TeacherWorks Gradebook Professional Designed and Written by: Ronald N. Grout Copyright (c) 1988-94 R & G Software This program is in archived form, and may be installed by following the instructions in START.TXT. To print out START.TXT, log onto the install disk, turn on your printer, and type: TYPE START.TXT > PRN then press the key. The printed document will be 2 pages long. A 19 page tutorial is also on this disk. To print out that tutorial, turn on your printer and type: TYPE TUTOR.TXT > PRN ATTENTION: This program is not PUBLIC DOMAIN. You are permitted to test use it at your convenience for 90 days. After that time, either register this program with R & G Software or stop using it. You may register by printing out ORDER.FRM on the install disk and filling out the needed information. ORDER.FRM may be printed out by turning on your printer, logging onto the install disk, and typing: TYPE ORDER.FRM > PRN then press the key.