Welcome to PhileoNet. Fellowship. Prayer. Talk. Christians Forum Listing Updated: Jan 17, 1995 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Name/Number: 7 - PhileoNet Administration Description: A private communication forum exclusively for the Network SysOps and Conference Host(ess) to discuss Administrative operations of the network and to advise the network SysOps of changes, and/or new information available on the network. Host: Network Overseers Name/Number: 8 - Fellowship Description: This conference exists to fellowship with the brethren. It is the "family meeting" place, the "town hall" and in general a place to meet other believers. The posts will range from personal introductions to light hearted discussions about various topics. Threads which become very focused will be redirected to a more specific forum. Host: Curtis Taylor Name/Number: 9 - The Word Description: Focuses on Scripture interpretation. Scripture clarifi- cations are presented via correlation with other Biblical script. What does the Word say, what exactly is meant, for who is the scripture directed at, and so on. Lively posts causing us all to search the Bible are common. Host: Mark Hurd Name/Number: 10 - Preach It Description: A forum for those in the Ministry to share with each of us what their ministry is working on and how each of us could apply them in our local churches, share and discuss sermons, as well as learning how to defend our faith, that our swords of the spirit may be strong. Host: Open... Name/Number: 11 - Prayer Closet Description: Prayer and Praise Conference Cords to Bind us together in His Love We will speak out for those who have no voices, We will stand up for the rights of the oppressed, We will speak Truth and Justice, We'll defend the poor and needy, .............How?................... We'll lift up the weak in Jesus name. We will speak out for those who have no choices, We will cry out for those who live without love, We will show God's compassion, to the crushed and broken in spirit, .............How?.................. We will lift up the weak in Jesus name. May we be an encouragement to one another as we see the day approaching. The Prayer Closet Forum is a required Forum for each PhileoNet Node. This Forum is a special place where both Prayer Requests may be posted, and also the Praise Reports may be shared so that others who are walking through similar trials my receive encouragement, hope and learn how others with similar trials have overcome the trials through the power of prayer. Host: Brother Bob Davis Name/Number: 12 - Teen2Teen Description: This Conference is designed for use by the teenage caller only. A place to discuss the difficulties of attending secular schools, what your youth group is doing, etc. This is an excellent place to ask for help with the daily struggles which are so strong among the peer group. Hosts: Branin Johnson & Sunni Meade Name/Number: 13 - Overcomers Description: From the Hebrew word, Rapha means "healing". Today in this broken and confused world, millions of people each day are walking towards healthy living by walking a 12 step program where their "higher power" is the Lord, Jesus Christ. This conf. is not available to debate Jesus Christ as the "higher power" but rather a safe harbor for those working a program to encourage others and a place for those with questions to seek answers from a friend who has been down the same road. This Forum will not debate the wordly higher power concept and will not allow debate about established groups that wish to endorse other than Jesus Christ as their Higher Power. It is a place to begin a recovery of any type where Jesus Christ is the Higher Power and take those hard steps to walk towards healing. Host: Jack Larkin Name/Number: 14 - Announcements Description: This is the forum for all of our local sysops to advertise their BBS and share ANSI/RIP screens from our creative artists who've displayed their talents! Also, a great place to ask those "how do I do" questions from those who hold the answers. Advertise your local events concerts, church events, etc here also. Host: Each PhileoNet SysOp Name/Number: 15 - Beginnings Description: This forum discusses the beginning of the world using the Genesis account of how God created the Heavens and the Earth. Host: John Lewis Name/Number: 16 - Family Matters Description: This forum is for the discussion of how to bring joy and love into your marriage. Also, discussions about the things can tear apart a couple and how to avoid them. And how about all the hopes and dreams and pitfalls of Parenting? Lets talk about that too. As a plus we have a host with some great insight into home schooling too, lets talk. In all, a place to share ideas, problems and seek advice from those who have experience. Hosts: Tiffany Leonard and Lyndee Hawkins Name/Number: 17 - Social Issues Description: Nationally, these topics continue to receive a great deal of press. With the new administration already lifting restrictions which have been in place for years, this conference allows for each person to learn what the Bible teaches the believer about volatile social issues. Host: Open... Name/Number: 18 - World Religions Description: The discussion/interaction of various World religions as well as, the many cults and the occult their origins and beliefs verses the beliefs of Christianity. Host: Gill Rapoza Name/Number: 19 - Timothy Ministries Description: This forum is for the discussion of Youth and/or College Ministry programs. The "How To's" thru the "We Are Doing" will be likely found. Host: Open... Name/Number: 20 - Computers in the Church Network - Description: This forum is for the technical discussions of the *NEW* OnLine Bible release and/or the SeedMaster Bible. Also the use of Computers and associated hardware and all the myriads of software that one could use in various computer applications and how they can be used in the ministry of the church. This is the support Forum and where possible the authors will be notified with problems that are software related. But you can be sure to get some great advice from some knowledgeable brothers and sisters. Host: CITC Net Name/Number: 21 - For Sale Description: Through the power of multiple BBS's, list the items you have for sale, or list the items you are looking for. No restriction on what can be in the posts as long as no illegal items are advertised or sought. Businesses may sell only Christian or Computer Items Host: Jim Rooney Name/Number: 22 - Go Ye Description: This forum is for the discussion of all Mission Field Ministries. Both at home and abroad. If it is a new grow church or a group you or your church has sent to reach others, this is the place to share what is now working and what does not work. What you church/group is doing and how the family can help. Host: Gary Frankson Name/Number: 23 - Devotions Description: This forum is for Devotional Material. Most will be posted by the hosts, but additional Devotions may be posted by users and some material may be coming in from outside of PhileoNet. Feel free to share them in your daily devotions Host: Chad Ruffin & Bob Coss Name/Number: 24 - One in Christ Description: This forum is for the those who are now SINGLE no matter how your life has brought you to this place. You may have never been married, or recently divorced, or may be now a widow. No matter the case, this is the Forum to talk and meet those who also are not married at this time in their lives. Host: Open.... Name/Number: 25 - Prison Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of what you and or your church is doing in an outreach program targeted at the people in Prison. Host: Gill Rapoza Name/Number: 26 - Treble Clef Description: This forum is for the discussion of to grow a Music Ministry so that the Church it serves grows. The gift of MUSIC is a very special one - this is a place for those who have this gift to share. Host: Stacy "Buzz" Wilson Name/Number: 27 - GenX2Boomers Description: Discussions of the relationships and differences between teens and adults. Most discussions surround the eternal question of both groups: "Why do they DO that?" Host: Samantha Wootten Name/Number: 28 - End Times Description: This forum is for the discussion of our last days here on Earth. The Bible tells us when we see earthquakes and many other manifestations, we need to know the redemption draws nigh. Host: David Klingelberg Name/Number: 29 - Survivors of Abuse Description: This forum is to discuss all areas of abuse, emotional, physical and sexual and how it effects the victim & their families. This is to support those who are victims of abuse of any kind, for their families to better understand them and for those who wish to be more informed on this sensitive but widespread issue. This is the only Conference in which an alias may be used, please notify your sysop of your alias. Host: Gina Clark Name/Number: 30 - Theology Description: This forum is for the discussion of all sorts of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. The threads will heat up because of the various view points. Of all the forums on PhileoNet this *is* the debate forum. Host: Ron Wallace Name/Number: 31 - The_Chair Description: This forum is PRIVATE and is for settling disputes between folks on this Net in a Christian way. By Invite ONLY. Host: Curtis Taylor Name/Number: 32 - On-Line Bible College Description: This forum is for the discussion of the On-Line Bible College - an institution for higher learning based on a BBS system - Latest file: OLBC9404.ZIP Host: Charles Wootten Name/Number: 33 - Sysop_Spouses Description: Actually, the name is still in question, you might call it Sysop_spouse. It's for the dear life-partners of the Sysops of this net to chit-chat, commiserate, and generally formulate the plans that will eventually become absolute law for the sysops of the Net. This is the Sysop_Bosses conference. This is also an Invitation-only conference. Sysop's wives are automatically invited. Host: Debbie Davis Name/Number: 34 - InterChrist Description: This is a shared conference aimed at linking Christian Networks together that each of them only need carry one additional conf on their network and we on PhileoNet will be able to fellowship with chistians all around the globe on various Christian Networks. Host: Each Network Administration Name/Number: 35 - Why Jesus? Description: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen" This is a shared conference aimed primarily at secular networks and BBS's with the purpose of sharing Jesus with a lost and dying world. Due to the fact of reaching out onto secular highways and biways it is recommended that if carrying this conference that it have a higher security level so as not to offend or cause another to stumble on the main stream conferences of PhileoNet. Host: David Klingelberg & The Why Jesus? Team Name/Number: 36 - PN SysChat Description: This is a place for sysops & conference hosts to rap about all that they need to. Day to day antics of the network and a place they can let their hair down(if they have any left) and have fun. Host: Open Name/Number: 37 - Promise Keepers Description: This conference is for men only and is for only those men who agree to be committed to the seven promises of a Promise Keeper. This conference will aid in the praying, encouraging, teaching, sharing of men to keep accountable to God for the promises they have made to be more like Him. Host: Buggs Bugnon Name/Number: 48 - Overseers Description: This conference is restricted to the Network Overseers and is for the purpose of discussing net situations, changes, policy, and voting. If you would like to get a topic introduced here post a message in ADMIN to one of the overseers and the subject will be addressed in the next business meeting. Host: The Holy Spirit, we hope :) Additional Conferences may be added from time to time as the Lord leads If you have an idea for a new conference, simply post a message to Curtis Taylor in Fellowship. From there, the Network SysOps will be advised of the suggestion and be asked if they would carry such a conference. If a majority will carry the conference, guidelines will be established and the conference will be installed. When you make your suggestion, please also indicate if you would be willing to serve as the Host(ess) for this conference.