Invisible Imps A Dehacked Patch for DooM ][ 1.7a By Bob "Scottie" Bruno Getting bored with all of the levels and WADs that seem sooo easy, well, her ya go. Plug this patch in and enjoy DooM ][ 1.7a as you never have before! This patch will make all Imps (Snarlies as I refer to 'em) invisible. It will also make their fireballs invisible. This should be adequate for all you serious Sadists (or Masachists) out there. This patch requires Dehacked V 2.2 and Registered DooM ][ 1.7a. IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE AND WILL TRASH YOUR DOOM2.EXE!!!!! It would be a wise move to back up your DOOM2.EXE. But, if you know what Dehacked is and how to use it, the point is moot and you already have a "NORMAL17.DEH" or something! I did not include Dehacked or an install program. I don't wanna be blamed for any possible typos in a batch file thus causing your DOOM2.EXE (or the entire Hard Drive) to go up in ashes!). If you wanna use it, you gotta learn to use DEHACKED!. Disclaimer: I nor any of my offspring, (Well, maybe my wife) shall not be held responsible for any damages to you programs, hard drive or computer resulting directly from the use of the patch contained directly herin. In addition, I nor any of my offspring (Again, maybe my wife) shall not be held responsible for any of the follow that may have occured directly by the use of the patch contained directly herin: 1 - Loss of lunch when your DOOM2.EXE barfs 2 - Your children forgetting what you look like cuz you spent too much time in front of your computer. 3 - Your wife kicking you ass out the door in the middle of the night during a blizzard cuz you forgot your anniversary but remembered your deathmatch schedual instead. 4 - Your dog having kittens Etc...Ect...Ect... Permissions: Authors MAY use this work as a base to build on. (Like I can do anything about it. Heh, I could always send my brothers Guido & Vito over to your home and havea them breaka botha ya kneecaps, but then I would have to pay them, feed them and lie to Mama about their whereabouts. Not worth it) Do what you want with it. I don't even want credit! I do ask that is you distribute THIS Patch, in the same condition as I released it, then you must include this file UNALTERED! Where to get it: Ha! that's a laugh, You must already have it if you are reading this file! Think 'bout it! But, for the sake of conformity (UGH) I will tell ya how to get it or any other great DooM things. SHOCK! BBS - 2 Lines: 802-868-5274 & 5658 The only place to get great DooM, Heretic, and whatever else come along add-ons!