WinAsm is a Windows Development Environment for Assembly Code development. It does not supply an Assembler, Linker, or Make utility. It requires that you (the User) supply these DOS based tools. This version has been tested with Borland Turbo Assembler 3.2 and 4.0. It has not been tested with Masm, but is designed to be configurable to Masm. This version DOES NOT support source files larger than 32k. Hopefully this will be changed in the next version. This program was written in Borland Delphi (beta version). This program is an autoextract PKZip file. To install, create a subdirectory (from DOS). Copy this file into the new subdirectory, and execute (type the filename) the file in the subdirectory. This will extract 3 files. The readme.doc has further information on installation.