THE BLOOD DEMON ARISES! This is the ultimate blood patch for dehacked 2.1. I and my staff have worked for over 75 hours testing, re-testing, fixing, and fine tuning this patch until I and my staff were satisfied with our work. Basically everything bleeds on contact. From the walls right down to inanimate objects. All pedastals, candles, hanging bodies, dead bodies are shootable and have enough mass to withstand a rocket. Also a new ending on episode 3.And just a few things to keep you awake! Also color changes have been made possible. EVERYTHING that was green is now red! All you have to do is load the patch, write it, and run it! Have Fun! Done by James Rizzo and his staff. P.S. Leave me a message at Software Creations BBS if you have any sugestions. My staff and I are also doing a doom 2 patch and we have another problem. The pools of blood that are created seem to be making much slowdown in the game and even up to some points where you can't see the agressor. Once again if you think I should leave that in that's totally up to your reply. One more thing, if you get a chance read the revison.txt