident that peace in Bosnia could be reached only on condition that all three sides to the conflict be treated equally. YUGOSLAV PRESIDENT:YUGOSLAVIA WANTS EQUALITY-BASED TREATMENT K r a k o w, Jan. 27 (Tanjug) - Yugoslavia expects the world to treat it equal with the other republics of the former Yugoslavia, Yugoslav President Zoran Lilic said Thursday. In a talk with Israeli Knesset Speaker Shevach Weiss, Lilic set out that Jews were compelled to acquaint the world with the full truth on the tragedy of their people. He said Yugoslavia asked for nothing more than the right to present the truth. Weiss said Israel wished for peace to be restored as soon as possible. He said the feeling of Israeli people were on the side of Serb people. Weis set out the traditionally good relations between the Serbs and Jews. Lilic and weiss assessed that this meeting was a major step in strengthening two country's relations. MILOSEVIC, MITSOTAKIS: BALKAN STATES SHOULD DECIDE ON THEIR FATE B e l g r a d e, Jan. 26 (Tanjug) - Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and former Greek Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis said here Thursday the Balkan states should decide on their fate on their own. A statement released by the Serbian President's Office said Milosevic and Mitsotakis emphasized the importance of the promotion of good neighbourly relations, mutual understanding and respect and equality-based cooperation among the Balkan states and peoples. They had stressed the importance of maintaining conditions for the Balkan peoples' inalienable right to decide themselves about their own fate. Mitsotakis said that the policy of peace pursued by President Milosevic and his persistent efforts to help end the crisis in the former Yugoslavia by political means were unanimously supported by the Greek people and Greek political parties. The statement said that Milosevic and Mitsotakis urged upgrading closer ties and the cooperation among states and peoples based on equality and respect for their legitimate rights and interests. After the talks, Mitsotakis said that Serbia and Yugoslavia had a very important role in achieving peace in the former Yugoslavia and called for the lifting of anti-Yugoslav sanctions. He said that the international community was obliged to immediately begin the lifting of sanctions against Yugoslavia, at least on a step-by-step basis, and that Greece was advocating this stand. He said that the decision of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman to deny hospitality to U.N. peacekeepers after March 31 was a big mistake, but that he was confident the Croatian authorities would not insist on the decision. YUGOSLAV PREMIER SAYS 1995 ECONOMIC POLICY ANTI-INFLATIONARY B e l g r a d e, Jan. 26 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Premier Radoje Kontic said Thursday Yugoslavia's economic policy would remain anti-inflationary in 1995 and focus on securing stability of the dinar and prices. Addressing a meeting of the Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce Board of Managers, Kontic said the international economic sanctions imposed on Yugoslavia in May 1992 remained the Yugoslav economy's major problem. He said that any negative trends in the sphere of prices would be tackled only by economic and not administrative measures. The Yugoslav Government will not accept a devaluation of the dinar, not considering it as an adequate solution, Kontic said. Kontic said that the Government would support only production for a known buyer that could be immediately sold on the market. Economists complained about the planned public consumption being high. Kontic said that it was 76% of the 1993 national product, and that the reduced 1994 consumption of 50.6% was financed entirely from real sources in the last six months. Kontic said that personal consumption was too high with incomes reaching a level of 75% of the national product. It was beyond the realistic production results, he said.Incomes should not exceed a level of 65% of the national product this year, Kontic said. YUGOSLAV DEPUTY PREMIER: YUGOSLAVIA WILL MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS B e l g r a d e, Jan. 26 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Jovan Zebic has said Yugoslavia will meet its obligations, even though the U.N. sanctions have gravely affected its economy. Zebic said this in a talk with a visiting delegation of the London firm Penington at the invitation of the metallurgical combine Sartid 1913 of the town of Smederevo. According to economists in the Government, Yugoslav debt amounted to about four billion U.S. dollars, but due to the total economic blockade and blocked cooperation with international financial institutions, the manner of repayment has not been determined. ======================================== 30. JANUARY 1995. YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY YUGOSLAV PRESIDENT APPEALS FOR PEACE IN THE BALKANS B e l g r a d e, Jan. 27 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Zoran Lilic said Friday he had asked the participants in the commemorative meeting in Auschwitz-Birkenau to urge peace in the Balkans. 'I had the chance to appeal to all the participants in the commemorative ceremonies to use all their authority, knowledge and abilities for peace finally to come to the Balkans, having primarily in mind that the Balkans are certainly a factor of stability for all of Europe,' Lilic told reporters at belgrade airport. The appeal adopted by the participants in the meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the notorious concentration camp at Auschwitz is in accord with Yugoslavia's wish that peace reign in the former Yugoslavia, he said. Lilic mentioned an incident which took place during the discussion that preceded the adoption of the appeal. 'Unfortunately, even at such meetings which should be an eternal reminder for the whole world, there are those who try to abuse such a gathering, to abuse even the invitation of the hosts, as the Bosnian Muslim delegation did,' Lilic said. Bosnian Muslim delegates tried to take advantage of the adoption of the appeal for peace, cooperation among peoples and cooperation among members of all religions, to spread untruths, saying that Bosnia had been the victim of aggression, Lilic said. 'I am sorry, but I had to misuse the meeting as well in a way, and deny these claims,' Lilic said. Lilic said the delegation was pleased with the fact that many statesmen had praised Yugoslavia's constructive, long-term policy of peace during their meetings. During the visit, Lilic and the delegation members met with the Presidents of Slovakia, Romania, Belarus, Hungary, Ukraine, the Russian delegation head, and other officials. TOO EARLY TO SAY U.S. CHANGED POLICY TOWARD BOSNIA K r a g u j e v a c, Jan. 29 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic said Sunday it was too early to say the U.S. had changed its Bosnia policy, despite some encouraging signs. Speaking for the local radio station in the city of Kragujevac, central Serbia, Jovanovic said that the U.S., which had so far relied exclusively on the information from and interests of only one Bosnian side, had begun to reconsider its one-sided position. The new attitude has been prompted by a realization that the facts and the ratio of forces on the ground are pointing in a different direction, he said. 'Time has shown that nothing can be accomplished without taking a comprehensive look at and recognizing reality,' Jovanovic said. In this case, the reality is that Serbs in the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of Serb Krajina can be included in the peace settlement only if they are treated as equal with the other sides, he added. He said this way of thinking on the part of the U.S. was providing a new framework which should enable the Bosnian warring sides to bring their stands closer together and restore the peace process with international mediation. Jovanovic said the future of this policy would largely depend also on the ratio of forces in the U.S. itself, i.e., on relations between President Bill Clinton, a democrat, and the republican-dominated Congress. It is clear that the U.S. administration wants to get results before Congress as an influential force should be able to instigate militant moves in the U.S. policy toward Bosnia, Jovanovic said. As to the part played by the Yugoslav federation of Serbia and Montenegro, he said it had been consistent on two points - the need for insisting on the truth about the Yugoslav and Bosnian crisis and on firmly adhering to the principles of legality and legitimity. KRAJINA PRESIDENT: FORMER YUGOSLAVIA BROKE UP INTO TEN STATES B e l g r a d e, Jan. 27 (Tanjug) - Serb Krajina President Milan Martic invited the U.N. on Friday to recognize the fact that ten new states had emerged in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Martic said that decisions of the U.N. Security Council and other U.N. bodies and the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia had taken as their point of departure a wrong premise. He explained they had wrongly assumed that the former Yugoslavia had split up into six new states, identical to the internal administrative division that had existed in the former Yugoslavia until 1991. In the letter, Martic said it was being ignored that four new entities with state attributes had emerged in bosnia-herzegovina. These are the Muslim entity, the Bosnian Croat state of Herceg-Bosna, the Bosnian Serb Republic and the Muslim autonomous province of West Bosnia, he explained. Martic said the world was ignoring also the fact that two new states had been set up in former Croatia - the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serb Krajina. Martic said this situation had been due in part to the denial to constituent nations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia of the right to self-determination. He said that to with hold recognition to all new states in the lands of the former Yugoslavia was contrary to the position of the European Community as voiced by the Badinter commission in 1991. Martic explained that the Badinter arbitration commission provided for recognizing only those states which had control on all of their territory. He said that, contrary to this, the E.C. members, followed by other states, had given Croatia title to the territory of Serb Krajina, over which Croatia had no control. Martic said the international community had made the same mistake when it gave the Government of Bosnian Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic the right to Bosnian Serb, Bosnian Croat and Muslim West Bosnia territories, where separate states had been set up. Martic said the U.N. was inconsistent, having declared support for only two states - an integral Bosnia-Herzegovina and an integral Croatia while cooperating within them with a total of six states. Of these six, it is outwardly ignoring four - the Bosnian Serb Republic, the Republic of Serb Krajina, the autonomous province of West Bosnia and the Bosnian Croat state of Herceg-Bosna, he said. Martic said it was clear that the U.N. could not continue to ignore any of the newly emerged states, and asked Boutros-Ghali consistently to respect the reality and the situation created in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1990. KRAJINA PRESIDENT: CROATIAN ATTACK WOULD BE RISKY FOR PEACE N o v i S a d, Jan 28 (tanjug) - Republic of Serb Krajina President Milan Martic has said that a Croatian attack on Serb Krajina, whose territory is under U.N. protection, would be an unreasonable and highly risky move for peace in the Balkans. Martic said in an interview which was published in the Yugoslav daily Dnevnik of Novi Sad on Sunday that the U.N. protection force troops were not a strong enough dam against possible Croatian aggression on the Republic of Serb Krajina. He said the Republic of Serb Krajina was very much interested in having the U.N. troops stay because it was thanks to UNPROFOR that the agreement on the cessation of hostilities had been reached. Martic said he believed the U.N. troops would stay in Croatia and the Republic of Serb Krajina because Croatian President Franjo Tudjman's request for their withdrawal was in good part a form of pressure on the public aimed at securing gains at the negotiating table. 'We are ready for peace, but also for war,' Martic said and noted that the Republic of Serb Krajina was not passively waiting to see what Croatia would do. Martic said Serb Krajina had never changed its basic stand on the right of the Serb people to self-determination. 'The Republic of Serb Krajina and Croatia can only be good neighbours, who will understand each other and mutually cooperate on many issues,' Martic said. FRENCH AUTHOR: MUSLIMS ATTACKED UNPROFOR, OWN TARGETS P a r i s, Jan. 27 (Tanjug) - Muslims frequently attacked French U.N. peacekeepers, and also their own population in order to raise tension, a French U.N. officer wrote in his book 'what I really saw in Bosnia.' In the book, the author said one should only have seen a Muslim sniper shooting at Muslims, only several tens of meters away from the U.N. Protection Force hq to realize that the Bosniaks (Muslims) were prepared for every kind of provocation to induce the multi-national forces to intervene against the Serbs. The book which just appeared in Paris bookshops and which gives a somewhat different view of the war in Bosnia from what was usual in France was written under the penname - commander Franchet. The author had served with UNPROFOR in Sarajevo and Bihac. A brief review published in the Paris daily Le Monde Friday said the author started for the infinitely complicated Balkan region with a very simple idea: on one side are the bad guys, i.e. Serbs and on the other, the good guys, i.e. Bosniaks (Muslims). YUGOSLAVIA SELLS EIGHT SHIPS TO BE ABLE TO PAY HARBOUR DUES B e l g r a d e, Jan. 27 (Tanjug) - Yugoslavia has been forced to sell eight of its ocean-going ships for next to nothing to be able to pay soaring harbour dues for vessels blocked in ports around the world. Thirty-two Yugoslav ships have been unable to leave various ports throughout the world for the past nearly three years because of the U.N. economic sanctions imposed against the F.R. of Yugoslavia. The Belgrade daily Borba on Friday said Yugoslavia had been forced to sell eight ships after debts to foreign ports where they are anchored reached one-third of the total value of each ship. Under international rules, this is the upper debt limit. When it is reached, the owner is forced to sell the ship to be able to pay harbour dues. Borba said Yugoslavia had been forced to sell its ship Rumija in the French port of Dunkerque for barely 700,000 dollars. Experts have said that between 500,000 and one million dollars at least will have to be invested in repairing the ships once the economic blockade is lifted. Officials of two Yugoslav companies that own the ships- Jugooceanija and Prekookeanska plovidba - said they had so far lost at least 200 million dollars as a result of the economic blockade. The figure includes only immediate damage, while the cost of other forms of damage to the Yugoslav ships around the world is still to be calculated, although it is believed to be enormous. Meanwhile, about 900 Yugoslav sailors and officers have found employment on foreign ships. Yugoslav experts say the Yugoslav merchant fleet is in a grave situation and the only solution is to hire some of its vessels to major foreign shipping companies for a period of time. ============================================ 31. JANUARY 1995. YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY ETHNIC ALBANIANS DO NOT EXERCISE GUARANTEED MINORITY RIGHTS B e l g r a d e, Jan. 30 (Tanjug) - Serbian Minister Aleksa Jokic has said the rights of national minorities are not violated in Serbia's province of Kosovo and Metohija but ethnic Albanians, influenced by secessionists, are not exercising their guaranteed minority rights. A Serbian Government statement said Jokic, who is also head of the Kosovo district, made the point in a meeting with Charge d'affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade Rudolf Perin on Monday. The statement quoted Perin, who had requested the meeting, as saying it was the U.S. administration's position that Kosovo and Metohija was and should remain a part of Yugoslavia and all problems should be resolved by peaceful means. The official statement said Perin had expressed concern over the existing situation in Kosmet, offered his government's good offices for the resolution of the existing problems and said that problems should be resolved through dialogue and not repressive measures. Jokic said Serbia was 'a state of all its citizens, who have the same rights and duties regardless of nationality, faith and political conviction.' He said Serbia's constitution and laws 'define the rights of citizens and the rights of national minorities based on the highest world standards and in keeping with the international conventions whose signatories we are.' The statement said Perin regretted that Serbia had denied further hospitality to the mission of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (now OSCE) based in Kosmet's centre of Pristina and left the world community short of more objective information about the situation in the province. The statement quoted Jokic as pointing out that Jugoslavia 'links the work of a mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Kosmet to the work of Yugoslavia's mission to the OSCE, whose co-founder Yugoslavia is.' SERBS REFUSE TO CONSIDER MINI CONTACT GROUP PLAN K n i n, Jan. 30 (Tanjug) - Republic of Serb Krajina refused Monday night to consider the plan of the mini contact group on resolving political relations between Serb Krajina and Croatia. Serb Krajina President Milan Martic told newsmen that Krajina state leadership has not been acquainted with the plan and that it would not consider it 'until we see what will happen to the mandate of UNPROFOR.' After talking to the plan's authors, Martic said Krajina Serbs sought international guarantees that UNPROFOR would remain after March 31 on the territory of the Republic of Serb Krajina, as a protection, and not observer, force. Martic said he saw no possibility for any plan to be implemented in the absence of U.N. troops on the territory of the Republic of Serb Krajina. Martic told newsmen that Krajina would continue urging a U.N. presence on its territory as well as the realization of the economic agreement. Citing the Vance plan under which the U.N. forces were to remain until a political solution was found, the Krajina President added it was absurd to negotiate and seek a political settlement to Krajina-Croatia relations until the second stage of economic negotiations was completed. VATICAN CRITICIZES BOSNIAN MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALISM B e l g r a d e, Jan. 30 (Tanjug) - The Vatican on Monday openly expressed its dissatisfaction with Muslim fundamentalism in Bosnia where Muslims hold nearly all positions of authority. Radio Vatican said in its early Monday world service broadcast, monitored in Belgrade, that the truce in Bosnia-Herzegovina was holding, but said tensions between Bosnian Muslims and Croats in Mostar, as well as northern Bosnia, were mounting. Radio Vatican voiced the Vatican's fear that Bosnia might become an 'Indian reservation', a ground suitable for propagating islamic fundamentalism in all its manifestations, violence included. ======================================== 1. FEBRUARY 1995. YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY GOVERNMENT ADOPTS DOCUMENT ON 1995 ECONOMIC POLICY B e l g r a d e, Jan. 31 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Government adopted Tuesday a document on economic policy in 1995. The Federal Information Secretariat also said the economic policy fundamentally anti-inflationary - was based on last year's monetary reconstruction and economic recovery program. The statement said the January 1994 program, adopted at the time when the country's overall economic activity has come virtually to a standstill, when prices soared to millions of dinars and the national currency was becoming less and less so, had yielded significant results. With no outside financial assistance and despite rigorous U.N.imposed sanctions, Yugoslavia managed to curb hyperinflation and to stabilize prices and the exchange rate of the dinar. Market economy development, stability of prices and of the dinar, maintaining economic activity, improving living standard, and, coupled with ownership transformation, creating conditions for structural changes figured most prominently among this year's economic policy goals. The statement said a 7-percent rise in real terms of the social product was expected in 1995 as well as industrial production increase - 9 percent, agricultural industry - 2 percent, construction industry - 8 percent, traffic and communications - 10 percent, trade - 6 percent, catering and tourist industries - 5 percent and the remaining activities, an average 7 percent. It went on to say that the Yugoslav Government believed easing or full lifting of sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, imposed on may 30, 1992, would have produced an increased economic growth and better use and allocation of the social product funds. The document, the statement said, envisaged temporary interventionist measures in the first three-month period designed to balance the budget and public spending with real income, without using credits from the National Bank of Yugoslavia. In this context, the statement said, the federal and the republican budgetary outlays would be cut between 10 and 25 percent in the first three months, while wages, pensions and other social allowances would be checked temporarily through March. After this period, wages would be paid solely from real income and social policy measures used to give priority toward protecting those with lowest living standard, the statement said. Z-4 PLAN ONLY ADDS FUEL TO THE FIRE K n i n, Jan. 31 (Tanjug) - Serb Krajina Prime Minister Borislav Mikelic said Tuesday the latest plan for ending the Serb Krajina-Croatia dispute was adding fuel to the fire, coming a sit did after Croatia's order to the U.N. force to pull out. Serb Krajina said it would consider the plan, drafted by a four-member mediation team set up in Zagreb and known as Z-4, if it received written guarantees from the U.N. Security Council that UNPROFOR would stay. Mikelic told a press conference that the Republic of Serb Krajina would be willing to discuss any problem if UNPROFOR's mandate were renewed, but that the U.N. Security Council had not yet reacted to Croatia's decision. Mikelic criticized the Russian and U.S. Ambassadors in Zagreb, Leonid Kerestedzhiyants and Peter Galbraith, for drafting a solution in the absence of the parties concerned at a time when Knin-Zagreb relations were being aggravated by Croatia's unilateral actions. This attitude on the part of the mediators has jeopardized the ongoing three-tiered negotiation process between Croatia and the Republic of Serb Krajina, Mikelic said. Mikelic said the Republic of Serb Krajina had expected the negotiation process to continue with the two sides treated as equals. VIOLATION OF GENEVA ACCORD (by Tanjug diplomatic editor Stevan Cordas) B e l g r a d e, Jan. 31 (Tanjug) - The rejection of the Republic of Serb Krajina to take into consideration a plan proposed by the group of international mediators known as the 'Zagreb Four' is a far more complex matter than it appears, because the plan is a screen for fundamental issues which prejudice a final political solution and violate all previous accords on ways how to achieve such a solution. According to the available information, the plan of the 'Zagreb Four' is an attempt at 'a peaceful reintegration of UNPA sectors into the Republic of Croatia.' The plan offers to the Krajina Serbs much less than they practically have now. The plan of the 'Zagreb Four' - the U.N., the E.U., the U.S. and Russia - calls for an end to the Republic of Serb Krajina as an independent entity. The Republic of Serb Krajina was proclaimed by the local Serbs in 1991 after Croatia launched a war of secession from the former Yugoslav federation and removed Serb national rights from the Croatian constitution. Its territory has been under U.N. protection since March 1992. It is set out in circles close to the Serb Krajina Government that the only plan acceptable to the Republic of Serb Krajina is the one drawn up in Geneva on July 16, 1993, when Serb Krajina and Croatia agreed through the mediation of the co-chairmen of the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia on a three-phase normalization of relations. It is set out in the same circles that the 'Zagreb Four' plan is in fact a violation of the Geneva accord. Representatives of the 'Zagreb Four' visited the Serb Krajina centre of Knin three times on Monday, trying to present the plan to Serb Krajina representatives. To their astonishment, however, Knin was categorical the 'Zagreb Four' could not have chosen a worse moment to advance the plan. The Republic of Serb Krajina rejected the plan without even seeing its copy. The Republic of Serb Krajina insists that the talks with Croatia resume as envisaged under the Geneva accord, meaning that the talks on the normalization of economic ties be concluded before the political talks open. The Republic of Serb Krajina insists on U.N. guarantees that its protection force troops will remain in the UNPA sectors after March 31 but without any change in their mandate as defined under the Vance plan. The representatives of the 'Zagreb Four' on Monday tried to persuade Republic of Serb Krajina authorities to accept the plan without having immediately to take a stand on it. Knin declined to do so, as a result of which only Croatia has been acquainted with the contents of the plan. It is set out in circles close to the Serb Krajina Government that Croatia had earlier been acquainted with the contents of the plan because it had been very 'active' in the drawing up the document. 'CONTACT GROUP' DOES NOT ACCEPT CARTER AGREEMENT B e l g r a d e, Jan. 31 (Tanjug) - Bosnian Serb Foreign Minister Aleksa Buha has said the Bosnian civil war has to end by separating the three nations and recognizing their right to constitute their national states in the way that suits them. Buha was speaking in an interview with the Bosnian Serb Radio-Television. Buha said that during last week's talks, it had turned out that the international 'Contact Group' for Bosnia had not accepted article two of the agreement between the warring sides, mediated in late December by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. The Belgrade daily Borba on Tuesday quoted Buha as saying it had turned out that the Contact Group did not have the mandate to change anything in the plan. Buha said that under the Carter agreement, the Bosnian Serb Republic would be made equal with the Bosnian Muslim-Croat federation regarding the state attributes. Buha said that the Contact Group stands were wrong and that they could not be a basis for a satisfactory solution. Buha said that especially wrong was the Contact Group insistence that the Bosnian Serbs should accept the plan as a whole and only then negotiate, instead of accepting the document only as a basis for talks. Buha said that the Bosnian Serbs could not accept the plan also because if failed to give their state, the Bosnian Serb Republic, access to the sea, and did not propose a solution for the division of Sarajevo and its vicinity. SERBS AND MUSLIMS AGREE ON OPENING 'BLUE ROUTES' B e l g r a d e, Jan. 31 (Tanjug) - Serbs and Muslims in Bosnia agreed Tuesday for 'blue routes' to be opened Wednesday across Sarajevo Airport for an approved list of international humanitarian organizations. Bosnian Serb Republic news agency Srna reported Bosnian Serb National Assembly speaker Momcilo Krajisnik making this announcement. This was also confirmed by U.N. forces spokesman in Sarajevo lt-col. Gary Coward. ISLAMIC HUMANITARIANS SEND MUJAHEDDIN TO BOSNIA B e l g r a d e, Jan. 28 (Tanjug) - Authorities of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have expelled 17 islamic humanitarians for recruiting mujaheddin from refugee camps for the war in Bosnia. The Belgrade daily Politika Ekspres on Saturday carried FYRM Interior Ministry figures to the effect that between 700 and 1,000 young men had been recruited and sent to Bosnia to defend islam in nearly two years of activity of the well-known humanitarian organizations islamic Fakufi and El Haramein. The daily said the organizations, based in Saudi Arabia's administrative capital of Jeddah, had been collecting money from ethnic Albanians in western FYRM under the guise of humanitarian aid, to purchase weapons for islamic fundamentalists in Bosnia. A search of the organizations' premises conducted by the FYRM Interior Ministry uncovered many forged and blank passports, as well as heaps of fundamentalist literature. The daily said the islamic Vakufi and El Haramein through various dubious firms laundered huge sums of money obtained through drug trafficking, prostitution and black marketing in the FYRM. The FYRM Interior Ministry said the 17 humanitarians acted chiefly among Muslim refugees from Bosnia, to which the FYRM had lent hospitality since the outbreak of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992, settling them in refugee camps in Skopje and Mavrovo. Politika Ekspres said refugee camps, as well as private centers for receiving refugees in Skopje, Tetovo and Gostivar, turned out to be centers of islamic fundamentalism where students were taught fundamentalist literature and prepared to attend schools in fundamentalist centers in the near east.