VegSocUK Information Sheet THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY CHRISTMAS RECIPES by Ursula Ferrigno - serves 10 ___________________________________ Broccoli Cream Cheese & Pear and Almond Soup 1 x 250g head of broccoli 1 large onion 2 white parts of leek, chopped 40g butter 855ml vegetable stock 150g low fat soft cheese 2 x 15ml spoons fine oatmeal 4 ripe pears 175g toasted, flaked almonds 570ml milk salt and freshly ground black pepper Trim the broccoli into tiny florets, chop the stalky parts quite small. In a large saucepan, melt the butter and add the chopped leeks, onion and broccoli stalks (leave aside the florets for later). Stir well and leave to sweat for ten minutes. Then add chopped pears. Stir in the oatmeal, almonds and milk a little at a time, stirring well after each addition. When the milk is stirred in, add the stock and seasoning. Whisk well and simmer gently for ten minutes. While the soup is cooling, steam the broccoli florets for about 5 minutes. Pour the soup and place the soft cheese into a food processor, and blend until smooth. Return the soup to a rinsed out pan, add the broccoli florets and re-heat gently, adjusting the seasoning. Serve with crusty French bread. ___________________________________ Luxury Nut & Seed Loaf with Cranberry, Apple and Brandy Sauce 225g bulgar wheat 330ml boiling water 3 x 15ml spoons soya sauce 175g pistachio nuts 175g pine nuts 225g blanched almonds 175g cashew nuts 110g hazel nuts 110g sunflower seeds 110g poppy seeds 250g onion, finely chopped 4 x 15ml spoons fresh and finely chopped parsley 2 x 15ml spoons dried thyme 4 large free range eggs, lightly whisked 4 x 15ml spoons olive oil A little oil for pouring on roast Place wheat in a mixing bowl and pour on the boiling water and soya sauce. Cover and let swell for 25 minutes. Grind nuts and seeds to a medium fine consistency. Mix together with the wheat. Stir in the parsley, thyme, onions, eggs and oil. Mix well and allow to stand. Oil a large baking sheet and line with greaseproof paper. Form a loaf shape with the nut mixture, about 10cm wide, press firmly together and prick the top with a fork. Pour on a little oil and sprinkle with some extra nuts (optional) and cap loosely with a foil hood. Bake in oven 190oC/375oF/Gas Mark 5 for 40 minutes. Take off hood, baste with oil on baking sheet and continue to bake for a further 10 minutes. Place in a large serving dish, then cool, easing off the paper as you do so. Cover with the hood until ready to garnish. For the sauce 275g cranberries 275g cooking apples, cored and thinly chopped 150ml apple juice concentrate 50ml water 60ml brandy Cook all the ingredients except the brandy together for about 20 minutes. Add the brandy and re-heat for 30 seconds. Serve as an accompaniment. ___________________________________ Rosemary Roast Potatoes with Garlic 10 med potatoes 4 x 5ml spoons dried rosemary, crushed 1 wine glass of olive oil (extra virgin) 4 Garlic cloves, crushed Scrub potatoes in their skins and cut into four. Steam for ten minutes, then toss in olive oil, rosemary and crushed garlic. Place the potatoes on a warmed baking tray and roast in hot oven for 30 minutes at 190oC/375oF/Gas Mark 5. Serve immediately, the outside should be crunchy. ___________________________________ Chestnut & Chocolate Ice-Cream with Apricot Sauce 225g bitter chocolate 4 x 15ml spoons maple syrup 225g canned chestnut pure 1.2 lts double cream, whipped 2 x 15ml spoons kirsch 3 free range egg whites (optional) 225g whole canned chestnuts in syrup, drained (save a few for decoration) Melt the chocolate into maple syrup, over a pan of hot water. Blend well together and stir into the chestnut pure. Beat in the cream and kirsch. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the mixture (optional). Freeze for two hours in a shallow tray covered with foil. Scrape out and blend in a mixer until smooth. Put in a bowl and stir in the chopped chestnuts. Spoon into a mould, cover and freeze for 30 minutes before serving. Loosen the mould by slipping into hot water. Turn onto serving dish, decorate with reserved chestnuts, cut in half, and apricot sauce. For the Sauce 450g tinned apricots in natural juice 2 x 15ml spoons apple juice concentrate Strain the apricots from their juice in the tin. Place apricots and apple juice concentrate together, and blend in food processor until smooth (should be a runny purae consistency). Serve with ice-cream. Enough for ten portions, small amounts as it is very sweet. ___________________________________ // This article is copyright to the Vegetarian Society (UK), but may be freely copied for non-commercial use provided it is kept intact, not altered and these lines are included. For futher information contact: The Vegetarian Society, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4QG, England. Tel: (England) 061 928 0793 email: // [The text of this file was obtained from the Vegetarian Society (UK) in March 1995.]