Good morning. It's Sunday the 12th of February and here is the GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners. Next weekend sees the major event in the VHF calendar - the RSGB VHF Convention. The convention takes place on Sunday, the 19th, at its usual venue, Sandown Exhibition Centre, near Esher in Surrey. Featured are trade stands, a full lecture programme on VHF, UHF and Microwave subjects, specialist groups, Morse tests, trophy presentations and an RSGB book and information stand. Doors open at 10.30 am. Refreshments will be available and there is ample car parking. Talk-in will be by GB2VHF on channels S22 and SU22. Full details of the lecture programme and a map can be found in the February edition of Radio Communication, or can be obtained by calling RSGB Headquarters on 01707 659015. Also next weekend, the 18th and 19th, is Thinking Day on the Air when Guides throughout the world are able to communicate using amateur radio. Well over two hundred UK stations will be operational using the GB prefix, as well as many using the special club prefixes. Next Saturday, the 18th, RSGB Headquarters at Potters Bar will be open to visitors. This is not a formal open day so there will be no guided tours, but the shack, museum, library and bookshop will be available between 10 am and 4 pm. The RSGB, which carries out Morse testing on behalf of the Radiocommunications Agency, has vacancies for Morse Examiners in the following counties: Bedfordshire, Cumbria, Greater London (South), Greater Manchester, Gwynedd, Lincolnshire and Surrey. RA requirements are that prospective examiners demonstrate their ability to receive at 20 WPM and send a typical test passage on a manual key. In addition, the Society is looking for people with the personality to deal with candidates in a professional manner, and the ability to work as part of a county team. Applicants should contact the Chief Morse Examiner, Roy Clayton, G4SSH, at 9 Green Island, Irton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4RN, telephone number 01723 862924. Interviews will be arranged at radio rallies throughout the UK, starting with the RSGB London Amateur Radio and Computer Show. Packet repeater GB7YM-7, also known as RHB85, has closed down permanently. It operated on the 430MHz band from Whitby, and has closed as part of the re-organisation of the network in the region. Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO. From Guam, AA5K will sign stroke KH2 from next Tuesday the 14th for two days, operating on all bands and all modes running barefoot to dipoles. He will then move to the Northern Marianas, and sign stroke AH0 until the 20th. From the Congo, a group of Germans are currently very active on most bands as TN4U and TN2M and are reported to be operational until the end of February. And from Montserrat (VP2M), WA2UJH will be active from next Thursday, the 16th, until the 26th. He will operate mainly on CW on 40, 80 and 160 metres, plus the WARC bands. Next the Rally News, and we know of two rallies for today Sunday, the 12th: The Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club Rally takes place at the Addenbrookes Ambulance Station, Cambridge. Doors open at 10 am. The event features trade stands, a car boot sale and a bring and buy stall. Refreshments are available. And the Northern Cross Rally will be at Rodillian School on the A61 between Leeds and Wakefield, near the junction of the M1 and the M62. The event includes dealers, a bring and buy stall and refreshments. Doors open at 11 am, or 10.30 for disabled visitors and for the bring and buy. RSGB Morse Tests are available on demand and talk-in is on the 2m and 70cm bands. Later this month the Tyneside Amateur Radio Society Rally takes place in South Shields on Saturday, the 25th. In last week's bulletin we inadvertently said this was a Sunday. The rally is definitely on Saturday, the 25th. Further information can be obtained from Jack, G0DZG, on 0191 265 1718. And a date for your diary: The RSGB National Mobile Rally is being held as usual at Woburn Abbey in Bedfordshire. The date is Sunday the 6th of August and details can be obtained from Norman Miller, G3MVV, on 01277 225563. Now for the HF contest news: Next weekend, the 18th and 19th, the ARRL DX CW Contest takes place on all HF bands, excluding the WARC bands. The times are 0001 on the Saturday to 2359 on the Sunday. Contact only USA and Canadian stations and send RST followed by your power. Next some VHF contest news: Today, Sunday the 12th, sees another event in the 70MHz Cumulative Contest which takes place between 1000 and 1200 UTC. The rules can be found in the January RadCom. The RSGB VHF Contests Committee has received several requests for the inclusion of a 6 metre section in VHF National field Day. The committee is willing to consider this if there is sufficient support from the membership, but only as an alternative to 4 metres, not as an addition. Changes could be made in time for the 1995 event if RSGB members express their views in writing before the end of February. Write to the Chairman, David Johnson, G4DHF, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book. Members opinions will also be sought at the RSGB VHF Convention. A special event station active this week is GB500AU, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the founding of Aberdeen University in 1495. It is operational until Thursday, the 16th on 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB, SSTV and CW, and on two metres FM and SSB. And now the solar factual data: The period from the 30th of January to the 5th of February saw solar activity at moderate levels with numerous flares reported every day. Geomagnetic activity was mostly unsettled to active for most of the period. The sunspot indices increased every day, from 43 on the 30th to 85 on the 5th, with the mean for the period at 64. Solar flux levels hovered around 87 units from the 30th to the 2nd, but then declined to 81 units by the 5th. Solar flares were reported every day along with radio noise storms. On the 1st of February the sun had two sunspot groups that were flare productive. The first of these, region number 7834, produced a C7.7/1N. The second, region number 7832, produced two M1 class flares. All three flares occurred within one hour of each other. The 3rd of February saw the largest flare of the period which was a M4.3/2B. The electron fluence increased everyday and finished the period at a very high level. The x-ray flux level increased every day until the 1st and peaked at B4.4 units. It then declined to A7.8 units by the 4th. The average for the period was B1.1 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 5th of February was 82 units. Geomagnetic levels were mostly active. Levels on the 30th were up to Ap 30 units. Only the 1st and the 5th were quiet days with an Ap index of 9 and 6 units respectively. The average for the period was Ap 18 units. The state as been 'mag alert' for most of the period. The aa indices, as reported by the British Geological survey for the period from the 24th to the 30th of January, was mostly very quiet with levels down to 7.3 nanoTeslas on the 27th and the 28th. The 29th also started quiet but levels increased late in the day to storm conditions, with 136 nanoTeslas, K6, being reported. The levels remained high on the 30th with the daily figure at 56.8 nanoTeslas. I'll repeat the figures: Spots - 64, Flux - 85, Ap index - 18, x-ray flux - B1.1. Unfortunately we have not received any ionospheric data at all from Meudon this week. The RSGB Propagation Studies Committee is investigating the problem and hope to have the service back to normal as soon as possible. And lastly the solar forecast. At first the quieter side of the sun is expected to be looking our way, but from the middle of the week solar activity may increase. Solar flux levels are expected to increase to the high 80s by next weekend, with possible solar flare activity. Geomagnetic levels are expected to be active over the next few days due to a recurring coronal hole. Levels are then expected to decline after the middle of the week. Ionospheric MUFs for the south are expected to reach 20MHz, and for the north 17MHz. Levels may be lower than this in the first half of the week due to the expected high geomagnetic activity. Darkness hour lows are expected to be about 8MHz with the possibility of spread F on some early mornings. And that's the end of the solar information. Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the G0 Victor Sierra and G7 Uniform Kilo series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alpha Juliet and 2 1 Delta Sierra series. -- NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST Meeting for Tuesday the 14th of February: Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society meets for 'Frank's Theory' - a demonstration on the basics of electrical theory by Frank, G3OVT. Contact Peter, G7HCL on 01438 724509 for details. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of February: Hastings Electronics and Radio Club has a talk: 'Stolen Vehicle Tracking System' by Tracker Network (UK) Ltd. Details from G4ITM on 01424 430579. Three Counties Amateur Radio Club has a Junk Sale. Further details from Tom on 01428 606298. Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club meets for a Discussion on 1995 Contests' evening. For more details telephone 01903 762634. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of February: Cray Valley Radio Society has a Quiz Night with Darenth Radio Society. Details from Tony, G4WIF on 0171 7395057 (office hours only). Hoddesdon Radio Club has a talk: The Basics of Packet and a Look at Using the Microsats by G1CAY and G0OXI. Details from G1CAY on 01992 460841. Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society has a members' activity night. Telephone Paul, G1GSN on 01462 700618 for more information. Southend and District Radio Society has its AGM at its new venue The Druid Venture Scouts Hall, Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea. Further details from Bob, G0RSW, whose daytime telephone number is 01585 442776. Sutton and Cheam Radio Society has a Constructional Contest. Contact John, G0BWV on 0181 644 9945 for details. Meetings for Friday the 17th of February: East Kent Radio Society meets for a talk on 'Reviewing Transceivers' by Chris Lorek of Ham Radio Today at St Bartholomew's Hall, Herne Bay. Further information from Paul on 01227 743070. Maidstone YMCA Amateur Radio Society has a talk: 'Linear Loaded Verticals and Simple Antennas' by G3ORP. Details from G0RHO, tel: 01622 832259. The Radio Society of Harrow has its Annual Dinner. Contact Jim Ballard, whose daytime telephone number is 0171 251 2700. Winchester Amateur Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Techno Smog' by Noel Matthews, G8GTZ. Contact John, G4AXO on 01962 860807 for details. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST Meeting for Tuesday the 14th of February: Blackmore Vale Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'The Beginnings of JOTA' by Les Michael. More details from Stuart, G7JIF on 01935 814055. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of February: Exmouth Amateur Radio Club has a Junk Sale. Telephone 01395 279574 for details. South Bristol Amateur Radio Club has an 'Aircraft Magazine' evening. Ring 01275 834282 for more information. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of February: Bristol Amateur Radio Club has a talk on 'Nova Scotia' by Dennis, G4CQI. Details from David, G4ZBT on 0117 9654886 Yeovil Amateur Radio Club has an RAE Class Members' Request Night. Contact Cedric, G4JBL on 01258 473845 for further information. Meetings for Friday the 17th of February: Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club has an Epidiascope evening. Further details from Brian, G7SSH on 01752 844321. Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Spark Days' by Dr George Grisedale. Details from Bill, G3WNI, who is QTHR. Torbay Amateur Radio Society has its Annual General Meeting. Further information from Walt, G3HTX on 01803 526762. Meeting for next Sunday the 19th of February: Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society has a Workshop and Store Tidy-up and Operating night. Contact John, G4POF on 01425 653404 for details. NEWS FOR EAST ANGLIA Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of February: Ipswich Radio Club meets for a talk entitled 'Moonbounce' by Dave Powis, G4HUP. Members are reminded that the Club Construction Contest will take place on the first of March. Members are encouraged to enter any projects completed in the past year. Contact G8HYE on 01473 742072 for details. Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Amateur Television' by Mark, G4WVU. For further information contact Mike, G4EOL on 01603 789792. Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club has a Club Junk Sale. More details from John, G0GKP on 01954 200072. NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS Meetings for Monday the 13th of February: Mansfield Amateur Radio Society has an RSGB Video evening. Contact Mick, G0UYQ on 01623 792243 for details. Stratford on Avon and District Radio Society meets for a talk by John Badger, G4YZO of Badger Boards. Details from Martin, G3XZO on 01789 740073. Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of February: Bromsgrove Amateur Radio Society has a Technical Topic evening, the subject being 'RadCom'. Information from Barry, G0TPG, tel: 01527 542266. Malvern Hills Radio Amateurs Club has a talk entitled 'Bats and Their Unique Radar Type Direction Finding Abilities'. Details from Bernard, G0TWT, tel: 0684 560490. Meetings for Wednesday 15th of February: Derby and District Amateur Radio Society has a Shareware Swap evening. Contact Hayley, G7PXA on 01773 856904 for details. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of February: The Amateur Radio Club of Nottingham meets for a talk on 'Contest Operations' by Martin, G6ABU and Colin, G0FOG. For further information contact Simon, G0IEG on 0115 950 1733. Salop Amateur Radio Society has a Workshop evening. For further details contact Ian, G7SBD who is QTHR. Solihull Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Building Personal Computers'. Visitors are welcome. Details from Paul, G8AYY on 0121 783 2996. Meeting for Friday the 17th of February: South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a Surplus Equipment Auction. Contact Julie, G0SOU on 01509 672734 for further details. Meeting for next Sunday the 19th of February: Radio Society of Bloxwich has a Trip to the RSGB VHF Convention. Contact Chris, G0MLY on 01922 683877 for further details. NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND This week, we start with the news that Brian A Watson, G0RDH, has been voted Outstanding Club Member of the Year by members of the Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society. The winner of the club's 1995 construction competition is George Brown, G0VDH. Meeting for today, Sunday the 12th of February: Sunderland and District Amateur Radio Society is holding a Junk Sale/Auction at The Alexandra, Queen Alexandra Road, Sunderland. Doors open at 10.30am and the auction starts at mid-day. Contact L Barr, 7 Southwold Gardens, Silksworth, Sunderland for details. Meetings for Monday the 13th of February: Sheffield Amateur Radio Club has a Silent Key Memorial Talk, this year on VHF Aerial Spacing. Further details from David, G0JJR on 0114 244 6282. Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has two talks, one entitled 'Raynet' by Roger, G0NCY and the other entitled 'RadCom Propagation Forecast' by Jack, G4BFH. Further details from G4BFH who is QTHR. Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of February: Buxton Radio Amateurs have a talk on 'Communications Underground' by Harold, G0BGN. For details contact Derek, G4IHO on 01298 25506. Meetings for Wednesday the 15th of February: Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Radio Controlled Aeromodelling' by David Brian. More details from Kevin, G1FYS, tel: 01484 547553. Hornsea Amateur Radio Club has an RSGB Video evening with G4YTV. For more information telephone 01964 562258. Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has a talk entitled 'Raynet Packeteer for Frostbite' by G4XUV and G6GAK. Details from G0RBA who is QTHR. Meetings for Thursday the 16th of February: Goole Radio and Electronics Society has a Junk Sale. Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.30 start. Further details from Steve, G8VHL, tel: 01405 769130. Grimsby Amateur Radio Society has a talk on 'Band Plans' by G1BRB. Further details from John, G3DOT on 01472 825899. Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society has a Contest Forum. Contact Dave, G1CTO on 01924 497767 for details. Meeting for Friday the 17th of February: South Manchester Radio Club has a talk entitled 'Avionics' by G1LML. Details from Edward, G7FQY, tel: 0161 969 1964. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND Meetings for Tuesday the 14th of February: Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a shack and equipment security evening presented by the Tayside Police. Details from Allan, GM7ONJ who is QTHR. Inverclyde Amateur Radio Group meets to plan its open night and to report on Novice class progress. Details from Jim, GM0GMN on 0585 379174. Meeting for Thursday the 16th February Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society has a presentation from GM3YTS on his 9G5AA, Ghana, visit. Details from GM0AZC on 01324 824709. Meeting for Friday the 17th February Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is holding a talk on 'Antenna Design. More information from Martin, GM0JCN on 01569 731177. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Meeting for Wednesday the 15th of February: Belfast RSGB Group has a talk on 'The Work of the Forensic Laboratory' by Norman, GI3YMY. Details from Richard, GI0OUM who is QTHR. -- GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands. Tel +44 1707 659015 Fax +44 1707 645105