A LIST OF EMPLOYEE SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR VERSION 1.3 1. The END key will calculate the hours worked by everyone for all of the days, and for the week. 2. The program will subtract unpaid lunch breaks from the amount of hours worked for the day. 3. Error trapping routines for bad disks, and full (or nearly full) disks were added. 4. Entry screen has better explanations for the special keys, and the time is displayed. 5. A couple of rarely seen bugs were eradicated. A LIST OF CHANGES FOR VERSION 1.2 1. You can now erase hours for a day by pressing the DELETE key when you have the day highlighted. 2. You can copy the hours you have just entered for one day, by moving to the day you want it copied to, and pressing the INSERT key. 3. When the schedule is printed out, it no longer uses military time. The schedule will have the time followed by either A for AM, P for PM, N for Noon, or M for midnight. 4. The program now asks for a job description, and places the job name below the person's name on the schedule printout, and on the entry screen. 5. A correction in instructions for when you have mistakenly started to enter hours for a day, and decide not to. 6. The starting day of the week is now selected by menu, instead of input.