Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 10:12:00 -0600 From: BITNET list server at UA1VM (1.8a) Subject: File: "QUIZ1Q LESSON" MAP-EXTRA: POP QUIZ #1 "This is a test of the Emergency Broadband System. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, your local newsgroups and mailing lists -- in voluntary co-operation with state and local officials -- would have posted alarmist spams announcing imminent death of the Internet. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadband System. Thank you." -- Malinda McCall DIRECTIONS: Please read these directions carefully. This quiz has four parts: - five multiple guess questions - five true/false questions - three short answer questions - two bonus questions The answers to this quiz will be e-mailed to you tomorrow. Do not, repeat DO NOT send your answers to Patrick or to the list. This quiz is entirely self-graded :) PART ONE: MULTIPLE GUESS Please read each paragraph carefully, and then select the response that best answers the question asked in the paragraph. 1. I'm subscribed to the 'squirrel' LISTSERV mailing list (SQUIRREL@UA1VM.UA.EDU). I just heard a story about how an energetic squirrel once crashed the mainframe at Mississippi State University during registration (a true story) and I want to share this information with everyone on the 'squirrel' mailing list. What address should I send my e-mail letter to if I want the letter to be distributed to everyone on the "squirrel" list? a. LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU b. SQUIRREL@UA1VM.UA.EDU c. PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU d. PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV 2. I'm looking for a list of all known LISTSERV lists. What LISTSERV command should I use to get such a list? a. REVIEW GLOBAL b. INDEX GLOBAL c. LISTS GLOBAL d. GET GLOBAL 3. Okay, I just got the "list of lists." I found a neat list called "navigate" but the list of lists only shows the address as NAVIGATE@UBVM. What address should I send my subscribe command to? a. NAVIGATE@UBVM b. NAVIGATE@UBVM.BITNET c. LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET d. PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU 4. I want to subscribe to the alt.abuse.recovery newsgroup. I sent a e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU with the command SUBSCRIBE ALT.ABUSE.RECOVERY JOE STUDENT, and I got back an error message saying that "alt.abuse.recovery" is unknown to the LISTSERV. What's going on? a. alt.abuse.recovery is full, and LISTSERV can not find any room to add you b. alt.abuse.recovery is a Usenet newsgroup; you have to subscribe to the group from a Usenet reader c. alt.abuse.recovery does not exist d. the squirrels have eaten the alt.abuse.recovery newsgroup. 5. How can I unsubscribe from the Roadmap workshop? a. send an e-mail letter to ROADMAP@UA1VM.UA.EDU which says UNSUB * in the body of your letter. b. send an e-mail letter to PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU which says UNSUB * in the body of your letter. c. send an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU which says UNSUB * in the body of your letter. d. bug Patrick until he drops you from the workshop. PART TWO: TRUE OR FALSE Read each sentence carefully, and then determine if the sentence is true or false. 6. TRUE OR FALSE There is nothing wrong with giving my best friend my password. 7. TRUE OR FALSE WRITING IN ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED TO BE GOOD NETIQUETTE. 8. TRUE OR FALSE The word "squirrel" would be an excellent password. 9. TRUE OR FALSE Letters to a LISTSERV list should be sent to the LISTSERV address. 10. TRUE OR FALSE LISTSERV commands should be sent to the list address. PART THREE: SHORT ANSWER 11. One of my friends just e-mailed me a chain letter offering me good luck so long as I send the chain letter to ten additional people. Heck, there are several *hundred* people subscribed to each of the Usenet newsgroups and LISTSERV lists. Why can't I just forward the chain letter to these groups? 12. Patrick's dad said "DON'T include the entire contents of a previous posting in your reply(s)." Why *can't* I do this? 13. If someone spams a list that I am on, what should I do? Why shouldn't I just send my angry replies to the list? BONUS QUESTIONS 14. How many National Football Championships has the University of Alabama's Crimson Tide football team won? a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 15. Patrick Douglas Crispen is: a. overworked an underappreciated b. a great teacher c. a great person d. a squirrel *** DO *NOT* SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO PATRICK CRISPEN OR TO THE LIST. *** *** THIS QUIZ IS SELF-GRADED, AND THE ANSWERS WILL BE E-MAILED *** *** TO YOU TOMORROW. *** PATRICK DOUGLAS CRISPEN THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS LETTER DO NOT PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF THE THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA - TUSCALOOSA ROADMAP: COPYRIGHT PATRICK CRISPEN 1994. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.