* June 4, 1994 * RWLIST Ver. 1.0b1 Initial beta release. * June 5, 1994 * RWLIST Ver. 1.0b2 Fixed some glaring errors. * June 20, 1994 * RWLIST Ver. 1.0 First Release * June 28, 1994 * RWLIST Ver. 1.1 A few bugs were found in the first release, this release takes care of those bugs. On some systems the File Area Name boxes were not being done right. For some reason the List Compile Date was not changing with each run. Refined the Key system a bit. * July 1, 1994 * RWLIST Ver. 1.5 Major change in that the Number of Files and Bytes information is now located at the top of each file area listing. Refined the registration system even more. * March 26, 1995 * RWLIST Ver. 2.0 Had almost forgotten about this program it was working that well. But things can only get better. Made some very signifigant speed increases, without decreasing the list quality. Spawn out to archive the list, supports (ZIP,LHA,ARJ). Changed the key system slightly, no more confusion over capitalization of BBS names.. Finally.. *****************************************************************************