Here is a list of programs required to run frontdoor using this set-up: FD199c.* Frontdoor version 1.99C CONF331.* Confmail version 3.31 or CONF_400.* Confmail version 4.00 MREN.* Purge/Renumber SPAZ_140.* Archive selector version 1.40 or SPAZ_150.* Archive selector version 1.50 SMLNET1F.* SMallnet version 1.0F The above files are available for FREQ at 1:203/481. They are also available on the Mustang support board. Spaz 1.50 will support the PAK 2.50+ archives. Confmail 4.00 no longer has the renumber and maintenance functions. But this set-up uses Mren for those so either version of Confmail will work. The best way to see our set-up is to set-up frontdoor in a spare work dir and unzip the Files ending in .SYS, like FD.SYS into that directory. Then run setup. This will put you into Frontdoors configuration program. You can now browse thru all the diff configuration area and see how my system is set-up. In the archive FDSETUP.ZIP Are the actual Configuration files and CAT.BAT that I use in my system along with text files explaining the CAT.BAT and AREA.BBS files. You will also find text files showing my Frontdoor and Messages Directories. In the config for fd under global you have address this is your node number that you need to chose from the node list that is not being used and is temporary it will be assigned from the nc hub once you have tested your system. the format of the address is 1:203/481 . This is my net node number and can be called by this number. Next is also under global Filenames these are the dirs that you create for fd to use mine are as follows d:\fd\ Frontdoor main dir d:\fd\mail for netmail d:\fd\file for any files that i rec from my hub d:\fd\packet for any incoming mail packets from the hub d:\fd\activity.log this is the log that fd creates to tell you whats going on with the system. This name is whatever you want i used activity.log for continuity d:\fd\nodelist\ to put the nodelist in for fd to find and use. d:\fd\mailonly.txt A text file, you make, to tell users that your only accepting mail calls at this time. d:\msg Lets frontdoor know what directory the echos are in. The next area in the FD config that gave us some problems was the modem command strings for init-1. The way it comes frontdoor wouldn't drop carrier and reinitialize after a call. So we Added to the init strings. INIT-1 ATH0S0=0Q0X4S7=45| INIT-2 ATE4M&D2| These commands work on my modem that is a Hayes compatible modem, ZOOM HC2400S. The next Item thats not fully explained in Frontdoors docs has to do with the event manager. eXternal events Will only run once a day. so if you are testing, the cat.bat file or other testing using the eXternal events you will have to make another eXternal event or delete the current one and make a new one. eXternal events require an errorlevel to exit with and a line in the cat.bat file with the same errorlevel If you must have an external event run even if the computer is in use at the time the event is supposed to run the set it as a forced event in the events behavior section. Mail events will run as many times you want them for testing, just by changing the start time. In the manager you also have folders you need to put in the names of your echo dirs and then your ready to go