Quick installation instructions (see PCB docs for specifics): Creat a separate security level, and a DEMO ACCOUNT for new users. Create the file you want to have available for downloading to the new user. -place the file in your DLPATH.LST -create an entry in the FSEC file making the file a FREEFILE UnZip the PPE and its accompaning files into a directory. Edit the CFG file to reflect the proper values. It is commented. Edit the display file if you want. Now the important part. Create a security specific display file (see pcboard manual). If your demo security level is 5 create a file named 5. in the proper directory. in the file, include the line: "!d:\path\REGREQ.PPE" without quotes. That's it! The PPE will allow the user to DL the specified file, or leave their name and address if they don't want to download the file, either way, posting a message to the sysop (or whoever is designated in the CFG file). The last thing the PPE does is log the caller off, preventing any further access to the Board.