I have seen the 'NO RULES' networks and am not impressed. These rules are not written in stone however, so if you see something that is a problem, conflict or that you just don't agree with post in ADMIN to John and we'll discuss it. I would suggest that you post these rules as a bulletin to your callers. ============================================================================= 1) There will be absolutely no flaming outside of the flame conference. If you have a nasty comment for someone, take it out in the flame conference. Violation of this rule constitutes immediate addition of your name to the tcan list for all of Dynamic Net. 2) Aliases are strictly prohibited in all non-adult areas. Adult echos may or may not use aliases depending on the Node Sysop's rules. 3) Quotes are to be kept short and to the point. Please use quoting whenever possible, it helps others remember previous discussions. 4) Signature Lines are to be no more than two lines. (They look neat, but they do take alot of space) 5) A Head Moderator will be assigned to oversee the activities of all moderators. Moderators will maintain their repsective conference topic, and post conference rules bi-monthly. Any user suspensions are temporary in nature (not to exceed 5 days) unless approved by the Head Moderator or the Network Administrator. 6) dNet Admin and dNet News - Must be carried by all nodes and all hubs. All other echos are carried at the discretion of the node sysop. 7) Hubs are completely responsible for their nodes, they may approve node applications so long as that application is received by the Network Administrator within 72hrs. Hub approved access is temporary and is contingent upon final approval from the network administrator. (Usually within 48hrs.) 8) Each Node has rejection authority over applications by systems in the original node's calling area if it is a free call in both directions (Original to New / New to Original). Any rejection action brought by a node will be finalized by the HUB of the original node upon verification of infringement of a calling area. Any rejection action must be taken with 72hrs of new Short Form Application posts. (see Short Form below) 9) HUBS must post short form application (see below) in dNet News within 12 hours of approving a node. - Short Form Application ---------- cut here ------------------------------- BBS SYSTEM NAME _______________________________ SYSOP NAME _______________________________ PHONE NUMBER(s) _(_____)_______-_______________ CITY, STATE _______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) The Network Administrator and ALL HUB SysOps absolutely may not be held liable for any damages resulting from access to adult materials. Access to adult sections of dNet are controlled by individual node System Operators and are beyond the control of the administrators of this network. Node SysOps MUST require proof of legal age as required by the state in which that node operates before granting access to ANY adult section of this network to any caller / or other user. 11) HUBS are expected to actively recruit nodes for the obvious current reason of growth. 12) HUBS will provide one temporary user account on their BBS Systems so that any SysOp may call and download a current packet. That account shall read as follows: FNAME : dNET LNAME : Guest PW : SIGNMEUP Any caller using the above login information MUST be granted access to download all Non-Adult dNet echo mail. 13) All applications to become a moderator must be fowarded to the Network Administrator via dNet Admin. Just a message with the applicants name and conference desired will do. 14) Currently there are no moderators for the Adult Echos. Any person that desires to host an Adult Echo MUST make arrangements through their respective node SysOp to apply to the appropriate RC. RC's may or may not require a voice call. Proof of age WILL be made to the RC. RC's have the authority to temporarily appoint an applicant to host an adult conference. The temporary status will be changed to permanent upon the receipt of proof-of-age by the Network Administrator from the RC. 15) Thes rules are not written in stone, they are written in the Network Administrator's text editor, as such, they may be changed by the "" "" "" "" "" any time, and for any reason.