-------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoy playing this game. Please pass it around to your friends, and if you like it, please register. To register send $10 check, or money order (payable to Grant Tregay), and the order form at the bottom of this file to: Grant Tregay 0N660 Brandon Blvd Winfield, IL 60190 For registering, you will receive game type "b", and on/off switches for the sound, and the next piece display. For an additional $5 you can get layers for 2 players! See the order form below. Please include any comments or suggestions for improvements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | order form for layers | | | | NAME:________________________ DATE: \ \ | | | | ADDRESS:__________________________________________ | | | | CITY:________________ | | | | STATE:____ HOW DID YOU GET THIS GAME? | | | | ZIP:___________ _______________________________________ | | | | $10 for game type b alone | | inclosed is (circle one) | | $15 for both game type b, and two players. | | | | disk size(3.5, 5.25) ___________ | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|