This is what my area.bbs file looks like. I'll expain this set-up below. star bbs ! farrell reis -ZONEGATE=203/481 203/996 C:\FD\BAD_MSGS BAD_MSGS - KILL: 200 10D C:\MSG\TREK TREK 23 - KILL: 175 10D C:\MSG\GAMING GAMING 23 C:\MSG\FIDO FIDO 23 C:\MSG\FDECHO FDECHO 23 - KILL: 10 7D C:\MSG\HUH HUH 23 C:\MSG\WANNABE WANNABE 481 - KILL: 75 14d C:\MSG\SAC4SALE SAC4SALE 23 C:\MSG\SACRAP SACRAP 23 C:\MSG\NEWFILES NEWFILES 23 C:\MSG\AQUARIUM AQUARIUM 23 C:\MSG\AUDIO AUDIO 23 C:\MSG\AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 23 C:\MSG\CHATTER CHATTER 23 - KILL: 50 21D C:\MSG\DND DND 23 C:\MSG\FISHING FISHING 23 C:\MSG\HOBBIES HOBBIES 23 C:\MSG\PHOTO PHOTO 23 C:\MSG\SYSOP SYSOP 23 - KILL: 100 14D C:\MSG\TELIX TELIX 23 C:\MSG\TRADEWARS2 TRADEWARS_][ 23 C:\MSG\TV TV 23 C:\MSG\WILDCAT WILDCAT 23 C:\MSG\VIRUS_INFO VIRUS_INFO 23 the top line is your boards name and your name, don't forget the ! between them, It's required. See confmail docs for the Zonegate entry. For each echo you receive you need a line entry, they don't need to be in any order. the line consists of the directory name - a space - The echos real name - and the net number who you send the echo to. In my case all echos, except Wannabe, go to 1:203/23. In this set up only use the last number (23). the Kill lines are for MREN, The purge/renumber program. Each line applies to all echomail line after it, till the next kill line. the format of the kill line I use is: - KILL: ### ##D minus sign - space - KILL: - max number to keep - how old to keep messages. so in the above line I want to keep 100 messages in the directories and to only keep messages that are not over 14 days old.