WICEN News We trust that all WICEN members are writing letters to the vari- ous politicians, objecting to the proposed massive fee increase. It is a good idea to write to the politicians' opposite numbers as well; a full list is circulating on packet radio and on Usenet. Don't bother signing any petitions, as they are general- ly regarded as a joke; a personal letter is far more effective, and in the eyes of the politician it can represent a hundred votes. By the same token, don't send in any "form letters", as they are quickly recognised for what they are. In your letter, you might like to point out how CB operators, who are allowed to conduct business on their bands, have had their fees eliminated, yet the specially-trained Amateurs who make up WICEN and cannot transact business are facing an almost doubling of their fees. There are no events this month, but two new events for the calen- dar are the Bathurst Car Rally on the weekend of 25-26th Febru- ary, and the Eugowra Car Rally on 8th April; the organiser is Alan VK2YYJ, and please note that both events are merely tenta- tive at this stage. Alan advises that a major event is the Oberon Car Rally on 29th April, and many people are required; he can be contacted on packet radio as VK2YYJ at VK2CZR. In the meantime, regular events for March include the RTA Car Rally over the week of 4-11th, and the annual Bungonia Cave Rescue on the weekend of 18-19th. Those regions wishing to have their activities publicised on this broadcast are requested to get the details to the Publicity Offi- cer, Dave VK2KFU, by Thursday night at the latest; packet radio is the preferred medium, to VK2AAB, VK2OP, or VK2GJB. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065 for further information, or come up on one of the WICEN nets: Blue Mountains on the first Monday of each month at 8.30pm on channel 7175 simplex, Hunter each Wednesday at 7.30pm on channel 6900, Northern Rivers each Wednesday at 8pm around 3610 kHz, Central Coast each Thursday at 8.30pm on channel 7125, and Sydney each Thursday at 9.30pm on channels 7150/8275. If there are any other regular nets then we'd like to hear about them. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN (NSW) Inc. Publicity Officer