================================================================ Title : Flying Monsters Filename : flymon.deh Author : Michael Zmuda Email Address : (don't have one yet...) Misc. Author Info : Teenage DOOM-er. Description : A patch for DeHacked v2.0/v2.2 which makes all monsters in DOOM/DOOM 2 fly! (Of course, except the Spiderdemon and the Cyberdemon...) Additional Credits to : Greg Lewis for making DeHacked. ================================================================ * Construction * Editor(s) used : DeHacked v2.2 Known Bugs : None * Where to get this Patch * BBS numbers: Software Creations BBS (508) 365-2359 (2400 baud) (508) 368-7036 (9600-14.4k v.32bis) (508) 368-4137 (14.4k16.8k HST/DS)