To arrive at this point, you have clicked the Next button (or pressed the F10 or Enter key). Here we have popped up a mini text box. We have changed fonts and attributes and are scrolling a new text file. You will notice that the scrolling button bar, previously on the screen, is now activated for this text box. If you now click on the Next button (or press F10/Enter) you will be returned to the Control Panel main menu. If you click on the Previous button (or press F9) you will return to the first text scrolling box. You may use any of the custom fonts or the built in ROM fonts (ROM8, ROM14 and ROM16) inside of a scrolling text box. You can size the scroll area to any dimension on the screen. All of the attributes such as color, bold, underline, etc., are also available within the scrolling text box. The custom font we are using in this text box is proportional. That means the alpha characters are different in size. The font used in the previous scroll box was the built in ROM font, which is proportional. Don't forget to check out the tutorial scripts on publishing! ------- End of Text -------