NCBOOST NASCAR Racing Boost Utility V1.1 - 24 January 1995 DESCRIPTION =========================================================================== NCBOOST came about as a stopgap measure to increase the competiveness of the AI at Talladega. It's use will allow for the AI cars to achieve race speeds of 203+ at Talladega (vs. 197) and 190+ at Atlanta (vs. 184) with max boost and OPPS of 110%. USE =========================================================================== 1. Copy NCBOOST to the CARS directory which you would like to boost: i.e. \NASCAR\CARS\CARS94. 2. Running NCBOOST with a number in the range 1-9, as a command line argument, will create a new "boosted" DRIVERS2.TXT file. Each number (1-9) corresponds to an 8.67% increase in performance characteristics. i.e. NCBOOST 9 Adding a second number to the command line will close the gap between classes. A 2 closes the gap between classes to 50% of the original, 1-Orignal, 3-33%, 4-25%...etc. The higher the number, the closer the classes. i.e. NCBOOST 9 3 3. Running NCBOOST with 0 (zero) as a command line argument restores the original settings. i.e. NCBOOST 0 WHAT IT DOES =========================================================================== NCBOOST modifies the performance characteristics (power, traction, and drag numbers) of the drivers to produce faster performances. A boost setting of 9 maximizes all of the parameters, setting the top performers' power and traction values to reach their maximum (999) and the drag to its minimum (1). The remaining "classes" of drivers have their numbers increased appropriately, maintaining their standing (and distance) with the top drivers. The ranges of the performance characteristics are maintained and the distance between the performance classes are adjusted with the "gap" argument. For instance, Rusty Wallace original DINFO line follows: DINFO 2 1 0 475 562 475 562 100 150 475 562 Rusty_Wallace ... After running NCBOOST 9: DINFO 2 1 0 912 999 912 999 001 051 475 562 Rusty_Wallace ... The aggression levels remain untouched, as changing these did not seem to have any effect during limited testing. Currently, the main performance classes are hard coded into the program. If you have tweaked a driver's performance characteristics, NCBOOST will simply assign them the next higher original "class".