SIMPCOM3 - Notes

This is the story, as you know we're still experiencing protocols failures.
These bugs are on the top of my list to get fixed, but since we can't seem
to duplicate them here, when we're testing, it makes it very hard to fix

We didn't write the new protocol routines in v3, instead we worked with
our good friends at Turbo Power Software over the past year to develop
an Async package for Turbo Pascal.

At this point we want to see if the bugs in our protocol routines are
actually in Turbo Power's package to unique to WILDCAT! therefore I have
made available 3 test programs for download.

SIMPCOM.ZIP  - Is a demo right from Turbo Power with no changes.

SIMPCOM2.ZIP - Is SIMPCOM with Carrier Detect checking.

SIMPCOM3.ZIP - Is SIMPCOM2 with WILDCAT!'s protocol windows.

Now, I don't care if the protocol windows are not perfect, I just threw
them in.  So please don't send me bug reports on this programs windows.

What I want to know, is if you take WILDCAT! down and run these SIMPCOM
tests programs, do your protocols work?  Specifically, if you're having
Major Problems with WILDCAT!'s downloads, then how does SIMPCOM work.

I'm looking for you to say, SIMPCOM1,2,3 etc... gives me the same general
results as WILDCAT!  ie, if 1 out of 10 downloads fail, then run enough
downloads with SIMPCOM1,2 & 3 until you can determine if it acts the same.

Also, you should be testing SIMPCOM with your Comm program you test WILDCAT!
with.  It doesn't do me any good if you test SIMPCOM with WILDCAT! because
we don't know who's fault it is if it fails.

I need each and everyone of you, who are having any protocol problems to
perform these tests.  I know its not fun, but if we don't get some feedback
we can't put our finger on this bug!

Lastly, if you do see protocol failures in your Error.Log it would help
if you could contact your caller and ask him what happen, what term program
he was using, etc...

