HHE v1.0 By Greg Lewis (Tree) gregl@umich.edu The start-up instructions for using HHE are very basic. Here's the easy 3-step list to get you started: 1. It's suggested to make a separate directory and store all of your HHE files there. It doesn't matter where you put it or what you call it, as long as the HHE.INI and HHE.EXE files are both in that directory you should be set. 2. Edit your HHE.INI file and change all the necessary parameters to reflect the setup of your computer. This should be as simple as changing a path or two, and filling in the specs for your Sound-Blaster compatible card. 3. Now making sure that HHE and the ini file are in the same directory, run HHE. As long as you don't get any errors, you're ready to start experimenting! If you do get any errors about finding the exe or WAD files that HHE needs, go back and double check that the paths are correct in the ini file. That is the most common cause of start-up problems. Now you should be all set up. Have fun, send me email if you have any problems and I'll try to help you out.