Thank you for trying out my HelpIt VB help assistant. I hope you will find it usefull. This release is a BETA version and MAY contain bugs. It was used successfullly to creat it's own help file as well as the ones included in other programs of mine. I have been using it now for about 6 months without any hitches. To Install, simply UNZIP this into a directory all it's own(I put mine in VB\HELPIT) and use program manager's FILE/NEW to add the icon to your VB group or you can put it in it's own group. You will need to use your PIF editor and edit the hc31.pif to point to your HC31.EXE program. Since we all tend to put it different places, I left it up to you the user. If you are programming in VB, you should be able to handle that little chore. By using a PIF, you can use the 3.1 or the 5.5 version of HC. They both work equilly well with HelpIt. The VBX's you should already have but are here just in case. The THREED.VBX is the newest(as of this release) directly from Sheridan's BBS. It corrects a couple bugs in the one released with VB 3.0 pro. You can AND SHOULD overwrite any older versions you may have. All applications that worked with the older one will work with this one.