README.TXT - CodeTable/2 PLEASE NOTE: This program requires Version 2.1 or higher of VROBJ.DLL. This DLL can be obtained from Library 16 of the PowerSoft/Watcom Forum on Compuserve. There are a number of different versions of this DLL in Library 16. Make sure you get the right one. General Information ------------------- CodeTable/2 is a reference tool containing information pertaining to the ASCII code table. Each code is shown in decimal, hexadecimal and binary formats. If a glyph (the graphic assigned to an ASCII value) exists for the code, it is shown. Optionally, mnemonics can be displayed in place of glyphs for those codes which are controls (e.g. carriage return, line feed, transmission control codes, etc.). The full control name or an enlarged view of the glyph can be displayed in a pop-up window by clicking on a row with the right mouse button. Selected codes can also be copied or appended to the clipboard. CodeTable/2 also features context-sensitive help. Files ----- CODETB.ZIP contains the following files: CODETAB.EXE CODETAB.HLP README.TXT License Information ------------------- CodeTable/2 is freeware. There is no charge for using this software. You may distribute this software freely as long as you have not modified it in any way and it is distributed as a package containing all of the aforementioned files. By installing and using this software you agree to the following: The Software Mill is not responsibile for any loss of data, loss of revenue or damage to hardware which might result from the use of this software. Comments/Suggestions/Questions ------------------------------ I can be reached on Compuserve. Please send messages to 73147,613.