Quick installation instructions (see PCB docs for specifics): Creat a separate security level, and a DEMO ACCOUNT for new users. This is is the recommended setup for a closed board, but the PPE can be used for any security level in an open system. Create the file(s) you want to have available for downloading to the new user. - place the file(s) in your DLPATH.LST - create an entry in the FSEC file making the file(s) a FREEFILE UnZip the PPE and its accompaning files into a directory. - Edit the CFG file to reflect the proper values. It is commented. - Edit the LST file to reflect the needed values. It is commented. - Edit the display file if you want. This file is displayed when the PPE is executed and can display anything you like. I recommend short and simple, tell the reason you are using the PPE and what it will do. This file can have language and graphic specific variations as well. Now the important part. Create a security specific display file (see pcboard manual). If your demo/new user security level is 5 create a file named 5. in the proper directory defined in PCBSETUP. in the file, include the line: "!d:\path\REGREQ.PPE" without quotes. That's it! The PPE will display a list of files you have described in the LST file and ask the user to toggle the files they want and allow them to download the selected files. If no files are selected, or the user chooses not to DL any files, they will be asked if they want information mailed to them, and if so, will ask their name and address. If the user DL's files, or requests information, the appropriate message will be posted to the designated person defined in the CFG file in the conference defined. The last thing the PPE does is log the caller off, if selected in the CFG file preventing any further access to the Board, or passing control to PCBoard if not selected. BETA NOTICE ----------- This is a bug-fix and includes a couple requested features. Because of some re-writing, new bugs may have been introduced. Please leave me a message on my BBS at (901)-925-2503 in Conf #5. You can also find all new releases and updates to my PPE's there. I can also be reached via: Intelec (PCBoard, CDCSupport, PPL Programming, NetChat, etc....) U'NI-net (NetChat, Programming, etc...) I don't carry all conferences, but any of the above would be a safe bet :) Thanks for your interest, Herbert Bushong