DeHackEd v2.3 By Greg Lewis (Tree) This file contains the general start-up instructions and info. Please read it first for info on how to best use DeHackEd! Note that whenever I refer to doom.exe in the following document, it is synonomous with doom2.exe (unless specifically stated otherwise). Caveat #1: The sound code may not work perfectly. You should be able to play sounds repeatedly (as opposed to previous versions of DeHackEd), but it might still not be perfect. Go for it and find out yourself. Caveat #2: This should be compatible with all Doom and Doom 2 versions after Doom 1.2, with the exception of version 1.8. If it's not compatible with your version, upgrade to Doom(2) v1.9, which is supported. Patches should be fully forwards-compatible between all of the Doom versions, but for some patches the Text section may not transfer correctly (since every different Doom has a slightly different Text section). This said, it should be fairly simple to set up DeHackEd. I advise you to set up a different directory to store all of your DeHackEd file in so as to not clutter up your main Doom directory. As long as the DEHACKED.INI file and the DEHACKED.EXE file are in the same directory, you should be all set. Before running DeHackEd you WILL need to edit the ini file and make sure that all of the filenames and paths are correct for your system. Once that is done you should be able to run DeHackEd and start editing stuff! Now you should be all set up. Have fun, let me know if you have any problems and I'll try to help you out.