°°±±²²Û¿Super Weapons 7ÚÛ²²±±°° ÔÊÏÊÏÊÏÊÏÊÏÊÏÊÏʾ Steve Skwarok Super Weapons 7 /============-------------\ 0 - IntroductionÄÄÄ¿ 1 - InstallationÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÂÄ¿ 2 - Command Prompt(s)ÄÄÄÅÂÙ 3 - Authors SuggestionsÄÁÙ \============-------------/ Ú¿ Ã0ÅÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÀÁÙ ³What is "Super Weapons 7" ?³ ³It's a DOOM2.EXE file that ³ ³makes all of the weapons in³ ³DOOM II shoot like crazy! ³ ³You've got no limit to the ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³amount of ammo you wan't to³ ³This program is ment to make your ³ ³pump out of you're pistol!!³ ³old DOOM II game allot more fun ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ´and interesting! I created this ³ ³EXE using DeHacked 2.2! I found a ³ ³way that I could alter this so you³ ³can use it on your computer! Make ³ ³sure that you are using a fully ³ ³registered version of DOOM II!ÚÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1 - Installation \================----------------------- To install this program, simply UNZIP it! Now copy the file's to you're DOOM II directory! That's all you have to do! There should be two files included with this ZIP! If there are anymore, it has been messed with! DO NOT USE IT! I WILL NOT TAKE ANY OF THE BLAME FOR YOUR TROUBLES WITH THIS PROGRAM! But, I will gladly help you to solve them! 2 - Command Prompt(s) \================----------------------- To run this program, type SUPRWEP7 at command prompt! Use it exactly the same way that you would use you're DOOM2.EXE file! 3 - Authors Suggestions \================----------------------- USE ALL OF THE CHEAT CODES! IT'S FUN THAT WAY! HEHEHE! Unless you wan't to play properly! I do! Why don't you¨? You may distribute this ZIP freely! Aslong as the following file's are intact: SUPRWEP7.TXT SUPRWEP7.EXE Thank's! And enjoy! Steve Skwarok Any suggestion's or problems? Bailey@Edmonton.Freenet.ab.ca