Enhanced CNFN.PPE history ---- 1.2 ---- FINALLY!!! The security level check bug has been found and squashed. Doing some logging, I found that some conferences would have security levels of outrageous numbers to join (like 10764564) even though they would have , for example, 25 in PCBSETUP. Fixed. New Security Option to prevent display of blocks for users with insufficient security. Included an optional override for forcing display if user is registered in one or more conferences in the block. CFG file format has been changed slightly. Please read the DOC file or examine the sample CFG file for examples. Added Security, Graphic, Language display options, and Language specific prompts. Please review the DOC file for required changes and updating requirements for all files. THANKS to BUTCH DUNN of the No*Name BBS for all his help in testing and tracking down the security bug!!!! (and noticing a typo in this file ) ---- 1.2b ---- Beta - Not released - attempt to correct a security level bug. ---- 1.1 ---- Minor bug fixes. Used a WORD variable where an INTEGER should have been used. Conversion of INTEGER to BOOLEAN value was faulty, causing conferences to be displayed that use didn't have access to. Fixed. Errant WAIT in code removed. ---- 1.0 ---- First Release. I'm sure it has bugs, now to find them :)