<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AniPaint 3D Animator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VCXPLAYR ~~~~~~~~ This player uses one driver the VGA256.BGI It also requires SMARTDRV.EXE to run smoothly. If you do not have smartdrv.exe then you need to use a ramdrive. If the files in total are 4 meg and you have 4 meg of ram, then in autoexec.bat use smartdrv.exe 4000 (smartdrive defaults to 2 meg if you have 8 meg of ram) If you don't have smartdrv then copy all the files to a ramdrive and in config.sys use the command device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 4000 This will create a 4 meg ramdrive on your next available drive. see your DOS manual for more information. If you do not have any extra ram it will only run as fast as your harddrive .( Not very, certainly not 46.2 frames per second) It is a Borland 256 color bgi driver that hopefully will work with your card. If not let me know. I did not convert it to FLI because it is over 200% smaller than a ping/pong FLI when zipped and delivered in this format. Here is the syntax for the player VCXPLAYR /h a small help screen of commands VCXPLAYR /t test initializing graphics VCXPLAYR /L pipe the names of the vcx in the current directory to VCXLST.TXT VCXPLAYR Plays the files in VCXLST.TXT until a key is pressed The Player, the VCX Clips, VGA256.BGI and VCXLST.TXT have to be in the same directory to run. I used getenv(comspec) to pipe the directory into a file. That means if it can't find command.com in the comspec environment variable, the pipe routine won't work and you have to either put the line set comspec=c:\command.com (or wherever it is) or make the list manually. You have to edit it manually anyway. How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It reads VCXLST.TXT from line 1 to end of file then starts over. You can arrange the order to any order with DOS Edit or your text editor of choice. To ping/pong the set, you use clip 21,22,23...40,39,38....22 You can also go 28,35,22, but these clips are not the type of sequence that would benefit from doing it that way. I have clocked it at 29.13 full screen frames per second with Windows in the background. There are 20 frames but ping pong uses 38. In 60 seconds it played 1,748 full screen frames It played 46.233 frames per second without Windows in the background. 2774 full screen frames in 60 seconds. On a 50 mhz 486 DX2 If you have a 486 66, I would appreciate it if you could clock it for me. You could send a message e-mail Load smartdrv.exe then exit windows and run the VCXPLAYR from DOS. If you want to clock it, just start timing at the top of any loop, start or finish and count each time it repeats. It repeats one set every 38 frames. You can't count individual frames. See how many sets it does in a minute. Then just multiply and divide like so 38 * number of sets / 60 seconds = frames per second. ( or maybe seconds per frame but I sure hope not ) Rick Sobie, P.O. Box # 1166 Lake Cowichan, British Columbia Canada V0R 2G0 tel: 604-749-6260 voice Fax / Data by request at the same number e-mail address Rick.Sobie@f204.n340.z1.fidonet.org Shareware This player VCXPLAYR.EXE is free to registered users of AniPaint. All others are requested to pay 5$ or supply some other form of incouragement, moral support, financial or otherwise.