============================================================================== Title : HEREDOOM.WAD Author : Nick Tortorelli Email Address : none Misc. Author Info : Description : There I was, sitting at my computer, blasting away at some demons in a DOOM ][ pwad I got from this BBS. I was thinking, I wish I could make my own Pwad, but I just don't have the skill and/or imagination to do it. Then it hit me. I would do what so many other red-blooded americans have done. I have something far greater than skill or imagination, I have total disregard for others. I would rip-off, I mean "translate" somebody else's level. Now, I thought, whose level should I translate? Someone who wouldn't, or couldn't track me down and bludgeon me to death. Raven Software was the obvious answer. They won't give a darn what I do and they aren't in my area. Thus began my noble quest to translate a level for Heretic to a level for Doom ][. I did my best to preserve the level's integrity. all the textures, floors, and ceilings are as accurately matched as I could make them. I could not make a current in the water, though. The enemies were translated as well as possible. Mummies became Demons, Gargoyles became Lost Souls, and those Skeleton Knights became Hell Knights. I also used DeHackEd 2.2 to alter the enemies. Demons were slowed down to Mummy speed and strength. The same for Lost Souls and Hell Knights. The elvenwand is now the pistol, the ethereal crossbow is now the shotgun, and the dragon claw (multiplayer) is now the chaingun. Included is DeHackEd 2.2 shareware and the HEREDOOM wad itself. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : E1M1 of Heretic Build Time : 1 day, straight! Editor(s) used : DEU and DEUTEX(to extract the Heretic map) Known Bugs : None, although the stairs raise up a bit fast. Additional Credits to : The authors of DEU and DEUTEX for their wonderful shareware, yes I said shareware. Also thanks to Raven Soft. for not pressing legal charges. Instructions : Unzip the HEREDOOM.ZIP file into your DOOM2 directory. Type HEREDOOM to start playing. Settings will automatically be set back to normal when you end the game. By the way, DOOM2 had better be in the DOOM2 directory for this to work. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. Let the spirit of plagarism live on! * Where to get this WAD * BBS numbers: Software Creations BBS (508)365-2359